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Old 6th March 2009, 06:11 AM
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 51

You are being far to kind with your "good choreography" comment. Bless you.

"That would be a good thing for them to cut on my tombstone: Wherever she went, including here, it was against her better judgment."

- Dorothy Parker

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Old 7th March 2009, 06:02 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 459

SAPAN KWAI brs-it has ben told recenly and I can only confirm-had not ben there in the nighttime since the last century. Besides Charrm-ming they are now all in the dead-end soi toward the Embassy HTL-the side soi to main road which used to have Midnite/Apache has been closed off-a big high-rise condo-this took me quite a while to realise. The 7/8 bars you see first are all karaOK-and besides the old names of Adam and STAX they seem all convinced now that farang simply dont like KaraOK and its fruitless to win them for it. @ 21.30 (they open all at 21.00) C-ming was just organising to get open-and many lads were still at the barbers doing their new hairdo. Many have fulltime dayjoibs-at least in the past-so be careful with overnites.
The only remaining gogo is Be Hi-in the deadend soi. Doorstaff well used to memory seeking farang and being told were what was...Here the gogo was also stand-still, 12 boys present, 3 on stage. Drinks are 140 bt-small glasses. Indeed; there is approach-the ost daring half child sat beside me, was overpolite and tried to start some talk. I was wary at first-but no waiter appeared greedily to ask about a new drink-and no other pressue at all either. This was indeed fairly common in old-days SK bars-the boys would present themselves to you-or simply old style Thai ''kreng jai''=you dont let someone sit alone. Anyway-when his turn for stage came on he must also have acted as spy/or only angkrit speaker- as 2 strictly lao-only lads came over. When I left there were 5 farang and 2 Thai-these were also politely approached.
The gods understood me: a free red bus appeared in minutes-with that cocky, but o-so gay look kreung conductor-who made his way all across the crowded bus to ask if I was sure about it-bus staff even gets to know me. A big smile from a black clad lao lad who then appeared beside me and threw himself in close contact at any stop or corner-more smiles-but he did not get off with me. The lad at se=hwen-always extremely shy-then started a chat-up, whispered that sexy words: where you come from?''-finally grasped that farang dont like anything in plastic bags-and whispered when his shift was finished. Amazing Thailand-it always comes when you dont expect it.
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Old 23rd March 2009, 11:38 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- Today, (24th.), forenoon, walking through Soi Twilight I saw that FRESH BEACH BOYS., (wch. used to be my fav. bar thereabouts.), is being gutted and worked-in by some internal re-decorators etc..
-- Bibi. --
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Old 4th April 2009, 10:57 PM
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-- Today's, (05th.), Spectrum supplement - II:14, 05-11 apr. - of the BKK. Post. 'paper. has an 'investigative.' article about where wimmen go in search of male companions, and focused mainly on the well-known Soi Twilight, (off Suriwong rd.),.
- The 'investigator.' went to one bar, un-named, that apparently did not feature a 'bold' show but only muscular a go-go dancers; and from the M'san. learnt the flg.:
1.- 'Money is their God; the boys will do anything to please their customers;
2.- 'The boys receive reg. checks for HIV./AIDS. and are not allowed to work until after such Certs. will have been rec'd.; all the boys are clean and thus no fears of picking-up any disease;
3.- 'The boss treats all his staff like family as he knows that an happy boy will give better svce.; several of our boys have been with us for several yrs.'.
-- Possibly the full article can be down-loaded from the BKK. Post's web-site?

-- There is also a side article about SWING. - S*x Workers IN Group - off'ce. in P. Pong 1. - and its efforts to bridge the divide between BKK's Finest and the workers etc. etc..

-- E&OE. as the above is reported. -- Bibi. --
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Old 6th April 2009, 12:21 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- Today, (06th.), walking abroad I saw the flg.:
1.- In Soi Than Tawan - off Suriwong rd. - the former JP. Karaoke Bar, nr. to TAWAN CLUB, is being re-furbished and looks like it'll be another drink's-type bar;
2.- In the small & sub-soi off Soi Naras Thiwat 1 - right by SOLID BAR - the former ALEC BAR is in the hands of builders: presently the inside has been ripped-out completely.
-- Bibi. --
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Old 7th April 2009, 07:49 AM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 210

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- Today's, (05th.), Spectrum supplement - II:14, 05-11 apr. - of the BKK. Post. 'paper. has an 'investigative.' article about where wimmen go in search of male companions, and focused mainly on the well-known Soi Twilight, (off Suriwong rd.),.
Yeah, another weak "investigative" report by the Bland-kok Post. At least the stereotypes weren't tossed about too freely. But maybe the fact that it didn't contain much in the way of shocking details is a good thing. Far better to send someone relatively well intentioned, like Yvonne, to write the piece as opposed to a notorious shock-monger and dirt-digger like Andrew Drummond.
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Old 11th April 2009, 11:22 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- Y'day., (11th.), evening - after looking-in at MY WAY - my companion evinced a desire to visit SCREW BOYS, (P. Pong 2.),.
- ETA.: around & about 22.hrs.;
- Drinks: I didn't see what we were charged; several katoeys as waitresses, all of whom had passed their sell-by dates many, many yrs. before;
- Smoking of ciggies allowed
- Fairly full;
- There was one young boi, #95., (who held my companion's att'n.), - dressed in jeans - dancing quite energetically on the raised lip of the stage; a backing of the usual R&F. a go-go boyz - none of whom merited a 2nd. glance. After a while the jeans were removed and there he was in just a pr. of dk. red briefs and a cloth around his neck to absorb the p'piration.; just before the lts. were dimmed he was joined by a couple MORE dancers;
- Hse. lts. dimmed at around 22.15.hrs.; two of the a/m. dancers joined an elderly farang whose table was well-loaded with bottles & with glasses;
- Just one act: a bold show. A well-endowed T*p and not the usual & effem. B*tt*m. After some time on the stage the pr. walked-amongst us voyeurs, some of whom shewed their approval in the usual & acceptable manner;
- Hs. lts. came-ON, the R&F. boyz ret'd. to the stage to their usual 'We will rock you.' act.
- My companion and I left soon after, with neither of us expressing any gt. interest in returning sometime soon.
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Old 11th April 2009, 11:35 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

-- After a disappointing SCREW BOYS my companion suggested that we go to X-BOYS in Soi Twilight, as he'd heard that theirs is the best show on The Strip.
- We arr'd. and the place being full were shewn to two seats right in front of the stage;
- Drinks: I didn't see what we were charges;
- Smoking allowed
- None of the R&F. boyz was remarkable;
- House. lts. dimmed:
1.- 2 boys who paraded around the stage and were joined by a 3rd. who proceeded to made the usual fake S&M. act. Eventually all trousers were removed to reveal good endowments;
2.- Bold show - both T*p & B*tt*m well-endowed; a certain amt. of work on stage, followed by the usual trawl through the spectators;
3.- 10 or so boyz in a Big C*ck Show; jeans kept on by all of them - I got the impression that they weren't all that keen on shewing-off their assets and that the final act was being d-r-a-g-g-e-d-out unnecessarily.
- I can't write that on the foregoing I'd be in any hurry to make a return visit.
-- Bibi. --
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