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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Golden Cock

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Old 16th January 2007, 09:16 PM
LuvThailand's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 40
Golden Cock

I read of a few interesting incidents on this message board about happenings at Golden Cock, so when I was in Bangkok last week I went in search of this interesting sounding place. I arrived probably around 2pm and was greeted by a couple of lads as I walked into the none-too-salubrious establishment. Initially there was one customer in there ~ but he soon left leaving just me. I sat at the bar and within nanseconds hands had set upon me. It took a few more seconds for the boy to unzip my pants and flop out my willy.......

I won't go into detail here.....but suffice to say I left the bar with a smile on my face and a contented feeling about my person.....oh and the drinks are hell of a cheap too.....before 7pm!
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Old 17th January 2007, 12:24 AM
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 4
Thumbs up

I was in and out of Golden Cock during my last stay in Thailand (December 1st thr January 8th) and it was GREAT. It was an accidental encounter, as I was just walking by and decided to give it a try. The place is small but that's what makes it so hot. When my friend and I went in there were always 1 or 2 others farangs in there. There were about 5 or 6 boys and were they ever friendly. One farang sat at the bar and was playing with 2 of the boys dicks. Another came and sat with me, his name was Eh, and massaged my dick for a good hour. Needless to say I took him back to my hotel and had a blast with him. He was comfortable and easy going. We had oral sex and he was up for being fucked. Needless to say i went back 3 times and was always satisfied. One particular day, December 30th, I arrived at 10pm and the boys were having a staff pre New Years eve party. I got a private strip dance show from most of the boys. Even the chubby mamasan did a strip show for everyone. Needless to say it was a fun time had by all. Come NOvember I am definately going back. It is %100 better then all those other gogo bar at soi Twilight with their pushy staff. Check it out boys, two thumbs up.
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Old 23rd January 2007, 10:20 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 170

I went there a couple of times - the transvestites put me off the place, I'd have to say. Once I went in the afternoon - a lot of cock massage but no unzipping. I went back that night or the next and three boys set upon me. I went back another time and nothing happened. I think it's OK on some days, not on others - and it's just by chance you go at the right time/day
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