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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Dirty dancing before the dirty dirty!

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Old 30th August 2007, 04:51 AM
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Dirty dancing before the bed ballet!

I shall probably have a few days free before taking up a new job in September soon and I really want to have fun before that. I am planning to come to LOS for abut a week and I want to do something I have been too unfit to do for years. I want to off a nice guy, take him dirty dancing at a disco and then take him back for the dirty dirty until the sun comes out.

Unfortunately, I have not been north in LOS for three years now and I am out of touch with the scene, I suspect.

I am wondering where in Bangkok and Pattaya I can find a guy who won't be embarassed to go dirty dancing with an old fart like me, and where we can go for the sweaty, sordid dancing before the horizontal ballet commences?
Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 31st August 2007, 05:53 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239

Tao....tell any Mamasan what you want. As long as you're buying the drinks for your off boy and all of his friends, none of them will care how old of a fart you are. All the bar boys know where the hot after hour clubs are. Ususally, the ones who don't get offed end up dance the night away. And, since everyone there will be a bar boy, none of them will be embarassed to been with anyone....old, young, fat, thin, bald....well, you get the idea. HOWEVER, make absolutely certain that the boy you off knows exactly what you plan is...and that your plan will take more than one hour to complete. In other words, tell him that you want him for the entire night. For some reason, bar boys now think of anything over an hour as "long time".
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Old 1st September 2007, 02:43 AM
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Thanks for the tip, Bill. However, I just got a phone call about my next assignment and it looks like Bangkok will have to wait.

Regarding the 'new' sense of time, I can assure you that this is nothing new. I always tell the guys that I want long time - and tell them that I want them to stay the night. But even that has been misconstrued to mean anything but what it means. And I am talking about experiences going back to 1994. The funny thing is that I have never had that problem with guys I offed in Hatyai.
Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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