About the BMTA-city buses. Once, on a fairly early sunday morning, on a nr 44 bus going from Central LPrao/Chatuchak toward Bangkapi, i sat down beside a fairly big Thai guy. I had hardly seated myself, as he started touching legs. Well-buses are often full, even on sundays and I did not think much of it. But pretty soon his hands also walked on and touched. I had a big bag with me lying on my lap and there were no standees looking on. Even before the Rachada crossing he had reached goal and started stroking my K. In fact I remember I was more bewildered as turned on and then blushed-oh-if others might see this. Did not dare to look at him. By Choke-chai market I did and he winked me to go along and held his other hand/finger before his mouth.
Alas- I really had some appointment then, plus a heavy encounter just late the night before. But late evenings buses, and mostly the open air red or white ones are best. Around 1/year,and without myself really looking for it, I get turned on.
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-- Many of us residents and/or frequent visitors often complain about the behaviour of short-time/vacation & farang visitors to the LoS. when availing of the facilities; but it's not all one way -
- Y'day., (11th.), a'noon. I went in to the hawng nahm in SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING CENTRE - BTS. Sala Daeng, [S2.],) - for relief; - A man, let's say getting-on for early middle age, entered and stood next to me. After I'd finished shaking-off the last drop* suddenly he leant over and grabbed hold of my membrum virile - I pushed-away his groping hand, wch. he then grasped and tried to insert it between his glutes.! - Just as well that there was no-one else present! ![]() - Even I, TOF. that I am and flattered to receive someone else's att'n. at my age, was shocked. -* 'No matter how you shake or squeeze, the last drop always wets the knees.'.
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-- An acquaintance from Egypt joined me in SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA today, (12th.);
- After the usual enquiries about health etc. etc. his next question was: 'Where is everybody?'. - Here were are in BKK., more or less approaching an high point in the tourist-season, and it seems to be a case of: 'Nitnoi farangs - nitnoi young men.'. -- Possibly the medieval & french poet Villon was correct when he lamented: 'Ou sont-ils, Vierge Souveraine, 'Ou sont les nieges d'antan?'? ![]()
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-- Today, (19th.), I looked-in at the hawng nahm at VICTORY MONUMENT'S SW. quadrant:
1st. visit. at around 14.45.hrs.; 2nd. visit approx. 18.45.hrs.; - Briefly I could have saved my 2x2.Bh.; although the 2nd. visit was busier that was all that could be written about it. ![]()
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-- Today, (19th.), I re-visited THE MALL - NGAM WONGWAN., for wch. see this thread postings #373. et seq..
- ETA.: around 14.45.hrs.; - I ascended to the 6fl. and entered the hawng nahm that is to one's RHS. facing MANPORN DVD. SHOP. Not as busy as I might have expected and/or hoped for a week-end - so had to content myself with just looking. In one cubicle the occupant made contact with me a la Senator Larry. Craig - but then seeing a farang's hand put under the partition I decided not to avail. Alas - no lithe young men slithering under the partitions on that occasion. - After a while I walked-across the 6fl. to the HN. that's along a small passage that's between the POLICE & PKPLAZA.COM O'lets.. Some not-so-young man, wearing pointed & white shoes, spied on me by means of his looking glass, but on reflection ... . - I went upstairs to the 7fl., same level as cinemas 7.-10., and went first of all to the HN. that's to one's RHS., wch. was occupied by three others - but no action. Then to the HN. that's to one's LHS., it was completely empty. Both of those HN. seemed to me to be 'Safe.' - or as safe as such places can be in a shopping mall should one wish to make a further acquaintanceship ... . -- After a suitable interval I looked-in at the GF. HN. that's opp. to YUM SAAP REST'T., busy and with several pieces of eye-candy who were not ashamed to shew what they posses. - Back to the first two HN. mentioned above; in the 1st. one a young man, shortish & pleasant looking, and I met in a cubicle for some mutual pleasuring, (avg. & Th. issue that became a bright red just before his HE.), for wch. no money was exchanged. In the other HN. the not-so-young young man was still occupying the same cubicle as when he first spied uon me. - While I was visiting the various HN. no signs seen of any uniformed Sec. Gds. and/or of janitrices, although uniformed Sec. Gds. - dk.bl. /bk. polo-shirts with THE MALL logo on the back, over similar coloured trousers, with a dk. red. walkie-talkie either hung from a belt or inside an hip-pocket - were seen elsewhere and on patrol. - A fair amt. of eye-candy seen in the mall: en famille, with their girl-friends or in packs. -- Enough was enough, so tired but happy I ret'd. to CENTRAL BKK..
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-- Today, (22nd.), I took a couple of 'buses. to BIG C - Aum Yai.;
- Previous posting: this thread #480.; - Google Earth co-ords.: roughly 100-16-53.E.x13-42-23.N.. - Today it was approx. 90.mins'. 'bus.-ride from BKK. XTN. HOSP'L. on Si Lom rd.. - ETA.#01.: 13.20.hrs.; - In the GF. hawng nahm cubicle #4. was empty, so I entered; - Shortly afterwards a young man, to judge from the size & style of his b'ball. shoes, entered cubicle #5.. Once settled-in he removed his shoes, socks, jeans & u'wear., giving me views of his hands and feet, wch. confirmed my earlier thoughts; - Contact was estab'd. a la senator Larry. Craig, after wch. he knelt-down facing the partition so that I was able to put my hand u'neath. and to feel his young man's endowment, (uncut and avg. Thai issue, just a few traces of pubic hairs.). Obviously he liked that as he slid his LOWER torso under the partition so that I could pleasure him better: instead of smoking him he prefered that I put his man sac in my mouth while he engaged in some chak waao. After a goodly while I decided that enough was enough and that too much might invite unwelcome att'n.. - On walking-out of the cubicle I noticed a couple of middle-aged seeming men, standing at the urinals, looking-at me with knowing glances. - ETA. #02.: approx. 15.45.hrs.; - In the GF. HN. there were plenty of skool-boys fooling-around at the wash-basins. I observed that cubicles #4.-#6. were occupied. After dallying-at the wash-basins I saw little prospects of anyone of the HN. emptying soon so I quit and walked-over the rd. to catch a return 'bus. to Si Lom rd.. -- As the olde & Englisshe proverb reminds us about: 'One swallow ... .' so possibly lunch.-times might be better times for cruising?
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-- Icon513., -- Your concern u'stood. and appreciated. - However, after I'd left the cubicle I washed my hands and went into the then vacant cubicle #6. to take some toilet tissue to dry them. - While in #6. I saw a peep-hole and availing of it confirmed that the occupant of #5. did not appear to be an under-age youth but a person of legal age. - Rest assured, and in order to protect CFS. - as Keith would wish resonsible respondents to do - had the occupant of #5. been under-aged, or had I any doubts, then I would not have written that part of my posting in the way I did.
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You should probably have confirmed that before you sucked the cock. I'm sure you realize what the the consequences would be if you were caught in flagrante delicto with an underage cock down your throat.
We don't want to be receiving reports on the NH action inside the Bangkok Hilton.
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-- 'Excuses, excuses.', I can hear you write.
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I don;t think that even with Sextile's numerous observations over the years : one can assess one's cock's age....well within legal and underage status.....unless as Sextile would say....well below standard Thai issue...
I remember being really offended when men would run away from me when I was 13 and doing the public toilets (a long time ago). I used to look at my cock and say....well it should be big enough!
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