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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Malaysia Hotel or Pinnacle

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Old 1st November 2006, 07:09 AM
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Malaysia Hotel or Pinnacle

I cannot make up my mind regarding whether to stay in Malaysia hotel or Pinnacle ...will be in Bangkok from 10th to 19th of Novmber.
Are there fees to bring a guy back to these hotels?

Are they both gay hotels?

Can somebody also let me know if one can buy gay dvds in Bangkok and how/where?

Send me an email if anybody wants to have some fun in the bedroom while i'm in Bangkok? My gaydar username is pharmdude.

Thanks in Advance
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Old 1st November 2006, 07:37 PM
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They are two quite different hotels. Pinnacle is a tad more upmarket, has a yummy breakfast, the standard of the rooms is higher....but don't write off Malaysia Hotel. It's very good value for money, the staff are competent and helpful, the rooms are adequate and kind of clean....well a lot cleaner than Aquarius Guesthouse where the cockroaches seem to thrive.
Last time I stayed at Malaysia Hotel there were no fees for overnight guests and if you're desperate for a bedmate there always seem to be money boys aplenty downstairs hanging around the coffee lounge.
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Old 2nd November 2006, 01:43 AM
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I wonder what it was that was contrary to board policy and required the moderator to edit? Something too raunchy for our ears?

Locations are similar on Soi Ngam Duphli. Both are predominently gay but have breeders staying.

The Malaysia is cheaper and has simple clean rooms and nice staff. It has an open air pool and a 24 hour coffeeshop. Prices are modest c 800 baht - de luxe rooms have carpet. No joiner's fee

The Pinnacle has nicer rooms, reasonbly clean and a posh lobby. Cheapest rooms there via (responses can be very slow 01 687 5422 from 840 baht standard but best get a superior or de luxe. I think the breakfast buffet is so-so but you can get 100 baht off the lunch with a breakfast ticket and I hear that is pretty good. Joiners fee 500 baht applied erratically.

I hope you are visiting Pattaya as well?

I have not found gay DVDs in Thailand. They have gay CVDs (a CD with film on it) which are of varyingly poor quality and often only contain half a film. Touts sell arounf Patpong and in Panthip Plaza and Dongtan Gay Beach Jomtien.

Have a great shagfest
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Old 2nd November 2006, 02:06 AM
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As you'll know if you read Cupidman's posts, nothing is too raunchy for CFS! I merely edited out the poster's personal email address, which is not allowed in messages (to avoid abuse, spam, etc.). Anyone interested can contact him by PM. Thanks.
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Old 2nd November 2006, 02:50 AM
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My personal preference would be for the Malaysia.

Obviously, neither of the two are what you would exactly call a "nice" hotel. But the Malaysia has a funky sleaze factor that makes it more "fun", I think, than the Pinnacle, which is just a tired old two-star hotel.

PS: neither of them is a "gay" hotel, but they both have lots of gay guests. Not quite sure I'd say the "majority", but lots.
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Old 2nd November 2006, 11:45 AM
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Ooer! Khun Icon you are a hard man.

Nice to know the reason for the edit and even nicer if that info had been posted. It seems that Mr Sullivan has blocked e-mails on his profile and he may care to open that as he obviously wants some.

Well I am not sure how to measure niceness - though I know I have bucket loads - but I do know about measuring hotel stars being a retired hotel Manager.

I would put the Malaysia as a low/medium 3 star hotel and the Pinnacle as a low end 4 star since they have renovated many of the rooms, the lobby and forecourt.

The measures are not only decor and comfort but services. A two star hotel would not have 24 hour services and may not have a night porter.

But each to his own, these are just the British standards though they seem to have been understood around the world.

I don't know if it's just my luck but I have never seen an attractive boy with a customer at the Malaysia other then in my room. The coffeeshop seems to have overshagged looking moneyboys with farangs and they are eyeing everyone in the room for their next punter.
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Old 2nd November 2006, 08:42 PM
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Re DVDs, some touts on Silom take you on a bike or tuk tuk to an area off Soi Convent. I have found the quality of the DVD/VCDs on offer there generally much higher than other places. Where the original is more than 60 minutes, the package has 2 discs so you have the full vdo - but understandably you have to pay for 2 discs.
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Old 3rd November 2006, 12:02 AM
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Do they offer DVDs as well as VCDs?
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Old 3rd November 2006, 03:02 AM
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Thanks for the replies so far. I'm leaning towards Malaysia Hotel just for the experience. I find it strange that there are heaps of straight DVD's available (a friend bought them) but not gay ones. Is it safe to go with the drivers to these places?
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Old 3rd November 2006, 09:44 AM
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Which places?
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Old 3rd November 2006, 02:21 PM
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The places where they are selling DVDS.
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Old 3rd November 2006, 04:28 PM
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Well, they're taking the risk that you're not working with the cops, and I guess you're taking the risk that they're not going to ambush you in a dark alley. Never heard of it happening before, but be careful.
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Old 4th November 2006, 09:05 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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B careful !

You have to be careful , when the tout you talk , and the guy who takes you to the dark alley are not the same guy .
You negotiate down the price of a VCD is 60 Bhats on the street , for instance , another guy who takes you to a dirty apartment room doesn't sell that cheap after you spend half an hour to chose 5 or 6 VCDs .
Before you pop in a back seat of a motor bike ,
double check the price with the driver !
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Old 4th November 2006, 09:51 AM
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The touts on Silom near Soi 4 are usually quite young. Since they depend on commissions for their income, I have heard of no problems with them. I admit it took me a few times before I actually agreed to go with one in a tuk tuk, but he turned out to be extremely helpful and I have been back a couple of times. The VDO quality is generally good.
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Old 4th November 2006, 06:27 PM
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I prefer Pinnacle. The thai boys enjoy the large breakfast. They have a sundeck on the roof with jacuzzi, steam room and dry sauna (which I have never seen a woman guest use). Also, the pinnacle is a closer walk to the Subway station.
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