-- During the last dozen or so days I've looked-in at BIG C - R'DAMRI., roughly 100-32-27E.x13-44-50N., (opp. CENTRALWORLD.), at various times.
- Few times have been all that rewarding; in gen'l. precious little eye-candy, and what there has been has been MORE interested in other pieces than in farangs - u'standably. so. - Para-mil'y. and other Sec. Gds. not overly active, but janitrices often busy. -- SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA., roughly 100-32-07E.x13-43-41N., (sky-bridge from BTS.: Sala Daeng, [S2.],), hasn't been all that busy either; but once in a blue moon some piece of eye candy comes along to gladden our eyes & hearts. - Sec. Gds. & janitrices quite active - AYOR! -- On thu., (16th.), evening I cruised-around from SANAM LUANG to SARANROM PARK, latter roughly 100-29-43E.x13-44-53N. and along TNN. CHAROEN KRUNG to ROMMANINAT PARK, roughly 100-30-09E.x13-44-55N.. - By the DRUM TOWER I saw a couple of characters lurking in its shadows who called me over to join them; I chose discretion rather than valor! Later some character on the pavement, (aka. sidewalk.), almost dropped his jeans as he played all too obviously with himself: either he was that desperate or thought that I may be - ha! - I was interested to see that various boyz on the pavements were MORE interested in tapping-on the side windows of slowly moving cars - even if the tinting prevented them from seeing who was inside - than in approaching me. Not my loss as I was en route to my tee rak. -- Bibi.. --
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-- During the evening of 21st., and seeking sustenance, I went to CHAMCHURI SQ..
- Having cruised-around and seen nothing I went to BKK. GRILL, (Zone 'A'.,(end nrest. to Tnn. Phaya Thai.), GdFl.,(st. level.), #145-46.), arriving at approx. 21.hrs.. - Imagine my surprise to see the place CLOSED: lights OUT, chairs stacked on tables and so on. I spoke with the young waitress - with whom I synchronised my watch: 'At the third stroke it will be nine oh one precisely.' - who told me that 21.hrs. is CLOSING TIME. - Walking-around I saw that many other eating-houses were shutting-down, too. -- I ret'd. thither on 24th. at around 17.30hrs., none of the eating-houses seemed to be busy, even around 19.hrs. it was the same. - Possibly fri. nights aren't popular nights for eating out? - SWENSON'S had one piece of rather fem.-looking eye-candy on duty, as did KFC.. -- I retired to DICK'S. CAFE., (Soi Twlight: off Suriwong rd.), wch. wasn't busy, either. There was a tall & most attractive piece of TH. eye-candy with a farang - quite made my little heart go pitter-pat and even at my advanced age my Li'l. Bro. ... ! ![]() - The Soi was quite quiet, with several barkers, callers and/or touts doing their best to persuade, (read: 'Strong arm.'), walkers into their own particular a go-go bar for their o'priced. drinks & lacklustre shows. -- Bibi.. --
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Before I teturned from from Pattaya on Thursday, the place was heaving with incoming traffic as Thursday was a holiday and even though Friday was not, (What they call a sandwhich holiday in The Philippines), many folks just don't bother to show up for work on a day surrounded by holidays. That is why Bangkok was quieter than normal as many people out of town. Today, Saturday evening at 7pm, Bangkok GRILL was full and I had to sit in the food court and wait 'til 8pm before tables free. While in the foodcourt eating mango and sticky rice, a cute Starbuck's boy passed through and looked at me three times over his shoulder...as he walked toward the MRT exit. So Sexy Tiler, there's another outlet to cruise..before 7pm.
All the usual boys were at BKK GRILL and wagging their smily tails vigorously. They have a new menu now with wine (BHT80) by the glass and many more western choices at bargain prices. No matter how much I eat, I still can't get the bill over Bht200. My boy is nearly ripe for receiving the calling card (I have completed his training in "Receiving additional tip direct into hand without other waiters seeing 101")...hovering near my table endlessly while I studiously read the paper and pretend not to notice. I am hoping he will pop the question soon as the suspense is killing me. The direct tip in hand whether he is my waiter or not, has indicated well to him I am ripe also! It has nothing to do with my charm or good looks.
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-- A potentially interesting place would seem to be the large and open square* wch. lies between BKK's. CITY HALL and the GIANT SWING, (Th.: Sao Chingcha.), a well-known landmark on Rattanakosin;
- *pos'n.: roughly 100-30-05.57.E.x13-45-09.32.N.. - Gps. of your men playing football, learning martial arts or otherwise just lounging-around, plus a few mil'y. and sec. gds. etc. etc.. - There is an u'gd. hawng nahm at the City Hall's end of the square. - Walking-around I see plenty of bored looking soldiers on gd. duty by the Min. of Defence, Th. Mil'y. Bank and other sensitive places. -- Bibi.. --
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-- Y'day., (26th.), a'noon. I was in SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA, (roughly 100-32-07.E.x13-43-41.N.), chatting with one of my Talking boyz, who confirmed what I'd long suspected: that many Th. boyz are giving that place a miss, especially at week-ends. Instead BIG C - R'DAMRI., (roughly 100-32-27.E.x13-44.50.N.), is appearing on peoples' G*ydars. once again.
- However, 'Walking & looking.' - as is said - I did see a couple of young Th. men who were exhibiting, neither is eye-candy but the fact of their exhibition - good sized & uncut endowments! - was stg. to note. - Also LUMPINI PARK, (roughly 100-32-27.41.E.x13-43-51.52.N.), especially during monday evenings, is returning to favor for evenings' strolls. -- A day or two ago I was in PHATPONG PHARMA - PP2., (it's in the line of bars etc. between the roadway and the inner & covered walkway. It's pos'n. is roughly: 100-31-55.32.E.x13-43-45.06.N.) - buying some medecine for a sore throat and was served by a most charming young man; even in my fragile state my G*yd*r. flickerd with interest. A pity that he has such obvious braces on his teeth - both jaws - but that's a small point; possibly worth getting to know better? - They do sell both C**l*s and V**gr*; although, in my case, I found neither to be helpful for me. - Whereas G7., from PURPLE PHARMACY in Tnn.Thaniya, works MORE often than not. -- Bibi.. --
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-- As mentioned in another thread - Sauna options - y'day., (29th.), I went to IMPERIAL WORLD SAM RONG - not to be confused with 'IW.' LAD PHRAO!
- pos'n.: roughly 100-35-48.99.E.x13-39-00.19N.. -- ETA.: mid/late a'noon.. - It is shewing a few signs of its age - It includes a BIG C., a conf'ce. cntr., ice-skating rink, ten pins' bowling alley, a dozen or so cinemas, a food court and many other food-outlets and so on and so forth. - Floor layouts are roughly similar - so once one's located oneself on one fl. then other floors should have similar layouts - a gt. help for first time cruisers! - V. little activity - except for the janitrices - some eye-candy seen. - On the toilets' doors I noticed plenty of 'phone. nos. and possibly other useful info. for those who read & write Thai! No spy-holes. -- Bibi.. --
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