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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Pattaya

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Old 22nd November 2006, 04:17 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 898

Had a few days in Pattaya this week. Jomtien bars dead, Boys Town not busy, but Sunnee Plaza absolutely packed and jumping. I had a couple of really weird experiences. Went into a Sunnee bar and shocked to see a mellee of about 40 boys cramed on a central catwalk milling around like rats in a sewer. All wearing only briefs ....but....I couldn't see one who looked to be even 17, let alone legal. When I asked the capitan how old they were, he shrugged and said "ask them". I'm not going to name the bar...but I moved out quickly and found a bar more like Solid and offed an 18 year old "puu-chai" and 21 year old with just budding tits. I asked if he was lady boy..he replied "gay" . Back in hotel they both jumped me and we had a great fuck fest with the "gay" boy taking us both at once...(a first for me). But what shocked me was when I sucked on a was sweet with milk! Is this normal for lady boy.?..I usually prefer puu chai so dont know.

bangkok seems very tame after a few days in about sleeze!
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Old 22nd November 2006, 04:25 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 30

I will be visiting both Pattaya and Bangkok soon but from what I read here and other boards, it seems that Sunne Plaza is awash with underage boys and that boys, waiters, mamasans and owners will conspire to deceive you. Scary!
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Old 23rd November 2006, 07:39 AM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 272

can anyone recommend a bar that will not have any underage boy in sunee plaza?
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Old 23rd November 2006, 04:06 PM
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 21
puu chai

Biggles, I need your help again. Can you explain what is puuchai vs. ladyboy? I don't think I ever had either one, but it sounds interesting...
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Old 23rd November 2006, 06:42 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 898

OK….in western countries we have gay, bi and straight. We also have top, bottom and versatile. In Thailand its not that simple……but I’ve come to understand it as follows;

Thai boys who do M/M sex basically describe themselves as one of 3 types;

Puu chai (thai for “man”)
Lady boy. (kaa-toie)

A puu chai is basically a top…he wants to be the “man” and likes to fuck. He may not regard himself as “gay” in the western sense, may fuck girls and have a girlfriend, but can still enjoy M/M sex with gusto. In Thai terms there’s no guilt about anything in sex and a healthy recognition of the ability of men to enjoy sex with other men, which a lot of western men suppress….who then become closet gays. He may still let you fuck him, or may decline (“me puu chai!”) . He may basically be “straight”, or may be bi or may be “gay”….what-ever, just enjoy!

A “gay” boy is primarily into M/M sex, is probably versatile, but may then admit to having sex with girls as well if they feel like it. These are my preferred type as usually anything goes.

Lady boy (kaa-toie) is a girly / boy, total bottom , totally gay in the western sense , fucks like a rabbit and may go on to have a full sex change. They may wear make up, heels, bra etc. They are often on hormone treatment and have tits as well as still having a cock. They are not drag queens, & in Thailand are effectively a 3rd sex, and have a status quite different to their western equivalents.

Other posters may have a different interpretation, but anyway, have fun working it out for yourself…….!
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Old 2nd December 2006, 09:39 AM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 36
Sunee plaza

I visited two bars in Sunee plaza recently. The boys are all on the young side. In each place I talked to a boy who looked to be of age. however, in both instances they have recently "lost" their IDs and assured me that they can borrow an ID from a friend who is over 18. I took off immediately.

I think Sunee plaza is best to be avoided at all cost.
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Old 2nd December 2006, 11:04 AM
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 44
Sunee plaza

For me Sunee Plaza is the best place after jomtien comlex-crazy dragon and topman and wans place and clubbers and old butts bar. Never have had problems. You only have to know the places where not to go.In many bars i can enjoy my drink and will get my load of fresh cum without taking off any boy.
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Old 8th December 2006, 12:17 AM
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 40

I think you left out a very large group of thai boys. Those that are gay and bottom only. Tend to be a bit more effiminate, but have no intention of appearing as a woman.
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