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Old 18th August 2008, 10:34 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239
Dream Boys

I attended the 10.30 show at Dream Boys last night. Although the crowd was quite sparse (no more than 35 of us at show time), they did a one-hour show. There was no fucking show at all, but the big cock show was done naked. They had 14 lads who displayed their goods. Also, a bunch of katoeys did a modeling stint which concluded with all of them naked...and hard.

Drinks cost THB 250 each...and there are signs to that affect posted everywhere.

Elsewhere, I tried the new bar called Siam Angel Boys. One time in there will be enough for me. There were only 2 of us customers and approximately 20 lads. Tattos everywhere seemed to be the order of the day. And, the place was quite loud. However, my orange juice (fresh squeezed at that) was only THB 200.
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Old 18th August 2008, 10:50 PM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 325

Billinbkk & sextile - thank you for your reports. While I haven't been in Siam Angel yet, your reports on customer numbers kind of support my view about how the gogo bars took a wrong turn sometime back and are still struggling to get out of their of hole. They used shows to draw in the crowds. As this strategy succeeded, they paid more and more attention to doing their shows and neglected their original business - selling boys. But now, people may be getting jaded with shows, which are also expensive to put up. Still, shows continue to attract what traffic they can get (as Billinbkk reports, 35 in Dreamboy, 2 in Siam Angel), whereas the offing business has been so neglected for so long, the customers have mostly gone elsewhere. Will they be able to get them back?
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Old 18th August 2008, 11:33 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 898

I popped into Screw Boy bar (Patpong) last night. Only 3 of us there for the 10 pm dance big C show and about half the number of boys on offer. Solid also very quiet and the busiest was Super A with lots of boys and cocks in evidence. This week I'm staying in BKK 5 star and not up for any hotel hassles so just enjoyed j/o a horny 19 y.o. in the back row while 2 others tried to get into my pants. Drinks there still only 100 bht and while the boys are rough and the rooms unspeakable, plently of slutty fun to be had in the bar.

The previous night picked up one of my regulars at Lucky 777 in Pattaya. There was a good selection of juicy guys there and I was tempted to do a "multi buy" but my boy was shy and as he gives me the best blow job I've had, I resisted! I still think Pattaya has a better selection than BKK, cheaper drinks and always new boys on offer.
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Old 19th August 2008, 10:23 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 898

Any-one know what's happening at My Way BKK? Walked past yesterday and saw the old entry replaced by large double glass doors with photo of boy. New owners or just a long needed upgrade?
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Old 23rd August 2008, 07:47 AM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 210

I was there about 2 weeks ago. No sign of Chalee and only about 6 boys working. No dancing this time. But among that half-dozen were two cuties and I ended up taking one of them, an 18-year-old named Golf, home with me. Very, very good. He did everything in bed and was very pleasant. In fact, he came back to my place for a repeat performance earlier this week. Too early to tell if I'll add him to my stable, but he did not disappoint!
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Old 24th August 2008, 12:39 AM
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 51
Creating a Stable

Buzzard, you mention of stables has me all aflutter. I have, for some time, considered my own stable and am soon to embark upon that venture.

How many studs does your stable currently consist?
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Old 24th August 2008, 01:03 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- Y'day., (23rd.), evening and after a light supper in DICK'S. CAFE., (Soi Twilight.), where there were between a dozen and a dozen-and-a-half of us I walked-across the soi to SIAM ANGEL BOYS; I was there a fortnight ago and decided to see if they'd managed to sort-out any snags and to get their various acts togther.
- ETA. 21.55.hrs.;
- Possibly half-a-dozen spectators therein;
- Drinks at 200.Bh. each - a small basket of salted peanuts is brought, too;
- Just about 15 R&F. a go-go boyz on pde.: #16. - short & compact body - stroked & played with 'self. to attact us voyeurs' att'ns.; #30. - older looking face - but small and neat, (with a probably B*tt*m's body?), caught my att'n.; #33. - plumpish & o'wt. - looked to be the best endowed; #37 & 38. - both tallish & thin - might make an interesting pr. for those who like sandwiches?
- 22.15.hrs. Hse. lts. dimmed;
1.- #33., wearing just wh. briefs, played with his nipples & writhed about before lowing his briefs slightly to reveal his assets;
2.- Shower scene, boi wearing wh. briefs revealed his assets slightly: quite enough for a Th. boi;
3.- 3 boyz, wearing bk. thongs, in a the usual candle act;
- Followed by a 20mins. or so INTERMISSION until 23.05.hrs.;
4.- After a bit of initial confusion - I thought that possibly there'd be a BCS. - a bold show with 2 boyz: v. poor and was only short time on stage, no walking around the voyeurs;
- 23.20.hrs. - Hse. lts. ON.

-- Regret, but I would not recommend SIAM ANGEL BOYS at the present.
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 25th August 2008, 10:01 AM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 210

Originally Posted by Beethoven View Post
Buzzard, you mention of stables has me all aflutter. I have, for some time, considered my own stable and am soon to embark upon that venture.

How many studs does your stable currently consist?
I currently have two young men in the stable. They both make weekly visits. I may dump one and add Golf; he was that good, and he is starting to call me frequently. Hey, who am I to deny their monetary needs! I'd love to have a half-dozen to play with on a regular basis, but I can't afford such decadence. But it is nice to have the same guy over each week. My current long-term fixation has been coming around (and cumming round!) for over 4 years now.
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Old 29th September 2008, 12:13 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 177

A rather sad piece of news if anyone of you have been a frequent visitor of Boys Bangkok. One of their boys, Sanae who used to do the fXXXing shows and big cock shows hung himself just very recently.
I got this news from an ex Boys Bangkok gogo boy. All of them were apparently very shocked at what happened as all they knew that he was having some problems with his "new" wife and never expected that he would've taken his own life.
May his soul rest in peace.
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Old 29th September 2008, 05:14 AM
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No "well hung" jokes, please.
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Old 29th September 2008, 09:11 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
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Originally Posted by icon513 View Post
No "well hung" jokes, please.
Definitely not a joke.... unless its a joke from my friend which I doubt very much. I myself know Sanae personally and that is the reason why I was told about this.
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