-- Not at all - please go right ahead! - I came-across that particular term first of all in the gay-friendly 'WELLINGTON.' pub. in Notting Hill Gate many yrs. ago; it was used by a computer-programming aquaintance of mine who died earlier than he should have done because he was an hy. smoker of cigarettes: ![]() -- ![]()
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-- In my previous posting about BIG C. -Ratchadamri, (#610.), I meant to make mention of the one & useable hawng nahm in the basement's car-parking space, (how did I come to forget that?
![]() - On the bldg's. floor-plans two HN. are shewn - 1.- Take any one of the 3 elevators DOWN to the b'ment.; - After leaving turn RIGHT and go through the automatic door wch. has white on orange transfers shewing OPENING hrs. and the usual SGP.-style 'No smoking.' etc. etc. pictures; - Turn RIGHT and go past the shopping-carts' storage recess, (RHS.),; - Immediately past that you'll see an unlit & narrow passage-way to yr. RHS., that's where one HN. will be at sometime in the future; 2.- Walk through the basement's car-park and past the pillars on wch. are painted 'B8.' and look-for the car-wash spaces; - The HN. is to the car-wash's LEFT and is indicated by the usual & int'l. signage. Tucked fairly well out-of-the-way and possibly worth a try if there's nowhere else to go. -- ![]()
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-- Today, (14 apr.), afternoon , rather then being mewed-up in my app't. - like my Enthusiastic & American Friend with his cats - I decided to visit TESCO-LOTUS - Sukhumvit 50.;
- ETA./ETD.: 15.15.- 17.30.hrs.; - Really the journey wasn't worth it; there both hawng nahm were NTR.; such as were availing of the facilities were mainly TOFs.. However, at one time, I did see a tall & attractive YM. enter the GF's. cubicle #4. so I went-in to #3.; squinting through the rather awkwardly placed peep-hole I saw the YM. standing-up and, after he'd finished, shewing-off his well-developed appendage - 'Vaut le regarde.' ;-) - While there were a good many YM. walking-around only a v. few merited being described as 'Eye-candy.'; to these tired & olde eyes the most attractive YM. was one of those in DUNKIN' DONUTS, (usual disclaimer, of course.),. - Rather than confront walking to & from BTS. Sala Daeng, (S2.), with all the crowds in Si Lom rd., I prefered to make use of BTS. Chong Nonsi, (S3.),. -- ![]()
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-- Today, 17 apr., a'noon. my Enthusiastic & American Friend & I agreed to meet in BIG C. - Ratchadamri at 16.oo.hrs.. However, an upset stomach persuaded him to remain at home.
-- Remembering that on a previous visit I was approx. 45. mins. too late to see any action my ETA./ETD. became 14.40./18.oo.hrs.; - But this time it was v. much 'All quiet on the Western Front.' at that earlier time, only a few mature cruisers seen and positively no YM. whatsoever; in fact the 1st. & YM. cruiser wasn't seen until around 16.40.hrs.; - To pass-away the time I endeavored to remember the Kingston Trio's 1966. hit: 'Where have all the flowers gone?', but with ltd. success; so I retired to SWENSON'S to enjoy a sticky choolate ice-cream for just 99.Bh.; my young friend of the previous visit wasn't on duty then; - Cruising-around again a youngish & plain-looking man, whom I'd noticed earlier - possessor of an avg.+ appendage - & I made eyes at eachother; he followed me into the b'ment. hawn nahm at wch. point I'll allow the hand of discretion ... . -- ![]()
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-- Today, (21 apr. - Maundy Thursday.), and at the request of a railway's enthusiast acquaintance of mine I went to HUA LAMPHONG RAIL'Y. STN.;
- ETA./ETD.: 14.30./1805.hrs.; - I availed of the hawng nahm just after arrival and just before leaving - both times were NTR.; - Plenty of young people in the open & waiting area with quite a few pieces of eye-candy to brighten-up the scene. -- ![]()
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-- Today, 22 apr. - Good Friday., I rec'd an e-mail from khun Wantasian telling me that each time he tries to write an entry in CFS. his computer freezes-up!
- He reminded me that the last time that he cruised in HUA LAMPHONG Rail'y. Stn. - posting in this thread #542. - there were several hot & YM. in the hawng nahm, two of whom he enjoyed within the space of half-an-hour. -- E&OE. as reported speech. -- I was not so lucky y'day. But as my Enthusiastic & American Friend would remind me: 'It's a crap shoot.'. ![]() -- ![]()
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View topic - Where to find "game" straight guys during afternoon? | This thread | Refback | 2nd January 2012 09:31 PM | |
Sunee Plaza visit - GayThailand Forum - Page 2 | This thread | Refback | 30th December 2010 11:54 PM | |
Sunee Plaza visit - GayThailand.com Forum - Page 2 | This thread | Refback | 22nd January 2010 11:19 AM | |
Where to find "game" straight guys during afternoon? : Gay Thailand - Page 2 | This thread | Refback | 15th August 2009 06:43 AM |
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