So, I've got a question for the group....
When I go to get a legitimate (non-sexual) massage, what is the customary tip? I know that it should be no where near what I give a guy who ploughs me, but what's fair? And, would such a tip be higher in touristy places like Silom than they would be at my neighbourhood massage place? Thanks in advance for the help.
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... . When I go to get a legitimate (non-sexual) massage, what is the customary tip? ... . QUOTE] -- I can write about only 'SILOM MASSAGE.', whither I go sometimes for either an hour's foot massage, or a 90 mins. straight and thoroughly professional oil-massage from Khun Jhon. - For the foot-massage I give 100.Bh. and for the oil massage I give 500.Bh.. - Out in the suburbs I'd expect that as the rates are LESS so the expectations of the masseurs would be LESS - but have no first hand experience of that. -- bibi.. --
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I've had 4-hand massage at Arena, HIS, Adonis, Blue House, Royal House and Indra. Tell the mamasan what it is that you're after wherever you go. I'm certain they'll have whatever floats your boat...as long as you're willing to pay for it. (I don't want to sound like the total slut that I am, however, I also had an 8-hand massage at HIS...and they wanted to add more.....)
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Used to like HIS until I got a masseur who insisted I pay him a higher tip (I gave him bht1000) because I made him cum !!!! He he he I told him "nice try but I am givin u more than the minimum tip already!" Some of these masseurs are all out to prey on customers thinking they don't know what is the minimum tip.
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Zippo.....I had the same thing happen to me at Adonis. The minimum tip there is THB 800. The lad I chose was the WORST I've ever had anywhere, but I still gave him THB 1,000. He INSISTED that the minimum tip for having sex was THB 1,500. I argued with him and he finally backed down....and then followed me to the desk and watched me get THB 300 change....and held out his hand, expecting me to give that money to him, in addition to the THB 1,000. WHAT A LOSER!!!!!
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That's exactly why I haven't been back to HIS massage in 2 - 3 years. The masseur demanded 2,000 baht because he cummed for me. Of course I resisted; in fact, I promptly deducted 100 baht from my usual tip to "reward" him for his gall.
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HIS Bangkok also off my list permanently. Twice had same experience of demand 'minimum tip plus extra 1,000' because boy came. After about 2 years I relinquished and went back, maybe six months ago. Place was unmanaged, boys in control and in chaos. Chose one boy who promised everything and delivered zero and talked all the time about extra tip / special boy. In fact I finished the very poor quality massage after 15 minutes and showered. Gave the boy 200 and got a lot of loud abuse. Never again.
HIS in Chiang Mai is a different story, always great. Last time, about 6 weeks back they had about 25 boys. Photos indicate AOP etc. Many boys willing to do everything, mostly young (18+) masculine boys. Always friendly, seem to be well focused on customer satisfaction. One young man (CM Uni student) agreed to bring two student friends (not gay bar workers) to my hotel early the next afternoon). They were both quite masculine, inexperienced but keen to try anything for some fun, and not shy to work on each other. Very nice three hours.
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-- Most evenings I walk past 'JIM's PUB.' in Soi Than Tawan, (it's in the same row of shop-houses as 'Indra Massage.' but is nrer. to 'Coca Rest't.'.),. In the small and open entce. area, where the girls sit-out, are two signs: one for Foot-reflexology and the other for Aroma-oil massage.
- Their barker: Ping-pong, early 20s. - and I generally spend a few moments chatting. For the last several weeks he's been trying to get me to avail of their massage svce.: Khun Thai, and just 20YO.!. Eventually I succumbed to his blandishments and we agreed that I'd come-around on sat.,(27th.), between 20.30 & 21.oo.hrs. for a 90mins'. oil-massage. - I saw him again on the sat. forenoon and re-confirmed the time, wch. he ack'd.. - I arr'd. at approx. 20.45.hrs. and was told that the masseur was on his way and would arrive in 30mins'. time. My face must have given-away my thoughts for Ping-pong amended that immediately to ten mins.. - I went-away and ret'd. after a further 15mins. - having allowed an extra for BKK's. tfc. - ha! - I was ushered inside, offered drinks, the company of some of their ladies and so on - doubtless all to a purpose. - After a further ten mins. I got-up and left. - Dilemma, where to go and what to do? I didn't feel like walking all the way to either 'ARENA.' or to 'HIS.' - anyway, on a sat. evening probably all their better masseurs would have been taken by the time that I would have arr'd.. So that left either 'INDRA.' or 'PRIME.' - after last sat's. experience in 'PRIME.' I made-up my mind! -- bibi..
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-- After the disappointment with 'Jim's Pub.' I went to 'INDRA MASSAGE.' on Soi Than Tawan, and was assigned to masseur VIEW, a young looking, tallish and slim man on whom I've had my eye for some time. 27YO. from I-San; speaks quite fair enough English for conversations; has been working there for approx.3mos.; lives alone in an appt. on Rama III rd.; formerly married and with a 5YO. daughter who's with his family.
- A fair enough massage, during wch. and unasked he removed his masseur's trousers. - To better massage my shoulders he stood at my head - so I accepted the invitation. The usual Th. boi std. issue and uncut. - The 'Extra svce..' was nothing about wch. one would write home: an hand-job wch., despite my taking a 'G7.' tablet earlier, (see 'Herbal Viagra.' thread.), produced no extra special results. - I spoke with the lady at the 'Receipt of customs.' and gave her the info. for the web-page for the 'Spartacus Int'l. Guide.' who are soliciting entries for next yr's. ed'n., and in the hope that she'll avail of their offer and thus obtain MORE customers so that that place will continue in business. - Having decided that enough was enough I abandoned any plans for a further night out. -- bibi..
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-- This time, before going to 'INDRA MASSAGE.' for my usual monday evening's massage, I resolved not to take any pills, tablets etc. but just to allow Mother Nature to do her own thing in her own way.
- I arr'd. just before 21.oo.hrs. and was offered masseur VIEW, but as he massaged me on the preceeding sat. I asked for the next masseur available and was offered masseur TAHM, (pronounced with a long 'A.' as in 'Psalm.'.), 18YO. from I-San; speaks little English so we didn't enjoy much of a conversation. - A competent massage, - In fact as soon as he'd moved-around to the top of the massage table I couldn't help but notice that he's another one who likes plenty of att'n. - so that in the end I felt like a combination of Dyson, Electrolux & Hoover! I haven't enjoyed such a prolonged and thorough massage of my neck and shoulders for such a long time - ha! -- bibi..
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Yesterday lunchtime, in Silom with a couple of hours to kill before a flight to KL, I thought I would give Bonny a try, it being a few years since I crossed that particular threshold.
I was met by the lad that seems to have been there forever (tall, skinny, short cropped hair and round Chinese looking face) who led me to the room. I have known him for a few years and tended to have a bit of friendly banter whenever I was passing, but that may have come to an end... As mentioned elsewhere in this thread, the boy does indeed shower you, but he kept his towel on throughout. Then followed a massage that can only be described as crap - no effort, interest or energy expended. Before I knew it, I was on my back and the inevitable began - in and out was obviously his plan (as in me out the door). In fact, I was back at the reception within 40 minutes of arriving - and he had the cheek to complain that a 500 bht tip was not enough. I kept my temper but pointed out the time to him. He laughed sheepishly and said "Up to you." To cap it all, in the very short period I was naked, I still managed to get 3 mosquito bites that are still causing me grief! Never again.
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Senso so-so : Gay Thailand | This thread | Refback | 29th January 2009 06:41 AM | |
How is Tawan bar in soi Suriwong so far ? : Gay Thailand - Page 2 | This thread | Refback | 3rd January 2009 03:55 AM | |
Report on Paradis Massage in Silom, Bangkok | This thread | Refback | 26th October 2008 01:16 AM |
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