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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Nature Boy... again

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Old 22nd October 2006, 01:36 AM
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Um, Dear, don't you have anything to say about the mamasan at NB being male? Your feathers are ruffled DARLING as you have been caught out - lying.

So Honey, is the mamasan Male or Female - I note from the amateurly bitchy replies to my post that no-one (and in particular YOU) has even refuted my statement.

That is all i have to say Sweetie. So my advice to you and to others is to actually VISIT a bar in BKK before posting your fantasises.

You state that you have read the board for years = well good on you, Pet, but the question remains Honey, have you ever left the computer long enough to visit BKK? I DONT think so.....DEAR. I rest my case............
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Old 22nd October 2006, 02:22 AM
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Interesting reply

Dear Paul,
The style of your latest reply seems extremely similar to a certain member (or two) of a certain board of which I was formerly a member. There has been not one equally obnoxious post to any of your old ones here since you began writing on this thread, if I remember right. Could you be moonlighting from that board for senior members of the species caninus? Please go back to that racist bitchboard if you are. We are nice people here.


If anyone wants to know why I said that board is racist, please feel free to PM me for an explanation.
Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 22nd October 2006, 06:35 AM
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There you go, Paul. I deleted my “amateurly” bitchy reply to your post. It was indeed “amateurly” written; but you see, English is a second language for me and I am sorry that I do not possess sufficient knowledge of Shakespeare’s language to tell you nicely that your posts are aggravating, infuriating, annoying and obnoxious. Furthermore, I don’t usually use that kind of language. Yes, “my feathers were ruffled” (assuming you mean that I was mad) not because I have been caught out lying but because I was called a liar by you.

The subject of bars such as NB and GC has been coming back again and again on this board and each time some posters wrote to say that they have been there and tell us what happen. For the second time to my knowledge, you participate in the thread telling us that we are liars, that what we write is the fruit of our imagination and that we were never in those bars. It is obvious to me that the way you write your posts with your “dears, darlings, sweeties, honeys etc, you purposely want to make us mad. Why?

You ask us to refute your statement. How? We cannot take pictures. You tell me I have never been to Bangkok. I am not a resident of Thailand but I visited Bangkok and Pattaya on average twice a year since 1998. Why would I lie? Prove to me that I have never been to boy bars in Bangkok. Oh yes, the mamasan that I referred to as a she. Of course, I know the mamasan at NB and all the mamasans I was given to meet in all the boy bars are males; however, because of the name MAMAsan, they are often referred as “she”. Sorry you did not catch that.

In any event, Paul, whether you believe me or not, in fact, I really don’t care but I do care to know why you purposely write posts in here for the sole purpose of annoying and infuriating other posters?

How can you write that we are all liars and only you have the truth? You probably have your own agenda. Do you want to tell us what it is?
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Old 22nd October 2006, 09:14 AM
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The comment that the mamasan at Nature Boy "was an ex-moneyboy from ALEK" doesn't quite sound right either.
I was a very regular customer at Khun Bar & Alek for many years and I certainly don't remember that guy/mamasan from NB ever working at Alek. Perhaps he did, but if he did it must have been a very short tenure.
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Old 23rd October 2006, 09:35 AM
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Balanced Unbiased Comments

Pleasurable encounters do happen at NB (and GC). Grant you, not all the time. In fact, probably less often than the reports we do read about here seem to portray.

However, I would have to concur with Icon513, my fellow moderator on CFS.

When one is alone in these bars, the chances of more than just simple flirtation occurring increases. Other factors include any of the following (and more):

1. The combination of the customers present at the time
2. The mix of the staff working that day
3. The amount of drinks flowing
4. The length of time it has been between being offed

I have been visiting NB since the time of loin cloths, first as an annual visitor from Japan and now a bit more regularly since moving to BKK over 4 years ago. I have seen the tame and the wild. Have been lucky to be a participant in both. Over the years I have also established friendships with both past and present staff and could vouch for many of the stories related here.

What is written on the Internet should always be read with a critical eye. People should be able to report both opinions and facts, being sure to clearly differentiate between the two. However, maintaining courtesy and respect towards one another should always be at the forefront. Lord knows that the world could use more courtesy and respect.
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Old 25th October 2006, 07:29 PM
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Could you be moonlighting from that board for senior members of the species caninus?
Yes, Dear, I am on both boards. Have you got a crystal ball?

It is obvious to me that the way you write your posts with your “dears, darlings, sweeties, honeys etc, you purposely want to make us mad. Why?
Um, that is just how I am, Daaaaaaaaaarling!!

How can you write that we are all liars and only you have the truth? You probably have your own agenda. Do you want to tell us what it is?
No, not really Darl! I have said what I thought.

The comment that the mamasan at Nature Boy "was an ex-moneyboy from ALEK" doesn't quite sound right either.
Well it is quite right Pet. However it was, if you are interested. many moons ago. I know both the owners VERY VERY well, Honey
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Old 26th October 2006, 04:56 AM
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Obvious, isn't it?

Dear Paul,
As by your own admission, you are also a member of THAT board, it explains your recent posts and why I left THAT board.

Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 26th October 2006, 07:04 AM
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One reads the message boards and can rarely divine who is fabricating and who is truthful, so I post my experience. Nine months ago I visited N.B. for the first time, and have returned thrice.

Twice, after doing nothing more than smiling, I was set upon by 4 - 5 boys and abused mercilessly until I was completely spent. A third time I offed a boy.
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Old 4th November 2006, 06:42 PM
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This sounds like a pain in the ass and possibly quite expensive. Why not just go to Babylon for 5 bucks and get all the "action" you can handle? or are you guys that use these sleeze bars such toads that you can't get any action at Babylon?
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Old 5th November 2006, 05:03 AM
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You don't know the difference between going to a gay sauna where it's all free after you pay the entrance fee or a gogobar to off a boi? Poor's the same difference as dining at a buffet where you only get to eat what the chef decides to set out....and dining a la carte where you pick and order precisely what you want.
Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 5th November 2006, 11:03 AM
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Well.. I have tried "Offing" boys before.. but somehow I just can't De-personalize them as human beings like you guys can. I just felt sorry for the guys.. you could tell they did not want to really be with you if not for your wallet. At least at Babylon, you know the guy is attracted to you if he has sex with you for free.

But too each his own...
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Old 5th November 2006, 08:18 PM
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Not depersonalizing them at a sauna?

Perhaps you might want to re-think that.

If you consider that going to a sauna where you have sex with any number of people in the dark and whom you don't ever see again after that...or to be kind, see at best 1% of the total number you have groped, fondled, sucked, not de-personalizing them, then, all I can say is exactly what you said. To each his own.
As for me...I'm not too cheap to pay for it when I want to.

Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 5th November 2006, 09:01 PM
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The boys in host bars are individuals....and they very much choose what they do and with whom. I prefer bars where boys approach as experience tells me I have much more fun with boys who have shown interest in me, than the "pick a number" approach.

I totally agree with the comments (Taoboxer) re groping in the dark in steam rooms and dark rooms....that freaks me........
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Old 6th November 2006, 08:48 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Well , first I agree ,

with your comment ,
as dining at a buffet where you only get to eat what the chef decides to set out....and dining a la carte where you pick and order precisely what you want
But , You really have to chose a right restaurant
Sometimes you get a wrong thing . This is Thailand .
Anyway , you have to chose from a menu .
If you go to a wrong go go bar , not enough number of boys , or
you cannot find any guys you fancy .
They are managers' ( or owners' ) selections, anyway .

As a suana lover , I prefer buffet .
Sometimes you get more than you expect .
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Old 6th November 2006, 03:12 PM
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In complete agreement

Dear Biggles,
I agree with you. Nowadays, I wouldn't pick a boi who doesn't approach me, either. Experience has taught me that if a boy avoids looking back at me even when I smile and make goo-goo eyes at him, then he isn't likely to be an enthusiastic performer if I offed him. Whereas, a boi who smiles back and comes to let me cuddle him and fondle his best bits, is more than likely to actually like the way I look enough, to enjoy doing all kinds of naughty things with me.

Dear Ninja,
I also agree about your take on the a la carte/buffet analogy. Luckily I'm so slutty by nature, it's almost impossible for me not to find something edible anywhere...and thank God, I have never failed to have been found equally delectable by someone in a sauna, yet.

I really can't wait to come to Bangkok again. It's been almost three years since I had the time and the money for a proper sex holiday!

Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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