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Old 31st October 2007, 06:22 AM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 158

Bonny - mixed experiences.

Maybe three years ago - selected very masculine boy with very beautiful body. Showered etc, he's sitting on my cock and moaning within one minute, continued for at least 30 minutes then mutual sucking then consumed my cock again until he came.

Then demanded 5,000. I paid 1,500 and left with lots of abuse from boy and manager

Every other visit (after change of management), i guess four times, no service whatever. One boy even horrified that i tried to touch him, and told me angrily that I was not nice person. Every time demands for 3,00 - 5,000 etc.

Never again - Bonny now on on my totally forever banned list.
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Old 31st October 2007, 07:15 AM
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As I've reported before, I've also had absolute CRAP experiences at Bonny. Now, I just laugh at them when they're out front of the place trying to lure me in. I'd go without a massage before I'd EVER cross their threshold again. And, as long as I'm up here on this soapbox, I can also tell you that the massage place right down the soi from Bonny (maybe called Red...or something like that) is no better. They don't do a line-up, you take who they give you and don't expect anything extra. They're absolutely appalled at the suggestion. Since there are plenty of good massage places available, avoid Soi Twilight altogether.
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Old 31st October 2007, 08:45 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 170

So, after all of that, is there anywhere that guys CAN recommend for now??
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Old 1st November 2007, 02:18 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
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Arena (mostly straight guys)
Aqua (mostly gay guys)
Hero (mostly straight guys)
Albury (mostly straight guys)
Banana Club (mostly gay guys)
B&N (mostly straight guys)
Body Club (mostly gay guys)
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Old 1st November 2007, 02:24 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239

Ditto everything Icon has said. And, add APSARA Day Spa on's become quite festive lately.....mostly gay guys.
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Old 1st November 2007, 02:31 AM
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Posts: 3,015

-- Ditto to e'thing. that Billinbkk. has written - but ADD 'INDRA MASSAGE.' on Soi Than Tawan, (opp. 'Tawan Men's Bar.'.), about wch. I've no complaints sofar and after trying eight or so of their 17 masseurs; also include 'BAAN TEWA.', S. Sathorn 7/1.,(behind SGP. Embassy.), where things are possible.
-- bibi..
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Old 1st November 2007, 03:24 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
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Do those places let you choose your masseur, or are you assigned one?
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Old 1st November 2007, 05:41 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239 APSARA' s clientelle has become more and more gay, they're now doing line-ups for you when you arrive. It's a bit cramped in their lobby, but they stand the boys far enough away from you so that you can get a good look. I've ALWAYS been able to get the lad naked and NEVER had any complaints about tip amounts, etc.
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Old 2nd November 2007, 05:39 AM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 158

Icon. Re: Banana club.

You mentioned 'mostly gay' in a very recent post. Have you been there quite recently?

What do you mean by 'gay', for this establishment:

- Effeminate?
- Masculine behavior, but homosexual?

I took this place off my list a long time ago because it was full of loud effeminate boys - totally not my preference.

Look fwd to your comment, thanks.
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Old 2nd November 2007, 06:12 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
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Most of them are a bit fem, but they run the range from screaming fem to somewhat masculine. They also always have a couple straight guys. So, it's mostly a good place if you're looking for a twinky bottom that might be a touch fem.
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Old 2nd November 2007, 08:48 PM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 158

Would you please share some comen ts

Aspara - Can someone please share address. I read somewhere they only have 4 boys - true??

NEW PLACE BEHIND S'PORE EMBASSY, SATHORN - I read this is a normal Thai massage place with girls and one or two boys - true?

GM MASSAGE - Phayonyothin - Read this place has only 4 boys - true?

Thanks for sharing comments
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Old 3rd November 2007, 12:14 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

-- 'BAAN TEWA.',
S. Sathorn, soi 7/1. - behind SGP. Embassy,
BKK., 10120..
- contact: (02)-679 0816. ---
- nrest. BTS.: Chong Nonsi, (S3.), approx. 10mins. walk away.
-- I spoke with Khun Kob, ('A cutie!' according to an SGPean.), last thu. and at that time he had three male masseurs, (business doesn't justify any more at the present.), and no plans to employ masseusses.
- He is g*y.
- He runs 'BT.' like 'Silom Massage.' or 'Candle T SPA.' are run - ie not like a male br*th*l or wh*r*h**s* but a managed parlor offering massages for g*y men by g*y masseurs and without any obvious hanky-panky, wch. would be something private just between the customer and his masseur - if agreeable to both.
- Above info. from the horse's mouth!

-- 'APSARA, (Si Lom.),
12/1-2, Si Lom rd., (next to 'Coffee society.' - a well-known & g*y-friendly meeting point and on the BTS. Sala Daeng stn. side of Si Lom 2.),
Si lom.
- contact: (02)632 6885-87.;
- BTS./MRT.: Sala Daeng, (S2.),/Silom.
- above info. from the freebie mag. 'GGlamour travel & leisure.',vol.I, #05..
Phaholyothin soi 5.
- contact: (02)-619 8578. ---
- BTS.: Ari, (N5.),.
- above info. from my 'Address book.'.

-- Not having visited either 'Apsara.' or 'GM Massage.' I have no knowledge of either qty. or qual. of their staffs.
-- E&OE.! ..
-- bibi..
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Old 3rd November 2007, 02:45 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239

I've been to APSARA several times. There are a LOT more than 4 guys there at any given time. The last time I was there, there were about 20 in the line-up, as well as all of the foot massage chairs in the front of the place being full....and several customers upstairs.

If you're not good with Thai addresses, APSARA is right next to the Burger King on Silom. You pass it when you're walking from the BTS to Burger King. There are always lots of guys sititng out on the street handing out literature.
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Old 3rd November 2007, 03:52 AM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 70

Went to Body Club this afternoon. Around 15 guys lined up, most with shirts off. They seem to go for the lean, fit young str8 looking ones, most with taut, lithe bodies and short hair, just how I like them.

I chose a cute young thing called Bast from NE Thailand, nice, slim, smooth and a body all lean and muscly in a youthful rather than muscle-mary way.

His massage was very good, although more of a smoothing, creaming motion than firm, thai style.

After a good back massage, he turned me over but did not waste too much time before going to the action. Surprisingly enough, he was an enthusiastic kisser - not a trait many masseurs have, IMHO.

90 minute cream massage was 490 baht with minimum 500 baht tip. I gave him 1000.
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Old 3rd November 2007, 06:26 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239
GMen Massage

Well, since it didn't appear that anyone had ever experienced GM Massage, I decided to be the guinea pig late this afternoon. The place is VERY difficult to find and the map on their website isn't accurate at all. I finally ended up ringing them and had the mamasan talk to my taxi driver.

On the phone at 5.30, I asked the mamasan how many boys were there right them. He assured me that there were "25 boys now". So, you can imagine my surprise when I got there 30 minutes later and there were a grand total of TEN guys working.

The place is in a townhouse in a townhouse community. You'd never know it was there unless you were looking for it. There is a sign out front that says "GM" on it and that's it. There are no signs regrading massage, etc.

When you go in, you sit in what would normally be the living room. The guys are sitting one next to the other on a couch in the dining room. When I entered, not one of the guys even bothered to look up from the TV that they were all watching. There was absolutely NO eye contact or nods/smiles/winks from any of them.

I asked the mamasan for the guy with the biggest dick in the place. He was quite surprised by my request and asked me to repeat it....which I did. He told me "wait a minute" and went into the dining room to ask the guys if any of them was well hung. None of them was interested in an old fat farang, so none of them volunteered. Finally the all pointed at one guy and he relented and agreed to massage me.

The lad's name is "X", although he's got such a mouth full of braces that he can't say it. He has VERY VERY limited English. We went to the room and both of us got naked. I showered first and he followed. While he was in there, he put on a cock ring so that this dick would have some hope of getting hard.

X started by massaging (poorly) my back. He then moved to my ass. He ended up massaging with one hand so he could jerk his dick to get it hard enough to work. Within 10 minutes of beginning the massage, he asked if I wanted to get fucked. I told him "YES". He didn't even bring a condom or lube to the room with him. But, alas, I had some, so we used mine.

He was able to get his dick hard enough to get it in and fucked me for about 5 minutes. He then took it out and laid down on the massage bed to finish by jerking off.

My entire 90 minute massage, including pre and post showers lasted 25 minutes. After my post-shower, I sat down on the massage bed, wondering if he'd finish massaging me. That question was answered when he came out of the shower, put his clothes on and handed me my shirt.

They have 3 kinds of massage at this place, all of them are supposed to be 90 minutes and all of them cost 500 baht. They have printed right on the menu that the minimum tip for the boy is THB 1,000. I gave X 1,300...why I don't know.

I did notice 2 other customers while I was there. They were both hi-so Thai businessmen. There were also quite a few new full-size Mercedes Benz's parked outside.

If I didn't know better, I'd say that this place is a hi-so Thai businessman's place. I noticed that several of the guys in there had braces on their teeth. When I see that in a whorehouse, I always think "Kept boy".

I'll never return to this place and wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
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