-- My thoughts run along the lines that MORE often than not it's the uglier boi who's either the MORE satisfying or who has the bigger **** than his twinkier and pretty-boi counterparts; Mother Nature does compensate, even if not always in the way we want - ha! ![]() - Sure, it's gratifying to see others' looks as one walks-out with a pretty-boi, but that's about all that one will get for it. It's not worth it. -- bibi. --
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A couple of evenings ago, I was showing a first-time-to-Bkk mate round, so we stopped in Future Boys for the early show. Because this was his first experience, he rather enjoyed it. I, however, have become jaded in my old age so spent my time in there making mental notes for this post....which I'm calling "Future Boys by the Numbers".
28: total number of minutes that the 9.30 show started LATE. 12: number of "boys" (term used VERY loosely) dancing 40+: age of the oldest dancing "boy" 10+: number of years that I've seen that "boy" dancing in different clubs 17: number of customers on hand for the 28 minute-late-9.30-show 220: cost of a glass of flat soda water (in baht) 2: number of "shows" in the 9.30 show: one with two straight guys in white pants gyrating on stage for one number and then spraying each other with soda water for a second number AND a lack-lustre fucking show 0: percentage of enthusiasm displayed by any of the show performers 25+: number of kilos that the bottom outweighed the top in the fucking show 3: average number of tatoos on the dancers 7: the number of "things" that one boy had stuffed in his pants: a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, a mobile phone, a half-smoked cigarette, a wallet, a Mickey Mouse trinket and a THB 100 note 4: number of customers who left as soon as the show started 99+: decible level of the sound system in use 0: percentage chance that you could have a word with your mate over the noise of the sound system As you can easily see, it may be time to change the name of Future Boys to "Has-been Boys". Sad, really. Future Boys was the first bar I ever went into on my very first trip here...years ago. I hate to see what it's become lately.
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-- The last time that I visited 'FUTURE BOYS.' was last yr. for their 'Mr. Seven Inches.' competition, for wch. I'd guestimate that most of the contestants owed their size to a vacuum pump and/or ****-rings.
- Two 'katoeys.' were responsible for taking the vital stats., wch. they did by measuring the u'side. length - an obvious variable! For me the event was spoiled by the inevitable blather of the katoeys with their hand-held mics.. - The usual R&F. boyz looked their usual apathetic selves - a v. listless performance all around - hence my resolve not to re-visit. - But, really, once one has seen one a go-go bar's show then one has seen them all; although 'BOYS BKK.' and 'DREAMBOYS.' do try to be a little different - but again their shows haven't changed over the years, ('But why change a successful act?' one might say in reply.),. -- bibi. --
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Gotta agree with you Sextile - I visited Future Boy last Thursday and encountered just about the same number of boys doing exactly the same things. And as you said, several that I have known since 1991 from other bars were doing the shows!
What has happened? I always loved the place and always sent my friends there to see what I considered one of the best shows and assortment of talent available anywhere in the area. I was sorely tempted to talk to K Lek about it but I think he saw the look on my face when he came into the bar during the show. It was so bad, I wanted to pay for all the drinks in my party but was refused by my friends as they felt it wasn't my fault. And a bar that used to have 60 to 80 boys all the time, down to 12 with 10 of them very obvious ladyboys'. ![]()
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I was last in Future Boys in October 07. The tiredness of the show was obvious and infact was something I had noticed a year or two before, but it still had enough acts to fill an hour, though I do remember wishing they would get it over with because I had seen it all before.
Even then, I noticed that they had somewhat less than the usual 80 boys on offer. Probably just 40. I wondered if there was some reason e.g. harvest time, that would account for it but didn't enquire. Now with the above posts, I realise that what I had seen was the start of the steep decline. Of course it had become stale about 2 years ago, preceding all this. A real shame. However, there still remains the possibility that being New Year week, most boys had been off'ed, and there were just too few to do a show?
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-- In today's 'BKK. Post.' there was a brief note, quoting the 'Royal Gazette.' of 28 dec. 07., to the effect that WEF. 17 feb. 08. and NATIONWIDE smokers will be banned from lighting-up in night-clubs, pubs., open-air markets and in similar places.
- As expected mngrs., proprietors and suchlike of such a/m. places already are bemoaning the possible drop in their incomes as smokers opt to stay-away. - I, for one, shall be happier that my clothes will not reek of stale cigarette-smoke! Even sitting inside 'Dick's Cafe.',(Soi Twilight.), wch. is relatively free of smokers inside makes my clothes smell of nicotine - ugh! -- bibi. --
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-- Last night, (sat.), having checked with one of 'SCREWBOYS.' callers that their 1st. perf. would start at 22.oo.hrs. I arr'd. there at around 21.45.hrs..
- I was there last only a few days after their opening in Phat Pong 2. and was surprised at the changes made to the layout: there are now no individual and small 'Island.' stages - just one main stage that's dir. opp. to the main ent'ce., wch. is surrounded by a just-below-knee-height puteal in front of wch. the not-on-stage boyz sit on bar-stools. The bar has been moved back to the far LH. corner. The pool-table etc. have been removed and replaced by MORE seating. Lighting is mainly a dull red in color, making it difficult to distinguish all that much of the boyz on stage who were wearing black and close-fitting male boxer-type u'pants.. Above the stage was the usual: 'Merry Xmas. ... .' banner, while from the bar's ceiling many ribbons with hearts on them were suspended - an advance call for St. Valentine's Day possibly? - Drinks are 200.oo.Bh.. Many of the waiters seemed to me to be hermophroditic creatures. - Possibly some half-a-dozen of us farangs were there, plus a couple of wimmen. - Just after 22.hrs. a bright & white light started flashing, wch. gave us a better view of the boyz - none of whom were all that appealing to me; the usual mix of mainly younger types as might be found in anyother bar save 'Tawan Men's bar.'. - House hts. dimmed soon after and after a while there was the 1st. act: three young men clad in green and diaphanous loin-cloths/sarongs, (wch. did little to hide was were beneath.), danced, carressed eachother, removed their loin-cloths and engaged in the usual simul'd. s*x-scene. The 2nd. act was the bold/f*cking show: three T*ps were on stage with the usual twinkie-boi, (wearing a mask to protect his modesty?),; after some initial *r*l-s*x the best endowed T*p accepted the B*tt*m's offer - again a std. show with all ground work - there being no o'hd. rings etc.; they walked amongst us voyeurs for an extra thrill. Then the R&F. a go-go boyz came-back on stage called-out by their nos. and names - no, it wasn't a prelude to any Big **** Show. - Hse. lts. came-on again at around 22.30.hrs.. - A couple of boyz, wearing briefs plus other & quite unnecessary straps and things, danced on the raised shelf that surrounds the stage -quite athletic; I'll allow that I thought that one of them might be worth further att'ns.. - After several mins. watching them I decided that "Enough is enough.". - I can't write that I'll be returning thither in any gt. hurry.
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-- After visiting 'SCREWBOYS.',(Phat Pong 2.), I decided to make a change from 'Super A.' and went instead to its sister-bar of 'NICE BOYS.', (small soi off Soi Anuman.),.
- Drinks are still 100.oo.Bh.. - Several other farangs were there: two sitting together and another with several of the boyz surrounding him. - A plump boi - clad only in a small pr. of wh. briefs - was dancing listlessly on the stage. - Having chased-away a couple of cruisers I settled on rather an effec. looking one: Yo; early 20s.; from I-San; has been working there 3mos.; g*y; the lighting made his teeth and their braces look greenish. - We soon got-down to getting to know each other better: uncut and possibly slightly LESS than avg.. He wanted me to take him upstairs - 'only 500.Bh.' - an offer I was able to refuse. - After a while, during wch. my young friend took an hearty sniff out of a small bottle that was being passed-around, the plump boi came and whispered to Yo, who told me that the Boss didn't like me doing what I was doing. "OK. - hint taken.". So I gave Yo what I thought was due to him, paid the bill and went-out. -- This forenoon at b'fast. my farang companion - just back from Myanmar - were joined by a self-confessed newbie. to BKK.: a mature man from Canada, who, last night, (his first in CoA.), was taken by a tout to 'NATURE BOYS.', (Soi Anuman.), where he was amazed - yes, this is 'Amazing TH.', ha! - to see all six boyz bending over, wch. casued him to think that they were all ill: entering further in he saw what they were doing and was quite relaxed about allowing a couple of the boyz to pleasure him! -- bibi. --
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Anyone been to Golden Cock recently? I usually drop in for a happy hour drink an afternoon every time I'm in Bangkok - and it's always different boys. I use the term "boys" loosely - the day before NY's eve they were all nudging 30, from my guess
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Like others I am saddened by the virtual demise of Future Boys which at one time was the leading gay go-go bar in Bangkok. On a Saturday night they usually had over 160 boys an something for everyone with a half dozen superstars.
Last night I was at Tawan Bar about 9.40 p.m. ( Icon please don't tell us again that you are revolted by musclemen. We know that even if we did not want to ) I never saw so many guys being offed and going out to bookings, certainly over a dozen in 20 minutes. Still my lovely favourites were there and I had a delightful time. I now distribute fruit rather than chocolates as some are getting a gram or two overweight. They will soon slim own for the next competition in Chiang Rai in March.
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-- This morning at b'fast. I was joined by a mature and American acquaintance,(recently ret'd. from M'mar.), who told me that last night, (13th.), he went to 'X-MEN.' for their 22.oo.hrs. show and unaware that it was a competition night: 'Miss Elephant.', 'Miss Outsize.' or whatever.
- He was asked to pay 260.oo.Bh. adm'n.. - The place was jam-packed with all s*x*s. - Two absolutely enormous commeres hosted the competition - their asides and comments convulsed the TH.-speaking spectators. - Afterwards there were the usual boyz' shows, in wch. Khun We participated - but not in the bold/f*cking show; my acquaintance was amazed at the size of Khun We's member, considering his small body-size and wt.. He told us that he had taken-out Khun We some five or so yrs. ago and was conpletely satis'd. then - no evidence at that time of any attitude. -- bibi. --
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"I say that I prefer guys with necks?" Icon
![]() ![]() courtesy the fabulous www.thaibody.com - large HD photos with membership Thailand National Championships 2007 Mr (Chang) Pairat has long everything including neck and list of admirers.
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Senso so-so : Gay Thailand | This thread | Refback | 29th January 2009 05:07 AM | |
a few random Bangkok notes | This thread | Refback | 1st November 2008 11:37 AM | |
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