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Old 22nd February 2008, 11:16 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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[quote=fountainhall;658561]X Boys last night was virtually full before the 10:00 pm show started.
... .
... a small slim guy with the largest c--k I have seen in years during the BC show, a mini golf game with, you guessed it, as clubs, ... .


-- Reads like our notorious friend Khun Wee, about whom quite a lot has been written previously in this thread, (and not all of it to his credit, ),.
- Also reads like the format of the show hasn't changed all that much: same olde routines with l-o-n-g inter-act intervals: yawn. But, of course, these longuers allow plenty of time for the thirsty voyeurs to finish their drinks and ask for refills, much to the bar's profits! I wonder, if these a go-go bars etc. were to INCREASE the indoors' temperature, would they sell MORE drinks? just a thought - ha!
-- By the bye, were alcoholic drinks on sale?
-- bibi.. --
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Old 23rd February 2008, 01:04 AM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 196

I had forgotten the tales about Khun Wee. I am sure it must have been him.

these longuers allow plenty of time for the thirsty voyeurs to finish their drinks and ask for refills
But the odd thing was I saw very few drinks being replenished during those interminable pauses. Most voyeurs were hanging on to their drinks as long as possible. I am certain bar sales would increase if the show was snappier and finished in half the time.
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Old 23rd February 2008, 03:40 AM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 158
Occasional Good Luck

Like many posters I find soi Twilight nowadays to be pushy and not a pleasure, and difficult to find a good 'off' experience.

But last night I had triple good luck. Near closing time I spoke to a handsome and very hot boy i've never seen before, his second night working, from Burma, excellent English. He asked if he could meet me after the bar closed and would I meet his two friends (not bar boys) who would be waiting for him near entrance to soi Thaniya. I threw caution to the wind and agreed.

Well it turned out to be three very handsome very hot boys, all 20 yrs old, all Burmese, all nicely dressed, all very masculine , all very polite. We talked a while and they made an offer of three boys for 1,500Baht. We went to Suriwongse and wow what an experience. turns out they are university students on holidays (slipped over the border), all gay, and they regularly have group sex, and not at all shy about anything.

All had nicely defined masculine bodies, well endowed, quickly hard, they all fucked each other, and more, and ensured that I was was well include in the actvities. Fabulous experience, and I did give more than total of 1,500Baht.

We have a further 'date' on Monday, then Tuesday they go home.

I'm not going to mention the name of the bar here.
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Old 23rd February 2008, 06:37 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239

I'm no at all surprised that the "good luck" happened away from the Soi Twilight bars. Some of the best romps I've had were with guys who have never even been to Soi Twilight....much less work there. I'm reminded to the 3 brothers I used to "do" in Pattaya a few years back. I wonder what ever happened to them..............
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Old 23rd February 2008, 11:25 AM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 46

At Screwboys they have two very nice lead-dancers (energetic dance on the bar, in fron of the rest of the boys).
#2 Thorn (spikey hair) and # 22 Lek. Very nice boys. Both Thai-size.
Offed Thorn yesterday and Lek today. Thorn is nice but confirm what has been written here about spikey hair. Lek is better. Both like to fuck but not being fucked.
Nice bodies and very nice personalities.
If you meet them, please say hello from me.
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Old 23rd February 2008, 09:09 PM
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-- Y'day., (sat.), evening I went to 'DICK'S. CAFE.' for a small supper.
- I asked if alcohol was available? (there is a ban on selling alcohol over this week-end because of the elections for the Senate, apparently about wch. few people know, [I might have thought that the ban on alcohol would have alerted them?], - hence the LOW turn-out of voters, wch. is of some concern to the EC..),.
- In reply their Evening Mngr. told me, sotto voce, that it was available in plain, white & plastic cups -ha!
-- "TIT!", as we say - often between clenched teeth. -- bibi.. --
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Old 24th February 2008, 06:52 AM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 210
Screw Boys

I went out not once but twice last week. Went to the bar that used to be called Twilight (sorry, memory loss prevents me from remembering the new name!); fairly impressive roster of boys, but a couple looked like that had not seen their 30th birthday in more than a few years. Also paid a visit to Screw Boy and it was greatly improved over recent visits. Once again, the interior seating area has been changed and the boys are now dancing on just the one big stage. After all these years the management has finally learned how to rotate their dancers. Wonders never cease! But the nicest surprise was the high number of attractive young men on offer. The best it's been, in my eyes, since they moved back to the old location. I returned a few days after my first visit and offed one guy (but not the one I had originally targeted) who had recently come over from Udon Thani. Nice fellow and was willing to do anything, but his equipment was rather small and he never got hard. Oh well, points for effort in other areas, however. The one thing I did not like at Screw Boy was this bizarre acting dancer that hogged the front of the stage the first night (he was nowhere to be seen when I returned last Wednesday). He danced on the bar top, in front of the stage, but having to watch him "perform" spasmodically made it difficult to see the regular cast.
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Old 24th February 2008, 06:39 PM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 46
Last night

Yesterday evening was my last night in BKK at this visit. :-(
Nature Boys had some interesting new (to me) boys. One almost black (in the dimmed light) and "negroe-looking". Normal dick-size however. #18, speaks a little English. he other "European-looking" (#5). Very big and nce dick. Speaks no English. Me: how old are you - He: Isaan.
Well, vry soon I had my hands full with two nice tools and one black and one white hand in my pants. So - at least the body-language was very good!
Solid is getting less and less good. Left after a beer.
GC was worse than ever - did not even stay to have a beer (first time leaving without).
Flower "something (opposite NB but more in direction GC) has moved upsairs. No other customers but some nice boys. Beer is 100 THB.
Ended up at ScrewBoy, as usual.The "disturbing " dancer mentioned by the previous cruiser is the one acting in fucking show. I like his dancing (but not his fuck-show) and even more the tho lead-dancers (#2 and #22). So taste is different.
Offed the #22 dancer again (the non-spikey one). Very nice boy and I like that he is not one of all those "up to youuuu-boys". Yeserday he said, today I don´t feel like fucking. Fine, many other things to do.....
By the way (does not fit in this thread) Mai at Saladaeng Massage gives a VERY nice non-sexual massage. Very nice boy. Speak some English. May be touched (gently please) - but no sex. His head-massage (I am refering to the head with a little hair on top!) really makes me sleep.
If you meet Mai at Saladaeng Massage or Lek #22 at ScB - pleaee say hllo to them from Ron from Sweden.
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Old 24th February 2008, 11:50 PM
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Originally Posted by buzzard View Post
I went out not once but twice last week. Went to the bar that used to be called Twilight (sorry, memory loss prevents me from remembering the new name!); ... .
... .
-- That would be 'HOTMALE.', I presume?
- I believe that they'll be presenting a 'Special show.' on 28 feb..
- I'd add that, for me - an infrequent voyeur in the Soi - their bold/f*ck*ng show is the best amongst a rather poor sel'n. of such acts in Soi Twilight.
-- bibi.. --
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Old 29th February 2008, 07:54 AM
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this week

Thanks, sextile; Hot Male was indeed the venue.
Yes, taste is different, but RoNo and I agree about one thing: Solid has gone downhill. I visited there twice since the New Year and was very disappointed both times. I've never liked the layout/seating in that bar, but there were usually a few cute ones in there. But I didn't see much that appealed to me these past two visits.
Popped my head into Nature Boy about 2 weeks ago, and they had about 7 guys working, but nothing that looked very good to my jaded eyes. I think I'll go back to working the bus stops!
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Old 29th February 2008, 08:48 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
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Speaking of Nature Boy, I learned a bit more about their rules of engagement the other day.

You can play around with the boys as much as you want in the bar...smoke them, let them smoke you, turn 'em over a table and eat out their ass, whatever -- and you won't be charged a bar fine.

If you want to have a little privacy and take them into the toilet, though, you have to pay the 300 baht off fine to the bar.
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Old 29th February 2008, 06:57 PM
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Originally Posted by icon513 View Post
Speaking of Nature Boy, I learned a bit more about their rules of engagement the other day.
You can play around with the boys as much as you want in the bar...smoke them, let them smoke you, turn 'em over a table and eat out their ass, whatever -- and you won't be charged a bar fine.
If you want to have a little privacy and take them into the toilet, though, you have to pay the 300 baht off fine to the bar.
-- The 'Rules of Engagement.' have changed, then, since I was there last - good news!
- During my last two visits thither,(admittedly several months ago.), the Bar Capt./Mamasan told me quite clearly that were I to smoke a boi to an happy ending then that would cost me an extra 300.Bh.
-- bibi.. --
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Old 29th February 2008, 07:17 PM
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Yes, no happy endings for the boys without a fine. But sometimes they try when the mamasan goes out of the door but usually not out for long enough!
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Old 29th February 2008, 07:36 PM
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Hmmm. Was not told anything about being charged by the bar for ejaculations. Will have to explore further.
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Old 29th February 2008, 11:01 PM
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Originally Posted by icon513 View Post
Hmmm. Was not told anything about being charged by the bar for ejaculations. Will have to explore further.
-- While I can see the Bar Cap't's./Mamasan's point-of-view - a boi who's just cum is no longer 'Fresh.' for the rest of that evening - yet I do feel that the 300.Bh. fine is rather an imposition.
- Better to leave it up to the boi: if he feels that he'll have a better opportunity of being 'Offed.' later on then he should indicate that he doesn't want to cum, and thus maintain his freshness for a later and better paying customer.
- Out of this 300.Bh. fine I wonder howmuch the boi is given?

-- Icon, Happy explorations - ha!
-- bibi.. --
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