-- Y'day., (22nd.), a'non. I went to TESCO-LOTUS nr BTS. ON NUT, (E9.),.
- ETA.: approx. 15.50.hrs.; - As expected the UPPER fl's. hawng nahm was NTR.; - However, it was a different story on the LOWER fl.. - At one point some younger man stood next to me and motioned me to follow him, (vide infra.),. -- I ret'd. later but all were quiet; so I retired to enjoy a coffee and a donut in DUNKIN'. DONUTS, and also a piece of eye-candy behind the counter! - But afterwards I went-back to the LOWER fl. and saw a certain amt. of activity. - At one time a rather disagreeable-looking & middle-aged man stood next to me and followed me around until I went-in to the s'mkt.. He was still outside and awaiting me when I left - green light to take the BTS.. -- Bibi. --
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-- The YM. whom I met, (vide supra.), suggested that we go to AMWAY, wch. he indicated is safe.
- Using the ped. footbridge we crossed-over Tnn. Sukhumvit, and walked for approx. 200yds. with the OUTgoing tfc. to S'vit. 83. - at wch. pt. the AMWAY sign is clearly visible on one's LHS. and set-back from the Tnn. at the farther end of the MARKET PLACE. - We walked-UP a shallow flt. of stairs to a line of shops on our RHS.; half way along wch. a Toilets' sign is visible. Outside I saw a plumpish & rather dozey-lkg. Sec. Gd. standing & chatting with some janitrice - neither of whom seemed interested in the least bit about anything else. -- Afterwards I walked-around and saw that there's another HN. immediately above, wch. is probably safer, (being MORE out-of-the-way.),? -- Bibi.. -
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-- Y'day., (23rd.), evening, en route to join my tee rak, I had some time in hand, so I looked-in SARANROM PK..
- After a while of sitting-down and of looking-at what appeard to be some film crew I was joined by Khun Ae: a well-built and pleasant-looking 20YO. from I-San, who - after some conversation, he alleged that he prefers to be a King., but is willing ... - proposed that we go to a nearby hotel. Well - why not, pray? - We walked to the PALACE HOTEL, (vide supra for futher info.), entered via the car pkg. area - by-passing Recept'n. - and up to the 2fl. where, on my giving 100Bh. to the room-boi, (as instructed), we were shewn to an empty room. - The room is approx. 10x15ft., tiled on both fl. & walls, std. queen-sized bed, (MORE comfortable than in the S'wong. Htl's. cheaper & short-time rms.), a large looking glass on one of the walls; air-cond. & o'hd. fan - tall men watch yr. heads!; there is a std. en suite toilet & shower room. - Well, well-built or not, prefering to be a King or otherwise, he wasn't well-endowed; it was hard work for both of us for him to achieve what he wanted, wch. reminded me of a couple of that playwright's plays whose b'day. was celebrated on St. George's Day!. - Afterwards I paid him the std. & expected fee before going-off elsewhere. -- Bibi. --
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The Palace Hotel access ala Sexy Tile mode is so exciting and unique, it must enhance the whole sexual experience. Does the room boy offer to stand and watch or do you need to pay extra for that? I wonder if you could get into 5 star hotels by using the back stairs and bribing a room boy.
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-- Y'day., (03rd.), I went to BIG C. - R'damri..
- ETA.: aprox. 12.30.hrs.. -- First cruise shewed me nothing, apart from a couple or three other & Th. cruisers who were of no interest to me. -- After a cup of coffee it was time to walk-around again. - That time there was a plain clothes Sec. Gd. who was too vigilant on the LOWER floors: of avg. height, Ch./Th. looking & of sallow complexion; distinguished by a red ribbon & ID. hung around his neck and the dull-red walkie-talkie. -- I ret'd. for a final cruise at around 19.30.hrs.. - Only one YM. caught my att'n., but he seemed to prefer other Thais - alas! -- In gen'l. neither the janitrices nor the para-mil'y. Sec. Gds. seemed to be too omni-present - only the one & a/m. plain-clothes man. -- Bibi. --
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-- ETA. BIG C.: 12.30hrs. - followed by 1st. & leisurely cruise; - 13.00hrs. coffee & donut, followed by walk-around lge. s'mkt.; - 13.30.hrs. - 2nd. cruisel - 14.oo.hrs.: to CENTRALWORLD, ZEN & ISETANN. Also walk-around the demolished bldgs. outside Big C.. - 19.30.hrs. ret'd. for 3rd.& final cruise. - NB.: timings are approx.. -- Bibi. --
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-- On thu., (07th.), I went to SARAN ROM PK..
- I stayed therein from aprox. 18.30. until 20.20.hrs.. - A couple of pieces of youngish eye-candy seen - but neither interested in me. Otherwise v. quiet. The busiest person, apart from the joggers and those exercising, seemed to be some young & student-looking type who must have walked past me a good half-a-dozen times in his walking & looking.. - No activity outside, either. -- Bibi. --
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-- Y'day., (08th.), I decided to make a change from visiting SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA and went to ROBINSON'S - Tnn. Charoen Krung instead.
- ETA.: mid-a'noon.. - Cubicle #1. was locked; - #2. has spy-holes OPEN to either side; - #3. has spy-hole to #4. blocked; - #8. has spy-hole to #7. OPEN. - No activity, while I was there, to rpt.. -- I ret'd. in the early evening. - Just some slight activity of a cpl. of men shewing themselves to those peeping through - both under-endowed. - One youngish looking man was busy looking-over the tops of the p'titions., while another was using a looking-glass to see under. Most occupiers I judged to be of mature yrs.. -- Bibi. --
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-- Last sat., (09th.), mid-a'noon. I went to SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA, (by BTS. Sala Daeng, [S2.],), to pick-up my week-end's 'paper. and to enjoy a cup of coffee in CHESTER'S GRILL.
- Quite serendipitiously, as one writes, I was joined by my middle-aged and enthusiastic American friend - a former contributor to CFS. - who'd arrived about 30mins. before me and had cruised-around: 2fl. in CENTRAL was busy but all other hawng nahms not busy at all. My cruise around SCSP. confirmed the foregoing. - We noted who was cruising the various floors; in particular a pr. of YM. both in red tee-shirts caught our att'n. and later that of one of the uniformed Sec Gds.. - My friend commented on the no. of Sugar-daddies & companions seen and also on the no. of elderly & single men cruising the HN. - obviously looking and detering some of the other users. -- Bibi. --
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-- Y'day., (04th.), evening I enjoyed my usual thu. evenings' 'walking & looking.' to and around SARAN ROM PK..
- Outside the PK. a gp. of boyz supping, several of whom waved at me and one called-out 'Hello, Papa.'. -- ETA.: around 19.30.hrs.. - I sat-down in the usual place and after awhile was joined by a tall & lean YM., (young man.), from I-San; mid-twenties; spoke ltd. English. - After he'd left another man joined me: from Nonthaburi, 28YO. and looked it; spoke adequate enough English. He was so keen for me to get to know him that he unzipped and invited my fingers to do some exploring. Like the man - so the ****: short & thickset. He desired me to smoke him then and there; but having noted a patroling Sec. Gd. I told him that where we were sitting was too public; so he offered to lead me to some quiet place where it would be safer. An offer I felt it safer to refuse. -- Walking-back to my tee rak I saw the same gp. of boyz; several others sitting alone and awaiting business, too. -- Bibi. --
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