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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   How Often Are Gogoboys Offed?

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Old 12th December 2005, 06:20 AM
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 21
How Often Are Gogoboys Offed?

I wonder how often Thai gogoboys are offed monthly.And how much they get payed per nite by Mamasan?One of my friend said that his Thai BF(gogoboy)makes 40 bahts/night and get offed in everage twice montly.This seems miserable???
Any hints???
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Old 12th December 2005, 08:22 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
Posts: 1,935

Unless they are appearing in the shows, most gogo and host bar boys get no salary whatsoever. Maybe a free meal, maybe not. Virtually all their earnings come from tips.

The minimum a boy might expect to get offed a month is ZERO times. Obviously, boys who are not in demand like this don't stay in the business for very long. Other boys do 10 offs or more a week.

I'd say the "average" for an average boy is perhaps in the range of 8-12 offs a month.
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Old 12th December 2005, 09:34 AM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 23

Originally posted by icon513
I'd say the "average" for an average boy is perhaps in the range of 8-12 offs a month.
That's what I've been told by various boys too. And, of course, there are a few super stars who are offed EVERY night and work 26 days a month. And with the odd double offing (first customer at 9 p.m., second one at 11 p.m.) they could easily reach 30 offs a month.
And what is more, since these guys are definitely on the very attractive side, they make 1.500 Baht on average per off. So, a monthly income of more than 40.000 Baht is a practical possibility.
But, undoubtedly they're the exceptions that confirm the rule. I'd say there are one or two such guys in most of the popular bars, all other guys are in the range of the above mentioned average of 10 offs a month.
Johan the Viking
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Old 12th December 2005, 12:54 PM
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 37

This would make for a wonderful project: go to Bangkok, Phuket, Chaing Mai, and Pattaya and do a survey of the guys at the most popular of gogo bars and see what the results would be. Afterwards, publish at the various sites for one's information.

(In 1994 I was at a popular club which is across the street from BoyzBoyzBoyz in Pattaya. My group and I sat and watched the show, but out of the clear blue sky a guy sat on the floor near me and asked if I wanted to off him; I responded a polite no! He then took out his super long and thick dick and began saying everything that he could do to/for me, etc. Although I found his cock to be enticing, I would not yield and stayed firm. I did not desire to off him, but I really, really felt sorry for him. The young lad was persistent to the point of pleading.

He had an ok body and a very beautiful endowment (or talent as a few others have begun using), but his face was not one which I would/could look at for too long.)

After that incident which has lingered and lingered with me for some 11 yrs-- I still cannot blur the image which this guy and his actions left.

I share the above in regard to the initial query-- I would presume that this particular fellow received few offings during any given day, week, or month unless the takers would be completely oblivious to his face and selected him for that beautifully sculpted, turgid cock of his. Or perhaps face doesn't matter to them.
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Old 12th December 2005, 02:45 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239

And, don't forget that lots of the "popular" boys have farangs from all over the world who are regular customer of theirs who willingly put money into the boy's bank account every month. I'd say that some of them are making a killing that way, too. Before I moved to The Land of Smiles, I had as many bar boys give me their bank account numbers as I did give me their phone numbers. Of course, now that I live here, I have developed a bar reputation of "no off boy" and none of them could care less about me.

The real fun happens when a bar boy has two "number one customer" show up in BKK at the same time. Talk about a juggling act.......
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