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Old 9th December 2005, 10:04 PM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 247

Recently visited Male Box (near Central Rama 11)-they have little Japanese style loin cloths. Good local meeting place run by English speaking young entrepreneurs. Condoms and lube.
Cruising 11 (previously Sukhothai)-I know that the prize for most run down Bangkok sauna would be hotly contested but this one surely is up there. On the plus side-ceap, free booze, naked all the time and a bit of a walk on the wild side. No condoms or lube.
Babylon- same as always. Condoms and lube.
The Beach- also no where as good as used to be. They do not use the orgy room since that farang died there (ghosts?). Limited rooms. No condoms or lube.
Gaysorn (former Beach Massage) Latrao 112 -just new and naked upstairs. Condoms and lube.

Many are simply too dark-easy to stub toes, bang heads. I know that my looks benefit from darkness but a little light adds to atmosphere.

Many skinny guys-often worryingly skinny. A sobering experience is to visit Red Cross clinic to see the breadth of the HIV in Thai society.

I know we should all be responsible but I also think that these saunas are in the business of on site sex and should be providing basics such as condoms. HIV is far from defeated in Thailand, although there is better provision of drugs for positive people. Those who have been here for many years will recognise those guys at Pattaya or in the saunas who were once toned and fit but are now skinny and wasted.
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Old 10th December 2005, 08:25 AM
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skinny part

and to think skinny is my fave...
know how much they could make if they could make if they could figure out a way to market JUST the skinny part (of HIV)?
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Old 10th December 2005, 05:59 PM
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Safer sex practices should be fully promoted in ALL saunas through education of the patrons who apparently don't know; the venues should provide condoms and lube if it does not already.

But, of course, if anyone goes to the saunas, he knows the risks that he is taking, and he, himself, should practice safer sex, too.

If one knowingly knows an individual who is HIV+ and/or has full blown AIDS, then he has to decide whether or not he wants to be involved sexually with the individual.

The information in the thread is appreciated!
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Old 10th December 2005, 11:06 PM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Wink Please let me ask U

Dear Mr Gregvc ,

Thank you for the BKK local sauna info .

they have little Japanese style loin cloths. ( MALE BOX )

Do they have this FUNDOSHI night every day ?

They do not use the orgy room since that farang died there ( THE BEACH )

I didn't know this story .
How did it happen ?
Was he killed ? Or heart attack ?

just new and naked upstairs ( GAYSORN )


WOW ! I should try this place soon ( but I have to sneak out from our apartment when my BF sleeps )
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Old 11th December 2005, 02:52 PM
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Good point about some saunas being too dark - how can you cruise if you can't see what is on offer???

Any with lots of light and minimal clothing together???

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Old 11th December 2005, 09:26 PM
Join Date: May 2002
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Male BOX-has loin cloth every night.
Gaysorn-difficult to find-take a look at directions in one of the free away mags in BKK. It is a long way into the soi and then up a sub soi.
Last night- Hercules- only 6 customers, but they still had the show, free booze and free food. Other customers said that numbers were always down now and that although clean, repairs (broken toilet seat-OWWW!!!) were not done as before.
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Old 11th December 2005, 09:28 PM
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The Beach - I think he died (heart attack) more than a year ago. There were also raids at that time.
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Old 12th December 2005, 01:01 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Wink Thanks 4 the info

Gregvc Quotes ,

Male BOX-has loin cloth every night


So, this loin cloth becomes SEE THROUGH on Wednesdays , I guess .

Spoonfed Quotes ,

Any with lots of light and minimal clothing together???


Rooftop of 39 sauna before sunset .
With loin cloth on Mon , Wed , Fri , Sat & Sun ( before sunset time )
With underwear on on Thursdays .
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Old 17th December 2005, 05:46 AM
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Thank u NINJA!!!!

Was in BKK for 10 days last week...

Took Ninja's advice and went to Sauna Mania and 39 Underground!!!!

Enjoyed every minute and LOVED NAKED NIGHTS

Wish KL saunas would catch up and adopt this concept.... FAT CHANCE ( like the KL men!!!)
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Old 18th December 2005, 12:09 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Wink My Pleasure

Dear My Friend , Dreamorph ,

That's my real pleasure .

Was in BKK for 10 days last week

But I'm sorry that I couldn't WITNESS your NAKED shows .

I will vist KL for Sorngkran and July .
Please keep us informed about KL gay scenes .
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Old 19th December 2005, 03:33 AM
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in KL....

got to be careful here..since i am currently in Otot2 and logging in using their pc.

Mirage is close ( old news). Rumors says only for renovation. Didnt someoen here says that it is a pet store now? I will ask around and get some confirmation for all once i have any. or maybe Zippo can shed some light on this. is certainly booming for this sauna. They r expanding and renovating again. However, i cant say much about the crowd/patrons though..... Connect the dots yourself......boys.

New saunas......Mandi manda near Midvalley Megamall. Bambusa in Bukit Bintang and Kakiku in Cheras area ( apparently this is where the Mirage crowd go to nowadays).

Cheers every1 and remember to stay safe ALWAYS!!
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Old 19th December 2005, 09:59 PM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Smile 2 new saunas in KL

Dreamorph Quotes ,

Mandi manda near Midvalley Megamall.
Kakiku in Cheras area


WOW ! 2 new saunas in KL !!!

Do you know URLs of those saunas ?
Thanks in advance .

I am sure MR ZIPPO has been to those saunas already .
Right ?
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Old 19th December 2005, 11:59 PM
Join Date: Sep 2004
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Ninja...... sorry I can't help you with update on saunas in KL. I just hate to get univited attentions when at saunas. Just don't know how to get rid of those hands groping so I stay away from saunas
I just got a sms from Arlena in Cheras, KL that they have got 6new thai masseurs together with local chinese, Vietnamese and Malay. They were closed for sometime due to police raid on the Thai boys. Guess its all settled now and they are back in business. Their branch in PJ is also opened.
If I do have any other information....will keep you posted.

Have a Happy Christmas and Horny New Year guys!!!
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Old 21st December 2005, 02:05 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Spa Motel ?

According to a KL free gay map ,
KAKIKU advertises as a SPA MOTEL .

What's SPA MOTEL ???
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Old 21st December 2005, 09:12 PM
Join Date: Oct 2004
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What's a spa motel

My understanding is that that is the way to get around the law. A Malaysian friend told me a few years back that if a sauna is licensed under the "fitness club" category (which is the most appropriate, since there is no such thing as a "sex club" category, there is no reason why the place should have little rooms.

If an operator wants to include rooms in his premises, he needs to apply for a hotel licence.

This was told to me by way of explanation why Otot2 does not have rooms - is that still correct? Havne't been there for years.
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