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Old 24th March 2008, 09:54 PM
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Yes I remember you.
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Old 6th April 2008, 02:10 PM
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 28
Saladaeng Massage

A poster talks of his great experience at Saladaeng Massage and I must agree with most of his story. I went in for a foot massage, had a very cute guy named Art who later asked me to come back for a body massage. I did, was taken upstairs to a very small room with a common ceiling with other rooms. I don't like traditional Thai massage, just the plain old rubbing type so got an oil massage. I showered, lay down on the table and the boy took off his shirt but not his trousers - fine with me at this point. He gave me a very erotic massage with time spend running over my less than virginal area and massaging the glutinous area in such a way that I was about to float off the table!. Then rolled me over, gave my upper body a purfunctory massage, down to the genital area with much pressing of fingers in the groin area until I just wanted to scream out with pleasure - a couple of wanks and I saw stars!!!! Was perfectly satisfied with his services but.......always a but... when I gave him 1000 bht tip, he looked like I had cheated him and asked for another thousand so he could pay his rent. Needless to say, that didn't happen. But for the request, I would have been back there every week for another session. Now my question is, where can guys give this kind of erotic massage without the necessity of actually having either oral or anal sex? Once in a while it is great to be just serviced like that.

Also, a good friend has informed me the normal tip at Hero now is 2000 baht - any truth to this??

Also went to Apsara one evening, cute guy with a chip in his front tooth filled with silver - got a great massage but finally offered what turned out to be a rather good sized appendage for me to swallow should i desire. But all in all, it was not as good as the one at Saladaeng in spite of the tip business.
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Old 6th April 2008, 05:49 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239

Finding the perfect erotic massage with just a hand job is a crap shoot, at best. Virtually ALL of the guys at most places will be happy to give you a hand, and MOST of them will be thankful to you if they don't have to get naked or you don't ask them to mount you like a palamino. So, the hand job is fairly easy.

It's the "good" massage before the hand job that's tricky. I've been repeat business for massage guys who were stellar the first time I was there who turned out to be terrible thereafter.

So, unfortunately, it's a "pig-and-a-poke" to find a masseur that suits your fancy. Once you do, hang on to him. Get his mobile phone number and give him yours (if you're so inclined). Often-times, these guys move around a lot and it can be difficult to keep up with them.

(Also, let me mention that I think you did the exact right thing by establishing that a hand job is only worth THB 1,000. Set the ground rules early and don't stray from them. Stick to your guns. These guys have got more stories than Carter has liver pills. Don't believe them. If a hand job is worth THB 1,000 that's it.....full stop!)
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Old 7th April 2008, 04:33 AM
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 76
Looking for ? Good times or Domination?

Not sure what some people are out for ... good times or domination. Seems the tough guy approach isn't always a great success.

I've been repeat business for massage guys who were stellar the first time I was there...
but wait ...

Set the ground rules early and don't stray from them. Stick to your guns. Don't believe them. If a hand job is worth THB 1,000 that's it.....full stop!)
and this approach resulted in

... who turned out to be terrible thereafter.
Surprise, surprise.

Some people seem less interested in having a good time with a boy and/or having a great massage than they are in playing tough guy.

Maybe the boys can sniff out who that kind of shit might or might not work on. Speaking Thai, in particular, might be their first clue that it wouldn't work on me.
As opposed to:
I went back to Adonis later in the day and offed Fon, for a fantastic repeat session in Suriwong Hotel, the first time I have every offed a masseur. The off fee was only 300 or 500 BHt .Fon was tipped very well for his services that day.
If a hand job is worth THB 1,000 that's it.....full stop!)
As opposed to:
Going against the flow I once again went with Nop and I was delighted that the amazing first time events were repeated.

The massage was just what I needed, I have several vertebrae out of alignment and he worked on each one and got them back in line so that I could move without wincing in pain.

The after event was deep, probing and VERY satisfying for both of us. I'll be back in July and will look forward to visiting here again.
Whereas some techniques just don't seem to be very productive...

At Blue House, I told the mamasan ... She asked the guys (about 10 or so) who would like to go with me and they ALL said "NO!!" So, she turned to me and said "Sorry, no boy for you tonight." I left there and went to Royal. As I approached, the two massage guys sitting outside got up and went inside, leaving me standing on the street alone.
And confusingly from the same poster:
I can recommend Blue House in your absence, Spoonfed. The mamasan's name is Ta. Tell him exactly what you are looking for. If he doesn't have it in stock, he'll tell you what time to return. You can also set up outcall service with Ta when you are there. He's a really nice guy who speaks very good English. He may well have what it is that you're looking for when you're first there. He has, at any given time, up to 25 guys ready to make you happy.
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Old 7th April 2008, 06:35 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239

Clearly, you've never been to Thailand.

Welcome to the board. Stick around. You'll learn the meaning of "the more things change, the more they stay the same".
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Old 12th April 2008, 10:23 AM
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Originally Posted by billinbkk View Post
Clearly, you've never been to Thailand.

Welcome to the board. Stick around. You'll learn the meaning of "the more things change, the more they stay the same".
Have called Thailand home for going on eleven years now.

Went to Hero on Wednesday and had a great time with J___. Tipped him 3000 Baht. He was well worth it and when I go back, I doubt the Mamasan will tell me, "No boy for you tonight." Hell, when it was clear I wasn't going to manage a happy ending despite his best efforts and I told him "mai bpen rai," he announced he would smoke me, which is not something I requested nor would expect. Because of that and the fantastic two hours that preceded it, he deserved a good deal more than Baht 3000, but I'm not authorized to hand out the croix de guerre decoration, no matter how deserving the recipient.

Also took a boy off from one of the bars on the (supposedly) dreaded Soi Twilight Wednesday. I took him off for two nights, but he stayed with me at home for three days & nights and was tipped 15,000 Baht. He then asked to stay until at least Monday, but he made a point of saying he didn't want any more money. He's lying naked on the sofa watching some Vin Diesel movie now and looking good enough to eat.

It's not just the money, since they don't know how much they're getting until we're ready to part company, and I can guarantee you it's not my sexual aura. I'm over 60 and not fat by farang standards, but hardly "fighting fit." And, these are not isolated incidents. In all these years there have been very few disappointments, and those amounted to nothing when compared to all the wonderful boys I've spent time with and the great experiences I've had with them.

I treat the boys like they're a joy to be with (which they usually are) and that they are not one-use, disposable toys. Considering all the bitching by some people on this message board about the boys and their alleged poor attitudes, I just have to believe it's they who are fed up with the attitudes of some farang. Actually that works to my advantage since the boys I encounter in the bars and massage parlours apparently are so relieved I'm not another farang who thinks he can walk on water, that I reap the rewards. I hope my reasonable tipping standards do inflate expectations and price some people out of the market.

What goes around cums around.
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Old 12th April 2008, 06:28 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239

I love someone with a vivid imagination.

Keep posting. Your posts are funny to read.
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Old 12th April 2008, 11:17 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by Mii_Kwaam_suk View Post
... .
... Tipped him 3000 Baht. ... . Because of that and the fantastic two hours that preceded it, he deserved a good deal more than Baht 3000, ... .
Also took a boy off from one of the bars on the (supposedly) dreaded Soi Twilight Wednesday. I took him off for two nights, but he stayed with me at home for three days & nights and was tipped 15,000 Baht.
... .
-- Well, you're certainly a generous person, that's 100%. for sure.
- You mentioned that you doubted if the Mamasan would say 'No.' to you were you to return for further svces. at that particular parlour; are there any thoughts that the M'san. collects a commission on TIPS. to the masseurs?
-- bibi.. --
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Old 13th April 2008, 05:02 AM
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"Also took a boy off from one of the bars on the (supposedly) dreaded Soi Twilight Wednesday. I took him off for two nights, but he stayed with me at home for three days & nights and was tipped 15,000 Baht. He then asked to stay until at least Monday, but he made a point of saying he didn't want any more money. He's lying naked on the sofa watching some Vin Diesel movie now and looking good enough to eat."

As the average Thai worker takes home around Bht 8,000 per month, I'm not surprised he was happy to stay for a week after a Bht 15,000 I guess all meals found! .....that apart I do agree with your sentiments on treating boys with respect, as individuals. Every one of my 200+ boys has been different in personality and sexually, which is one of the pleasures and indeed privileges of being allowed by them to enjoy great intimacy with such tasty morsels. Sanook maak maak!
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Old 19th April 2008, 06:02 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by Mii_Kwaam_suk View Post
... .
I took him off for two nights, but he stayed with me at home for three days & nights and was tipped 15,000 Baht. He then asked to stay until at least Monday, but he made a point of saying he didn't want any more money. He's lying naked on the sofa watching some Vin Diesel movie now and looking good enough to eat.
It's not just the money, since they don't know how much they're getting until we're ready to part company, ... .
... .
-- I do not pretend to have as much experience of bar-boyz etc. as many another correspondent in these threads has about BKK. and various facets of its life.
- But I do find it possibly strange that a farang and a bar-boi would go-out of an an a go-go bar without any prelim. discussions about price etc. etc. - rather trusting on both parties' parts, wasn't it?
-- bibi.. --
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Old 16th April 2008, 09:10 AM
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 76

Originally Posted by billinbkk View Post
These guys have got more stories than Carter has liver pills. Don't believe them.
I agree they are accomplished liars. Not on the same scale as recent US presidents or UK prime ministers, but still far beyond anything most of us could pull off.

They'd have to be able to bend the truth with style to manage the illusion. When I look at these young sexy guys smiling at the usual customers in a gogo bar, I try to imagine what it must be like for them being confronted by some guy old enough to be their grandfather, who resembles a hirsute version of Margaret Thatcher and weighs about as much as (and smells a great deal like) their favorite water buffalo and still being able to convince the customer that doing something sexual with him is a turn on. I mean put these guys on a used car lot and sales would rocket.
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Old 8th April 2008, 03:55 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 177

I was at Hero on saturday. I gave bht1500 tip... no complaints from my masseur. Had a good fucking time with him too. The last time I was there was about 4months ago and was pleasantly surprised with the newly renovated shower area in the rooms.
Someone complained about the mamasans' atitude but I noticed that most customers got their attention when I was there. Business as usual very good.... many asian clients as well as a few farangs.
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Old 8th April 2008, 09:07 PM
Join Date: Oct 2000
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As of late last year I found Hero to be of a continuing pleasing standard for mamasan,choice and attitude.I'd be surprised if it was downhill over three months.

Overtipping spoils it for the rest of us but 2000bht for a special guy can't hurt.
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Old 11th April 2008, 09:36 PM
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I'll be back in BKK shortly......never been to Hero.....would you guys recommend it for me, (into twinky 20 -25 y/o 55- 60 kg smooth btm boys) who can actually massage and enjoy sex...or another venue?
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Old 12th April 2008, 02:54 AM
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While there are some boys as you describe as Hero, I think they are far outnumbered by sportier, mostly straight types (many of whom may endure being topped, but not enthusiastically). My personal recommendation for bottom twinks would be Aqua, or perhaps Body Club or Banana Club.
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