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Old 7th February 2011, 07:05 PM
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Victory monument ...

Originally Posted by pong View Post
... and they in unison metioned that the hong nahm on the Vict. Monument were known all across town for it. Sorry-no idea which, as i guess there must be a dozen or so.

-- Thanks - I'm sure that that area is well-enough known for its activities and goings-on.
- Maybe in one or two of my idle moments, as VICTORY MON'T. isn't too far by BTS., I'll take a walk-around and report?
- Reminds me that I should take a look-in at HUA LAMPHONG sometime; I seem to remember that Khun Wantasian recommended it!
- We'll see.
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Old 8th February 2011, 12:34 AM
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Posts: 326

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- Thanks - I'm sure that that area is well-enough known for its activities and goings-on.
- Maybe in one or two of my idle moments, as VICTORY MON'T. isn't too far by BTS., I'll take a walk-around and report?
- Reminds me that I should take a look-in at HUA LAMPHONG sometime; I seem to remember that Khun Wantasian recommended it!
- We'll see.
I went into that filthy restroom at Hua Lamphong train station around Christmas 2009 and it was amazing--I sucked off two young, hot, guys in about 20 minutes in stalls (they immediately took interest in me and we went over and then in together). I played around with maybe 3 others! It was early afternoon. No problems with cleaning, security, etc. But the toilets all had vomit, piss, even diahria, etc. on the floors!

This last trip (over Christmas 2010/New Year's) I checked this place out again on my way to Chinatown cinema (early afternoon) and NOTHING! There were occasional hot Thai hanging around (standing in front of the mirror playing with their hair forever, etc.) but nobody did anything. There was a security (or cleaning?) guy who kept coming in and quickly leaving. No cleaning, though. It was a total waste of time and I left. (There is a 2 baht admission charge.)
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Old 8th February 2011, 12:40 AM
Join Date: Sep 2009
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P.S.: All cruising areas were worse for me last trip over Christmas/New Year's compared with my two earlier trips 6 & 12 months earlier! Every place seems to have more security--or there is some other reason everything is worse. Also, the cinemas were far worse. Although the one by Saphan Kwai skytrain stop still had a lot of people, it was totally populated by mean, bitchy queens (no available regular guys looking for sex)--while on my earlier trips, I was always able to have a good time there.
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Old 8th February 2011, 05:46 AM
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All seasons' place ...

-- Noting that ALL SEASONS' PLACE.* appears to have fallen-off our RADARs'. screens I visited it today, 09 feb., a'noon.;
- ETA./ETD.: 15.30./18.oo.hrs.;
- The most popular, if I remembered an earlier posting aright, is on Level 2., (Euro. & GB. 1fl.), nr. to BETTER VISION;
- Basically it was the busiest as all of the others were NTR.. At one time a man in the adjacent cubicle stood-up, faced the toilet bowl and proceeded to pleasure himself, clearly visible, as he might have intended; thanks to the o'head. light and the floor's reflexion what he held looked promising. Once he'd sat-down again I imitated him. He left his cubicle and put a foor 'neath. the door, but looking at his scuffed & unpolished shoe I had second thoughts.

--* Tnn. Witthayu, (aka. Wireless rd.),;
- Roughly opp. to the Am. Embassy's residences;
- Google earth co-ords.: roughly 100-32-49.E.x13-44-21.N.;
- BTS.: Ploen Chit, (E2.),.
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Old 8th February 2011, 05:52 AM
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Tops s'mkt. ...

-- Having left ALL SEASONS' PLACE I walked-through LUMPINI PK. to TOPS S'MKT. in the b'ment. of the former ROBINSON'S at the Rama IV.:Si Lom i'sect.; the hawng nahm was NTR..
-- However, I noticed that the McDONALD's above TOPS. was CLOSED, with brown paper pasted internally onto the windows and most of the McDO. exterior signage removed.
- there were a couple of signs printed in Thai posted by the main door on Rama IV. rd..
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Old 10th February 2011, 07:46 AM
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BIG C. - Aum Yai ...

-- See previous postings this thread #480. & 490.;
- Today, 10 feb., I went-out to BIG C. - Aum Yai. ;
-- ETA. #1.: approx. 13.30.hrs.;
- One quite attractive & young man standing at the urinals, looking LEFT & RIGHT but not shewing; otherwise NTR.;
- Went upstairs to 1fl., (US. 2fl.),; seeing another quite attractice looking & young man enter cubicle #8. I went-in to #7. and was pleased to see a small peep-hole in the partition; however, he was not interested.
-- ETA. #2.: approx. 15.oo.hrs.;
- I availed of cubicle #4. and removed the wad of tissue blocking the peep-hole, (originally much bigger until it was narrowed-down in size.),. Soon after another man entered #3., wearing an orange shirt over jeans and a clean pr. of working boots; god skin color & tone, as far as I could see. Worth making an effort, I thought, to wch. he responded by puting his hand - neither gnarled nor wrinkled - 'neath. the partition. I knelt-down and allowed him to pleasure me for a wee while. Then it was his turn, his assets are large: the nanghoom pai was pulled-back fully to reveal a mouth-filling hua-kuai. Like many Thais when squatting or kneeling-down he's able to OPEN wide his legs and to push his lower body close against the partition; so with care I was able to smoke him until we heard the janitress' cart rattling over the floor's tiles.
- A welcum change for some action there; 'But', as my Enthusiastic & Am. Friend would have told me, 'going-out that far is a crap shoot.'.
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Old 13th February 2011, 07:35 PM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 149

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- Having left ALL SEASONS' PLACE I walked-through LUMPINI PK. to TOPS S'MKT. in the b'ment. of the former ROBINSON'S at the Rama IV.:Si Lom i'sect.; the hawng nahm was NTR..
-- However, I noticed that the McDONALD's above TOPS. was CLOSED, with brown paper pasted internally onto the windows and most of the McDO. exterior signage removed.
- there were a couple of signs printed in Thai posted by the main door on Rama IV. rd..
Yes I noticed the brown paper on the ex Mac window last night and Tops itself seems to have large vacant areas within but may be for stocking via pallet who knows. HN NTR. Is this place also due for the chopper I wonder?
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Old 14th February 2011, 05:41 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 459

did not anyone notice this? BIG-C THE BIGbig-C, burnt down by the reds, across from the World trade- has REOPENED. Must have been a quiet re-start, as I saw no announcement
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Old 14th February 2011, 05:44 PM
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Last week, late afternoon, very, very busy, the toilets at tescoLotus ONNUT, Foodcourtlevel, quite small, were indeed very busy-with the lady cleaner in charge too continuosuly busy. But it was obvious even for me, not really into this game, that a lot of peeping, peering etc. was going on in the standing toilets, with several men coming in+out in a few mins. for checking-which you do not if you just use the hong where they are for.
I could hardly believe how crowded this area was around that time, also with farang. Must loose a big lot of that when the BTS gets extended toward SamRong.
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Old 14th February 2011, 07:46 PM
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Was at Tesco Lotus On Nut yesterday 1300hrs. The upstairs HN very quiet but the downstairs one with the row of pissoirs at right angles to each other very busy indeed. You could feel the tension!!! Ha

While I was there to actually have piss I was aware of a fellow in a stall to my L rear (Thai) advertising his desperation by hanging out of an open door invitingly. A guy to my right took up the offer. I notice the front doors of stalls are only a few cms from the floor affording great privacy. Janitorial staff not in evidence so BUSY
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Old 17th February 2011, 01:37 AM
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TESCO-LOTUS - S'vit. 50. ...

-- Today, (17 feb.), ret'g. from PATTAYA I debussed at TESCO-LOTUS - Sukhumvit 50., (BTS. On Nut, E9.), at approx. 12.20.hrs..
- I went directly to the GF. hawng nahm and within a short space of time was invited twice to go-in to a cubicle: firstly by a rather rough-looking young man who had little to offer & secondly by a small shrimp of a man with hair dyed a gingery color, whom I've seen there several times before.
- Returning later, after a coffee & a donut. in Dunkin' Donuts - a couple of pieces of eye-candy there!, it was NTR.; maybe because janitress was busy?
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Old 17th February 2011, 03:31 AM
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I don't understand all the posts about restrooms. Do any of these posters ever connect for sex? I try to, and do, connect--often leaving the place with the other guy to go somewhere else (even back to my hotel, where Thai guys were really nice and spent the whole night!). I have met two long-term boyfriends this way. I know almost everyone else will gasp in horror at the danger. But I've never had a problem. I even met and went to Thai guys' apartments/rooms near the restrooms (gasp, gasp!).
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Old 18th February 2011, 05:52 AM
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BIG C. - R'damri. ...

-- Today, 18 feb., I decided to visit BIG C. - R'damri. -
- ETA./ETD.: 16.20./18.15.hrs.;
- Habitues & former cruisers will be pleased to know that all hawng nahm are still in their former loc'ns., although the surrounding shops, outlets and suchlike might well have changed;
- The most pop. HN. continues to be the one on the GF.;
- The majority of today's cruisers were middle-aged men, only a couple of younger men seen, one of whom gestured to me to follow him, wch. I did but at a discreet distance, until, with an exquisite & enviable sense of timing, he leapt onto a departing klong ferry and left me stranded on the landing! Ah, well: 'All part of life's rich tapestry.' as the philosopher allegedly said.
- Only the LOWER four floors are OPEN;
- Those who are allergic to the smell of fresh paint are advised to await a while longer.

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Old 18th February 2011, 11:56 AM
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hello guys, I am quite new to this forum, and the cruise thing. I would like to thank all of you to share your experiences here. but what I want to ask is that how you guys can be sure that approaching someone pissing is not offending? I really don't know how can I suck a Dick successfully without knowing any Thai word. they said that any man on the street could be brought into your bedroom, is the saying over-exaggerated?
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Old 18th February 2011, 09:52 PM
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Yes, that is a bit over-exaggerated!

Cruising here is like everywhere else. Look for signs. Facial expressions, body motions, something to indicate interest.
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