-- On 18th., following Khun Holsteiner's useful dir'ns. I went thither. -- From the NW. quadrant around VICTORY MONUMENT, (BTS. N3.], I took an orange-colored & air-cond. 'bus. #522.. - OUTbound journey's time & fare: approx. 2Omins. & 18Bh., (thus, thanks to the toll-way it's not too far away.]. - THE MALL is the bus's. 2nd. OUTbound stop; the 'bus. stops a couple of hundred yds. short of THE MALL, wch. is clearly visible to one's half-RIGHT on the INbound carriage-way. where the vehicular fly-over starts/ends and by a pedestrian over-bridge. -- However, before gaining the pedestrian over-bridge there is GRAND PLAZA., (in name, at least!], on one's LHS.. - There are hawng nahms on both floors; in the 1fl., (US. 2fl.], HN., (nr. to the Food Ct.], there is a large spy-hole between cubicles #2. & #3.; however, as the partitions are made of some sort of polystyrene mat'l. sandwiched between two thin sheets of aluminium it might not be wise to intro. anything through it AYOR! ![]() - On my return visit thither at around 17.3O.hrs. all 3 HN. were occupied; I waited for five mins. and decided that enough was enough.
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-- Following-up on Khun Holsteiner's visit to THE MALL - NGAM WONGWAN here are a few of my initial thoughts - - addr.: 3/39-50, moo 2., Tnn. Ngam Wongwan, Bang Khen, Nonthaburi, 11000.; - co-ords.: roughly 100-32-32.E.x13-51-19.N.; --Hawng nahm on most floors - many of wch. have small shelves in the cubicles; - On 6fl. there are two HN.: -- facing the Box Office 1st. is to one's LHS. along a small passage flanked by outlets for 'Police.' & for 'Pkplaza.com.'; -- Look for Mangpong DVD. shop - quite a large outlet - and follow the previous dir'ns.; - I found the former to be busier & MORE cruisy than the 2nd. one wch. had a certain amt. of janitoral activity therein; -- Only once did I see any official looking Sec. Gds.: 1 man & 2 women dressed in lt. tan shirts over chocolate trousers; but one should keep one's eyes OPEN for men dressed in dk. blue jkts. over dk. bl. trousers and holding the usual & dull red colored walkie-talkies!
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-- Y'day., (25th.), evening - having walked-around in the gen'l. area of WAT PO, the GRAND PALACE and the MIN. OF DEFENCE - and observed the INCREASED presence of BKK's. Finest, (mostly engaged in directing the rd. tfc.), and the mil'y., (many wearing bulky & anti-riot gear.), - I walked to SARANROM PK., arriving there at approx. 18.55.hrs..
- The usual nos. of people jogging, working-out and doing ballroom dancing etc. etc.. - I sat-down on one of my usual benches and during the next hr. or so was approached by four men: the first was Khun Champa, whom I met on my prvious visit, while the others were younger & MORE obviously money-boyz; I was able to decline their kind offers with little effort. - I was interested to see that one of them - the best looking one of the lot - declined the approaches of a youngish & plumper looking man but eventually went-off with an elderly man who looked like the avg. peasant and/or rice-farmer: elderly & stoop-shouldered; tanned & wrinkled face; dressed in a while singlet over dk. blue shorts and wearing sandals. - For the first time I saw one of the para-mil'y. park-gds. walking-around & oviously on patrol as he was using his torch, (US.: flaslight.), for add'n. illumination - particularly in the space used by those working-out with gym.-eqpt.. - I left at around 20.3o.hrs. and took a #1. 'bus., (whose young conductor - in his lt. bl. shirt over tightish & dk. bl. trousers - had possibilities? Or so I thought.), back to Cent'l. BKK..
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--A few obsv'ns. about this Mall, (based upon my one-time visit thither.) - 1.- Avoid the hawng nahm on the 5fl.; an elderly & garulous Sec. Gd. insisted on escorting me in, stayed at the wash-basins, (I was standing next to a piece of eye-candy!), escorted me out and then tried to strike-up a conversation in broken English - along the all too usual & familiar lines. 2.- MORE profitable might be the 2 HN.on the 7fl.: - 2.1.- Facing the Snacks' Bar - -- 2.1.1.- To one's LEFT, walk around & look-for the usual int'l. signage on the wall & follow; appears to be completely unused! Each urinal has a tgt. adhered to it! (Reminds me of a notice posted in an Aussie. Public Convenience: 'We aim to please; you aim, too, please!),; -- 2.1.2.- To one's RIGHT, look-for the MIFA. outlet/shop, pick-up the usual int'l. signage & follow. A busier HN..
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-- Y'day., (O1st. apr.], and having completed my other business I looked-in at TESCO-LOTUS - ON NUT, (BTS. E9.].;
- ETA.: approx. 15.3O.hrs.; - Far from busy, such other cruisers as there were appeared to be in the possibly 4O+. age range; no eye-candy and/or twinks seen. -- Then, as it wasn't really out of my way, I dropped-in to BIG C. - R'DAMRI.; - ETA.: roughly 18.15.hrs.; - In the 5fl. hawng nahm a gp. of twinks entered, to be followed a few moments later by the usual Sec. Gd. in his dk. bl. jkt. & trous.. So no point in my prolonging my stay at the hand-wash basins. - Otherwise nothing to report. ![]()
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-- Today, (08th.), a'noon., having failed to find what I wanted in HOME PRO., (BTS. Ploen Chit, [E2.],), I went-out to TESCO-LOTUS. by BTS. On Nut, (E9.),.
- As expected, possibly because of the gen'l. closures in the R'PRASONG. I'SECT. area, (?), it was quite busy. - GF. hawng nahm became busy, with several young men who, although not eye-candy, were well-worth second glances, around 18.oo.hrs.. - In the GF. hawng nahm there is a v. small spy-hole between cubicles #7. & #8..
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- Today, (22nd.), went to TESCO-LOTUS - ON NUT, (BTS.E9.), to do some economical shopping;
- ETA.: 15.15.hrs.; - Not many shoppers seen; hawng nahms equally empty; however, around 17.30.hrs. life in the GF. HN. picked-up - but MORE looking than shewing. A certain amt. of looking-over the cubicles' partitions. -- I noticed that the janitress spent a fair amt. of time just standing & looking-at those relieving themselves. -- To make a small break I walked to & from AMWAY - S'vit. 83.; neither HN. was busy.
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-- Y'day., (13th.), and to make a break for myself from the Silom area I went to IMPERIALWORLD & to the STATE CINEMA at SAM RONG; BTS. to ON NUT, (E9.), and 'bus. thence.
- ETA. at IMP'L. WORLD was around 14.hrs.; - No activity seen in the most popular hawng nahm in the b'ment., maybe I had arr'd. too late. -- STATE CINEMA: - Adm'n. still 50.Bh.; - Videos shewn were all either lesbian or ortho-sexual & hard porn.; - Ambient lighting at a v. LOW level, a small hand-torch, (flash-light.), would have been useful until my eyes had adjusted themselves to the gen'l. gloom; - Not all that many spectators; v. spasmodic activity amongst them: mostly smoking, although I did see one penetration, (without a Condom, as far as I could judge.),. -- Back to IMP'L. WORLD, again no activity, the occupants in the b'ment. HN. seemed to be glued to their seats! -- I looked-in at LOTUS TESCO - On Nut; but that, too wasn't at all busy in either HN..
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-- Y'day., (O9th.], evening I walked-around by the MIN. OF DEFENCE before entering SARANROM PARK; arr'd. there around 19.3O.hrs..
- Add'n. & flour. lighting has been rigged-up in the popular sitting-out area. - Also the Park's Sec. Gds. now have an electrc & silent scooter on wch. one of them rides around keeping an eye OPEN on things. -- Various older & Thai cruisers seen, none of whom was of any interest to me. - Also a mature farang chatting with a Thai man; after a while they both left to gether. -- After a while - and quite by chance, as one writes - I followed and met-up with Khun Dee, 2OYO. student who exercises most days in that Park. But as he seemed to be rather shy I did not push-ahead with matters too quickly. We both agreed to meet again at some other time - so we shall see.
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Ahhhh what's this.... Not cruising for sex by any chance! Oh thats right this is CFS.com!
Thanx Sxytile for getting us back on THE topick!
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-- Today, (17th.), having business in Sukhumvit 75/1. - checking-out the OASIS REST'T. - I dropped-in eventually to LOTUS TESCO. - BTS. ON NUT, (E9.),;
- ETA. 15.30.hrs. - no activity in either hawng nahm; - What activity there was peaked around 17.30.hrs.; I noticed that in the GF. HN. cubicle #8. was popular - twice, while I was there, couples made use of it. When it was vacant I went-in and saw that there is no longer a small spy-hole between cubicles #7. & 8.. - A couple of Thai & familiar faces from elsewhere were seen there, too.
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