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Old 18th June 2010, 12:34 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- Today, (18th.], tee rak & I lunched. in JEFFERS - SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA's b'ment..
- A couple of not unattractive-looking young men, possibly 'Ready, Willing & Able.', were amongst the waiting staff.
- Vaut le retour.
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Old 18th June 2010, 02:10 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393

Mon is the waiter at Jeffers Silom Complex that I have fancied for ages...he used to work at Chamchuri branch. But never got inside his pants. But another waiter ex Jeffer Chamchuri now works at Oldies Restaurant at Chamchuri upstairs. He is depantable and loves it. One other ex Chamchuri waiter moved out to Union Mall Jeffers and he should be into sex I sense.
Mon is tall but the other two are short and smiley.

I don't know where else to post this, but feel many may find it useful. It is the web page of ThinkNet, the people who make the excellent CD maps of Bangkok/Thailand and sell at SE-ED. The web version shows bus starting and finishing points but not the actual route. It also shows latitude and longitude: V 0.93 - Thailand's Online Map Portal!!
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Old 18th June 2010, 05:44 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
One other ex Chamchuri waiter moved out to Union Mall Jeffers and he should be into sex I sense.
Mon is tall but the other two are short and smiley.

... . It is the web page of ThinkNet, the people who make the excellent CD maps of Bangkok/Thailand ... . The web version shows bus starting and finishing points but not the actual route. It also shows latitude and longitude: V 0.93 - Thailand's Online Map Portal!!

- addr.: 54, Lad phrao rd.,
Chatuchack, BKK. 10900.;
- BTS./MRT.: Mo Chit, (N9.)/Phahon Yothin,(exit #4.),;
- tel.: (02)-512 5000.
-- W'pedia. indicates that it's a cheap & cheerful shopping mall with clothes' bargains etc. etc..
--- See all y'all there!

-- Agreed - 100%. that's for sure - about the utility of the a/m. web-site; I've checked it against known places in BKK., CNX., PATTAYA & PHUKET with good enough success.
- I've recommended it to > <, and have rec'd. a couple of acks. for its helpfulness.
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Old 2nd July 2010, 01:31 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- On my recent return from PATTAYA to BKK. I de-bused. at LOTUS-TESCO, On Nut;
- ETA.: approx. 11.15.hrs.;
- Even at that comparatively early hr. there was activity in the GF. hawng nahm in cubicle #8., to wch. I was alerted by spotting the occupant of #7. looking-over the partition. There was another man peeping through a screw-hole on the door.
- I delayed my departure to see who came-out: in turn two presentable young men, the younger quite twinkie, slipped-out, (I'd not have said "No." to either.),; from their looks a mutually enjoyable session!
- Otherwise Nothing To Report.
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Old 7th July 2010, 06:32 AM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 326

I just got back from 10 days in Bangkok. I cruised Chamchuri mall (connected to MRT stop after Silom) for a while and was the only farang cruising. There might be some crusiing going on, but it's subtle. One Thai seemed to be looking at me and I thought he wanted to go in with me. I did that and he played some game of being surprised and said something to the cleaning lady, who asked me what is wrong. I'm 90% sure it was just a little queer game he was playing. No luck there.

I met a very nice, intelligent Thai in Big C near Saphan Kwai skytrain stop. He stayed overnight and we just couldn't stop talking. He seemed sensitive about his weight (he thought he was fat which he wasn't).

I went 2 times to cinema near Klong Toei MRT stop, but got there after 1 or 2 (6 months ago I had posted that one must get there before 12 noon). Basically a total waste and there are very few people in there that's I'm interested in. It also seems to attract worn-out smoker types. I think I also had better luck 6 months ago because people were on holiday from work and had time to waste in there.

I went to cinema near Saphan Kwai skytrain stop one time--it was very good. That is my favorite cinema by far.

I met some nice ones in Silom Complex. One guy took me over to CP Tower, and then we decided to go to my hotel. If there is cruising at CP, it was subtle (from the very short time I was in there).

I cruised Fortune Town (next to Prha Ram 9 MRT stop) and saw the one stall someone told me about with a glory hole. A Thai was sitting on other side with wad of toilet paper stuffed in it. I popped it out and looked, and he put it back--nothing that great. I had very limited time. There were some very nice Thai cruising, and one signaled to go in with him. I did that, and then he signaled "no, no--go out"--apparently another time-waster who just wants to stand in stall with door open and have me look at him. Surprisingly, one Thai who had no interest suddenly was very interested--but my phone rang and I had to leave to meet someone I had arranged to meet there from gayromeo.
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Old 8th July 2010, 08:31 AM
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-- Today, (08th.), a'noon., after visiting a former friend in an hair-dressing salon in KHET BKK. YAI. - it's across the river - where he works, I walked back leisurely to ROBINSON'S on Lat Ya rd.; its vertical sign is clearly visible - the mounted King Taksin the Gt. points his sword along that particular rd.;
- ETA.: approx. 18.15.hrs.; I stayed for approx.
- There are clearly sign-posted hawng nahms on the 3rd., 4th. & 6th.floors; all of wch. are clean and in a fair state of maint'ce.; although several have messages etc. in Thai written on doors and/or partitions.
- None was particularly active during my visiting time; although what little activity there was occured in the 3fl. HN., where some still youngish looking man signed to me to give him my cell-'phone. number, but I didn't have it with me at that particular time. Just as I was leaving some half-a-dozen high school, or similar, students entered, (a couple of whom looked to be v. much on the younger side of life.), but I didn't think it wise to re-enter.
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Old 11th July 2010, 06:04 AM
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-- Today, (11th.), mid-a'noon. and cruising around SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA. I decided to look-in at the hawg nahm in CENTRAL DEP'T. STORE 2fl.;
- As I approached a couple of youngish Thai men came-out, followed by two IN-House Sec. Gds.; on entering I saw a 3rd. Sec. Gd. still therein.
- Possibly AYOR. ?
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Old 11th July 2010, 11:54 PM
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Chamchuri square

-- C'CHURI. SQ. is owned by Chula. Uni.;
- loc'n.: Rama IV. rd. opposite to WAT HUA LAMPHONG;
- MRT.: Sam Yan.

-- Tee rak & I visited during the week-end:
1.- Sat., (10th.), evening we supped in JEFFER, (on GF.), where there were a couple of waiters who looked to be 'haveable.';
2.1.- Sun., (11th.), evening we supped in the recently opened branch of YUM SAAP, (on GF.), - cheaper then JEFFER, where portions were adequate enough but not exactly filling. Mainly waitresses; but one of the kitchen-hands, tall & heftily built without being fat, gave the appearance of acting like the proverbial row of pink tents.
- Afterwards to SWENSON'S, (GF.), to share a banana-split, (tee rak has a thing about bananas! ),. A couple of eyeful staff-members there. Vaut le retour..
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Old 19th July 2010, 05:51 AM
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-- Y'day., (18th.), a'noon. tee rak told me that he wanted to go for a long walk but not in LUMPINI PARK.
- We walked to SAPHAN TAKSIN and took the river-ferry to TA TIEN, (N9.), fare 14.Bh. each;
- Thence it was but a short walk to SARAN ROM PARK;
- ETA. approx. 16.oo.hrs.;
- We saw at least half-a-dozen men there 'walking & looking.'; four were in their twenties, I'd guestimate; while the other two were maturer, both of whom shewed bulges where all Thai men ... !
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Old 21st July 2010, 06:04 AM
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-- Today, (21st.), a'noon. I took the khlong-ferry from PRATUNAM LANDING - R'damri. rd. - to THE MALL - BANG KAPI.;
- Fare & journey-time: 19.Bh. & just under 35mins.;
- ETA.1.: approx. 13.15.hrs.;
-- I cruised-around most of the hawng nahms; at that time the busiest with younger males was the GF. one nr. to SANTA FE BBQ.;
- All HNs. had janitrices in them.
- ETA.2.: approx. 16.15.hrs.;
-- That time I looked-in at only the two GF. HNs.;
-- Both fairly busy - but, again, janitrices in attendance.
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Old 21st July 2010, 12:03 PM
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I was also at The Mall today but a little later than you. I find the two ground floor places cruisy also, but a little too busy. The one on the first floor, directly above Pizza Hut is quieter and more cosy. Good for meeting and greeting but unless you go to the pool area and use the shower rooms, not much you can do.
I was there to meet up with a GayRomeo contact who works on the 2nd floor in a hair place. Very warm and lovable guy. I was also on the look out for the Jeffer restaurant there, but according to the information desk, it doesn't exist.
However, while in the basement toilet in Silom Complex, I met my dear acquaintance Mon, who is a waiter at the Silom branch. he had on a 'T' Shirt that listed all the Jeffer outlets down the back. Some of the far flung outlets disappear below his beltline so he kindly lowered his pants so i could clearly see all the locations.(The Mall Bangkapi listed somewhere around Mon's 5th lumber region.) Hat Yai was close to his bottom. Their web site:
Jeffer Steak :: Think about Steak. Think about Jeffer! | คิดถึงสเต็ภคิดถึงเจฟเฟà¸*ร์ :: เจฟเฟà¸*ร์ สเต็ภ:: Welcome

On the web site is a section for hiring staff. The requirements for a waiter are shown in Thai, but when translated by Google, they appear as:
"Education up to three meters.
With diligence and patience.
Love the clean and highly responsive.
Smiling and glowing with love put in service.
Shift work is defined by the company ä."
or as Sextiler would say "Ready, willing and able".

I intend to travel to all their locations eventually and court any willing staff. So far I have been well inside the pants of one waiter from Chamchuri and one from Hua Mark on Ram soi 24.
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Old 22nd July 2010, 01:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
... .
... or as Sextiler would say "Ready, willing and able". ... .

-- Having a couple of spare moments in my otherwise busy life I availed of search-engine Google to check-on the a/m. phrase:
1.- 1937,: musical movie of that name starring Ruby Keeler, Ross Alexander & others; lyrics & music by Johnny Mercer & Richard Whiting;
2.- There is also a legal meaning, specific to Contracts.
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Old 29th July 2010, 07:06 AM
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-- My elderly and frequently visiting farang acquaintance repeated to me what he'd been told by one of the Thai boys, whose company he enjoys, concerning SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA., - BTS. Sala Daeng,(S2.),
- Y'day., (28th.), the Thai boy, whose face is not unknown to those there, was leaning on the 3rd. fl's. railings overlooking CHESTER'S GRILL when he was invited to accompany some plain-clothed sec. gds. to their office, from wch. he was released after some 90 mins'. detention. The reason given was that on the preceeding monday some person has stolen a computer from the computer-shop on that same floor. Well, that is as may be.
- But possibly the Sec. Gds. are on heightened vigilance for the present?

-- E&OE. as reported speech.
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Old 29th July 2010, 07:12 AM
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You should let this boy know that security guards have no legal powers of detention. Next time, he can threaten to have criminal charges brought against them for illegal detention.
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Old 29th July 2010, 08:23 AM
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Originally Posted by icon513 View Post
You should let this boy know that security guards have no legal powers of detention. Next time, he can threaten to have criminal charges brought against them for illegal detention.

-- Thank you, confirmed my own suspicions; but possibly something wasn't rendered exactly 100%. in the recounting? The Thai boy's English is limited and my farang acquaintance may have added MORE than was meant in using the word 'Detention.'?
- But what are the actual powers of IN-House Sec. Gds. in such places as SILOM COMPLEX etc. etc. should they find someone who, in their opinion, is doing something wrong?
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