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Old 8th September 2007, 03:50 AM
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Sextile....that's EXPENSIVE!! You can get it a lot cheaper if you get away from the tourist areas. I never pay more than THB 1,200 for a box of 4....and the pharmacist always asks "How many boxes this time?" there's never a problem getting what you need or want.
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Old 25th October 2007, 11:01 AM
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The Sukhuhmvit pharmacists all seem to sell viagra for 1,800 for 4 and seem genuinely shocked if you say you can get it for 1,200 elsewhere - they say it must be fake. It seems an unusually large discrepancy even for Thailand.
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Old 25th October 2007, 05:40 PM
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I use a pharmacy near Pratunam Market. I've been going there for 5 years and know the pharmacist quite well. His price for ALL drugs is cheaper than anywhere else in town, so you have to stand in line or Thais to get waited on (and you KNOW how good Thais are at waiting patiently in line for anything). However, most recently, he's raised the price of Viagra to THB 1,400. It's the real stuff, in the real box, with the real drug company seal on it.
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Old 28th October 2007, 06:10 AM
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-- On sat. evening, (20th.), approx. 45mins. before going to the 'PRIME ON SILOM SIX.' to try-out this newish massage parlor I swallowed one 'Cialis.' tablet..
- In short I did not experience any great arousal, and really my erect'n. was certainly no better and possibly no worse than usual in such places.
- Maybe this was because of -
1.- Fake tablets, (bought in Phat Pong 2.),;
2.- There was no mutual attract'n./chemistry between the masseur and me;
3.- I wasn't feeling all that bright;
4.- Some other reason.
- Well, I've three tablets remaining in the box and there are plenty of opportunities still here in BKK.; so we'll see what the future holds.
-- bibi..
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Old 28th October 2007, 06:50 AM
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Cialis has short expiry date

Sextile - I suggest you check the expiry date. Unlike Viagra (sildenafil), Cialis has a much shorter expiry date, and that only if it has been stored properly while in the shop.
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Old 28th October 2007, 07:34 PM
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-- Sloot,
- Thanks for your reply.
- 'Sitot dit, sitot fait.', as they say in Gay Pareee! I checked the Expiry Date stamped into the end flap, wch. is: DEC 2011..
- But I note what you wrote about storage; here I keep it in a cool part of the 'fridge..
-- bibi..
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Old 28th October 2007, 08:58 PM
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I am rather bemused why people run around trying to find the cheapest real Viagra - 1200 to 1800 baht!. Generics are available at a fraction of the price which makes me wonder why Pfizer need to charge as much as they do for this huge money spinner discovered accidentally.

If anyone pays a lot on the moral grounds of intellectual property, I raise my Dutch Cap to you.

I am very contented with Kamagra and similar generics made legally in India - same Sildenafil Citrate but by made by a different process. I use a quarter of a pill or sometime a third depending on the accuracy of my bite. A friend gets me packs of four from Myanmar at 70 baht for four x 100 mg.

In Pattaya I just bought a large number for a friend from Australia for 250 baht for 4 x 100 mg.

I have had no problem with fakes and find these products very satisfactory.
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Old 12th March 2008, 02:10 AM
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Thumbs up

Originally Posted by wowpow View Post
I am rather bemused why people run around trying to find the cheapest real Viagra - 1200 to 1800 baht!. Generics are available at a fraction of the price which makes me wonder why Pfizer need to charge as much as they do for this huge money spinner discovered accidentally.

If anyone pays a lot on the moral grounds of intellectual property, I raise my Dutch Cap to you.

I am very contented with Kamagra and similar generics made legally in India - same Sildenafil Citrate but by made by a different process. I use a quarter of a pill or sometime a third depending on the accuracy of my bite. A friend gets me packs of four from Myanmar at 70 baht for four x 100 mg.

In Pattaya I just bought a large number for a friend from Australia for 250 baht for 4 x 100 mg.

I have had no problem with fakes and find these products very satisfactory.
I agree wholeheartedly with this post and would like to add from my own personal experience of buying Kamagra, Viagra and Cialis (from shops that sell these at the Thai/Cambodian border), I have always been very pleased with the results, even though I'm aware that what I've bought is probably fake.

Prices for single packets are 80 baht for Kamagra (4x100mg) and 100 baht for Viagra (4x100mg) and Cialis (4x20mg) respectively. They also sell plastic containers of generic tadalafil, in other words Cialis for 300 baht (10x100mg, not the regular 20mg tablet), so if you have a pill splitter and a penchant for haggling, you can really get a good deal.

Just like wowpow though, I've always been happy with my (fake) Kamagra - whose effects sometimes last me up to 36-hours.
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Old 22nd February 2009, 04:27 AM
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Posts: 32
Alarming reaction to generic Viagra

In response to enquiries, I should explain that I have been out of it for a couple of months because of a heart problem that has sadly put a stop to my sanuk . . . temporarily, I trust!

The cause of this disaster was an unbelievably powerful orgasm, an hour after taking a 100mg Penegra tablet. A barrel of laughs, you might think (my partner was all smiles), but the accompanying excruciating pain from my kidneys was no joke at all.

My usually successful dose of other generic brands (Caverta, Kamagra) is a quarter tablet (25mg). Penegra should be the same, but had given me disappointing results at both 25 and 50mg, on previous occasions. Then, strangely, the last 100mg tablet of the pack blew me up.

I can explain this vast difference in my reactions only in terms of possible differences in stomach contents, since I believe that Viagra etc. is intended to be taken on an empty stomach, something that I find hard to judge or to control.

. . . . Any comments or info on similar experiences?
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Old 22nd February 2009, 11:59 PM
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"Has ever heard of or acquires this Apcalis or something sold as just Tadalafil in BKK or anywhere else?"

if you mean, is it available in Bangkok, then yes it is:
Eastern Pharmacy on Sukumvit between soi 15 and soi 17. It costs Bht400 for 4 tablets and works well according to my friends. They bought another generic Cialis in Pattaya once and it didn't seem to work at all.
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Old 26th February 2009, 06:46 PM
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I get kamagra from B U Pharmacy about 100 yards along Silom Rd facing up it. The sign is quite clear white with large green lettering. You can see the sign also from the elevated walkway between Silom Underground and BTS Sala Daeng. There is an OC (old guy) behind the counter EVERY night with the wife somewhere. 6 months ago I was paying 400b for 4 100mg and I would buy 5 packs. In December as I was caught up by those nice yellow shirt thugs kindly blocking the airport I bought 5 packs at 500b each.

The OC is getting greedy. So I asked for discount and was given a sachet of gel which I must remember to use at the right end (LOL).

For what its worth I use a half or quarterish and lick up the crumbs!!

One problem with cutting them and leaving them open for sometime is that they will absorb moisture given that LOS is so moist... That is why pills are vacuum packed in the first place but I suppose if you keep them in a tightly sealed jar with a small absorbent pack or something they'd by AOK. The other thing is just wrap the 'bit' in some tissue and throw the whole lot including tissue down your screech at the appropriate and apposite time!
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Old 5th April 2009, 09:26 PM
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Doubts about Apcalis

I've had doubts about Apcalis too. Let me share my thoughts.

However, I should preface: I'm not a regular user of either Apcalis or Kamagra. I tend to use it only when I feel like being top for the night, which is less than once a month, could be once a in few months.

I have bought Kamagra at various places in Bangkok and Pattaya, but as far as I can recall, I have bought Apcalis only from a pharmacy near Sukhumvit Soi 11.

I have also used Viagra in the past, but never Cialis. This mean that I can compare Kamagra with Viagra, but I'm in no position to compare Apcalis with Cialis.

Both Kamagra and Viagra work wonderfully for me. I've learnt never to take a full 100mg dose (I suffered), but to cut the tablet into three. yes, three!

On a near-empty stomach, I get a very slight headache in 30 minutes, indicating that it has begun to work on my vascular system.

On a full stomach, it may be 60 - 120 minutes before it takes effect - and then relatively weakly.

The reliability of Kamagra is such that even with occasional use, I have been able to draw these conclusions, so consistent has been its effect.

There was once when I wondered if the exposed portions of a Kamagra tablet would lose its effectiveness (through oxidation, perhaps) if I kept it a month or two or three to the next use - but I needn't have worried. It seems to keep well even without its blue-green coating.

With Apcalis, I have yet to draw any conclusions, because it's so inconsistent.

With memory of suffering from a full tablet of Kamagra forever seared into my mind, I have never taken a full tablet of Apcalis. Instead I cut it into half.

What observations I have made is that half-Apcalis never works within 30 minutes like Kamagra. It takes much longer, if at all. Occasionally, I notice that it has some effect (not great - or was it only my imagination?) after 2 - 3 hours. Other times, I can't tell if it has had effect at all, because by then, I've already finished with the sex and gone to bed.

I've been telling myself that one of these days, I am going to do this: dose myself with half-Apcalis 12 hours apart, and see what happens. The theory being that Tadalafil should have an effect-life of 24 - 36 hours as stated, so with the second dose at the 12-hour point, I should be roaring by around 15th - 18th hour? However, hearing about your splitting headache rather discourages me from experimenting this way.

Of course, it is possible that the Apcalis I bought could be fake. Yet, I find it hard to believe that a pharmacy that sells me genuine Kamagra also sells fake Apcalis.

I too would appreciate hearing of others' experience.
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Old 28th October 2007, 09:40 PM
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Dutch cap?

As a Dutchman I am rather confused....

Kamagra is available in the (Chinese) pharmacy on Suk Soi 15 for Bt. 70 each. If you buy a box, the price drops to below Bt. 50 each.
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Old 30th October 2007, 02:57 AM
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I bought boxes and boxes of Kamagra a while back. I tried one and it did NOTHING for me at all. So, the next time, I tired 2.....and still had NO response. So, I handed them out to all of my friends and had them try them. They all reported that their pill did NOTHING for them. So, long story short, the Kamagra I bought was totally fake and I ended up throwing away 5 or 6 boxes. So, in the end, give me the real stuff.....or anything that works and you can keep the Kamagra. No wonder it was so cheap.
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Old 30th October 2007, 11:09 AM
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There's both counterfeit Viagra and Kamagra out there, but I can assure you that the genuine Kamagra does have the intended effect!
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