Thanks for this viewpoint.Well put!I too look for a bit of pizzaz among the dancers and btw found it at X on Sunday especially among the podium dancers.Jupiter has good rapport between dancers on stage but no vibe when posing.Dream Boy is the recommended all-round bar for me.
[quote=brief encounter;661643]
Thanks for this viewpoint. Well put! I too look for a bit of pizzaz among the dancers and btw found it at X on Sunday especially among the podium dancers. ... . Dream Boy is the recommended all-round bar for me.[/QUOTE] -- So you visited X-BOYS. Did you see the small bodied but well-endowed Khun Wee amongst their boyz? He's usually to be seen appearing in the Big ****Show and their Putting act.. -- I gather that DREAM BOYZ is MORE popular amongst the Ths. than the farangs? - I've not visited for a long time, and it was even a longer interval between that visit and an earlier one; yet, to my amnesic memory, little if anything had changed in the repetoire - but possibly it's a case of: 'If it ain't broke don't try to fix it.'? -- Bibi.. -- |
I think the golf routine is rotated between the horse-hung performers.Not sure of the name of the putter on Sunday.Six months ago saw it done by somebody calling himself Astro-boy.Very slim and gawky with a neon smile and jokester swagger.
The audience I suspect are mainly comprised of visiting Asians.Many Thais also and now you mention it few Farang. Dream-Boy now share personnel and much of the nightly show with Boys B.B.Sometimes it is a conveyor belt of endowed. On the night I went the special show was handled by two masculine types with the bottom efortlessly enjoying it and anatomy in synch with this pleasure. Will hold off on Hot-male as I have a flight to catch and am a little jaded. |
so very true
As far as posting numbers; I agree. It was my friend that offed the boy at Hot Male, and out of respect to my pal (he's not the one who is posting) I thought it best not to tattle and give the lad's number without his permission. Simply a matter of etiquette. Personally, I wouldn't hesitate to name and number the good ones or the bad ones. That's what's nice about this board; having others to make recommendations. There certainly are enough sweets out there for everyone to share! |
-- Y'day,(sat.), evening I confirmed with the staff of X BOY, (Soi Twilight.), that their first perf. would start at 22.hrs..
- After a small supper in DICK'S CAFE., (not many there), I arr'd. at around 21.30hrs.. - Not too full and was shewn to a seat about half way along Stage right. - Drinks at 250.Bh.. - R&F. a go-go boyz in two teams of between 12-15 boyz in each and who changed-over every 10mins. or so. Maybe #5. was the only one to catch my att'n., otherwise the rest were pretty much the usual run-of-the-mill boyz. - From time to time a couple of young and queanie boyz dancing on the 2 small island stages in front of the main stage. - Started filling-up gradually, noticed a gp. of 3 wimmen who attracted the usal att'n. fron the staff. - Hse. lts. dimmed at 22.12hrs. and first act started a few mins. later. - Acts pretty much as usual: dancing, male strippers, flour. paint and candle shows, for those acts au naturel boyz well-endowed; a couple of commediennes and the usual Big **** Show of about a dozen boyz - most of whom shewed-off their assets without any shyness. The usual golf putting show and that was that. - Hse. lts. in at around 23.15hrs.. - I enquired after Khun Wee? Was told that he'd left some time ago and hasn't been seen since. - I asked, too, why no F*ck Show? Rumors of Police in soi; second sat. evening in succession that I've seen no such act. - No ash-trays put-out; perceived no-one smoking ciggies; shirt smelt only slightly of nicotine. -- Bibi.. -- |
Last Wednesday Dream Boy captain informed me no special show till next week (the week we are now in).Someone else posted no "bells and whistles " show last Friday (6/6)at BBB.
Dream boys still letting it all hang out. |
is economic rationalism taking over bbb group?on monday,when entering dream boy ,was ushered to boys bangkok as d.b. was booked out(?).was told same show and go-go boys at boys bangkok and a large sign outside also proclaimed the same.on tuesday no touts outside dream boy either.i wonder if early weeknights only the more cavernous boys bangkok operates.rainy season ,european soccer cup and who knows what other reason is causing numbers to fall.
(sorry about no capitals but this keyboard is all over the shop) |
was in bkk this pst wkd .. samo samo , which is fine with me.
shocked to find that at the height of the low season and problems everywhere the BBB group has decided to raise Off fee to 500 bahts. can't blame a Thai mentality as the BBB is foreign owned. i suppose in face of inflation and since i stay for only a few, it's OK but still .. |
People will pay it. It's therefore good business sense.
- Although we outsiders to BBB. Gp's financial reports shall never know, it would be interesting to learn if a similar numbers of spectators continue to take-out the boyz at that price? -- ??? Bibi.. -- |
Went into Boys Bangkok on sunday night just before 10pm. Ordered my drink and shortly, mamasan told me to proceed upstairs to Dream Boy for the show. Was told that they show is bigger.... all bullshit! What they are trying to do is save money by having just having one show at each bar. They used to have 2 shows at each of the bars. After the show at Dream Boy, I sat down for a while and an annoucement was made to ask customers to go downstairs at Boys Bangkok for show!!!!
When I told the mamasan that its rediculous to keep on increasing the off fees. He say they can't help it as the police are demanding for higher pay offs. For the past 2 weeks, there hasn't been any fuck shows in all the bars as the police has been harassing them. True or not, I just listen to him. THe BBB group, were the first one the increase the off fees to bht400 last time and also increase the price of drinks. So, I presume the other bars will be following suit. |
There has been no special show for about a month if my random visits are anything to go by.
A European looking gentleman does some touting as well while vigorously chewing and looking anxious.One night he threw up his hands in frustration at the empty seats.I think he is an owner and seems to be liked by the staff. Last time the well-endowed show was done in briefs. Is this a lull or long payment standoff ? |
Brief Encounter,
According to some of the dancers at Dream Boys, about 3-4 weeks ago, the police raided Future Boys during one of their sex shows. (How they could EVER get past all of the touts is beyond me....) So, since that raid, the shows have calmed down quite a bit. But, this is cyclical. It happens all the time. The bold shows will be off for awhile...the owners will then pay the police what they are demanding...and everything will go back to normal. |
The above few posts together seem to be revealing what is really happening. Right in the middle of the low season, the police decide they need to increase their cut of the business. They raid and threaten to continue raiding until owners pay up the new "tax". To balance the budget, bar owners raise the off fee and cut back on show costs. A new modus vivendi will indeed be arrived at in time, but it will be different in some way from the old. Costs will be higher and the reputation for show-reliability damaged. By "reliability", I mean the certainty in visitors' minds as to whether, when they come to Bangkok, they'd get the kind of "interesting" shows they are looking forward to. A visitor who has only a few days in Bangkok will be greatly disappointed if he does not get any show, and this disappointment will factor into his decision whether to make a next trip or go somewhere else. Both cost-wise and reliability-wise, there will be a tipping point. Perhaps 500 baht as the off fee is something people will get used to. Perhaps 600. But common sense tells us, it cannot be going up 100 baht every year without there being some long-term repercussions. There will be a tipping point somewhere though you won't know until you've hit it. Same with the reliability reputation. How much damage can it take without long term effects? The greed of the police may well be slowly killing the business. |
Greed is what makes this game go 'round. People want the police to look the other way when it comes to what are clearly 100% illegal activities -- but expect them to do it on the cheap. Vice always comes at a cost -- and that cost is rarely cheap. Enjoy it now, at whatever price, because one day it will no longer be there.
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