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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Jupiter offing

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Old 18th July 2007, 10:17 PM
Join Date: Oct 2000
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Jupiter offing

To my eye the recent line-up at Jupiter is very glamorous and hunky.I notice though that some of the more model types get offed very quickly and regularly.I wonder if the talent there is "can do anything" or more like the reputed Tawan style - dead in bed.

The shows at Jupiter are still spunky and strangely audience 99% farang-free.

If anyone has taken someone from Jupiter off recently please report back.Was very close to doing so but thought it was all too good to be true.

PS.During June ( and maybe now) found the show at Future Boys entertaining especially a jungle-boy type who does a magic show with a knife and also bangs bricks over his head.Cute.
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Old 19th July 2007, 04:57 PM
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I got the distinct impression that Jupiter has gone "sticky rice" and that neither management nor boys were particularly interested in farang. I was the only farang in a packed bar about 2 weeks ago and wont be going back anytime soon. (The boys are very phuuchai and not many gays.)
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Old 19th July 2007, 07:18 PM
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I have offed some boys from Jupiter over the years and always been delighted. Same, same, Tawan bar. Maybe I'm easily pleased.

Jupiter has a lot going for it and when on form it's a terrific show well rehearsed and presented and nothing similar elsewhere. For some reason dancing guys lightly clad are a great turn on for some.

Jupiter does have it's problems:

Sight-lines are not good and they make them worse sometimes by draping stuff high up and putting bunches of plastic flowers on the shower which means you cannot see from above.

Seating is pretty uncomfortable in the main and the convex stainless steel benches ( originally for the boys to sit on ) are agony.

I have a lung illness and have often had to leave this bar due to the high number of smokers and the over-use of the smoke machine.

The high raise stage does make the boys remote from the punters and eye contact is not easy unless you sit front row stalls - which I favour.

I was in there about three weeks ago and was not impressed by the current crop of boys. There were not that many and the lean athletic physique body was absent. These things can change by the night.

I have had very enjoyable times in this bar since it moved and often wonder why it is so popular with Asians and not with foreigners.
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Old 20th July 2007, 01:13 AM
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Originally posted by wowpow
I have had very enjoyable times in this bar since it moved and often wonder why it is so popular with Asians and not with foreigners.
Two main reasons, I think.

1. It's to do with the type of boys they have on offer - a bigger, more masculine type - which tends to be the type favoured by East Asian visitors. You see a similar phenomenon in DreamBoy. On the other hand, a disproportionate number of Western visitors prefer the small-built, slightly fem type, which is why you would hardly see predominantly Western visitors in places like Nature Boy or the Sunnee Plaza (Pattaya) bars.

2. It's the low season for travellors from the West. For Asian visitors, there is less of a low season, since they are nearer to Thailand and can come anytime. The relative percentage of Asian visitors would appear higher during this period.
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Old 20th July 2007, 01:52 AM
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What exactly do you do with the boys, or ask them to do to you? I think that will help us evaluate whether or not they should be considered "cooperative".
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Old 20th July 2007, 06:55 PM
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Sorry Wowpow, but I totally disagree with your opinion. In the early days of Tawan (upstairs Suriwongse Rd) I had a number of excellent offs, but today I would never again off a boy from Tawan. I've offed perhaps 5 boys over last 5 yrs from Tawan, every time has been zero service plus arrogance, plus rude demands for ridiculous tips. (I speak adbvanced Thai, I politely, deliberately turn the conversation to what I'm looking for, in detail, before offing, so please don't suggest 'maybe it's a language problem')

I work/live in Bkk (20 yrs), I go to Jupiter regularly for what I think is a great show. I don't agree at all that the crowd in nearly all Asian, and I don't agree they are farang unfriendly. I will say that I have offed several boys from Jupiter over the years, every time has been a disaster. Promises of full service before leaving, then nothing whatever in bed. Last time was the last straw. Told the boy I would take him to BBB inn (Rama 4), he rudely demanded a taxi (very polite boy in the bar before being offed). I then decided to use a short time Suriwongse room. In the room for one second and he tells me that Jupiter boys (who are offed) have to be back inside the bar within 15 minutes or they get sacked (this was not a show boy), and minimum tip for Jupiter boy is 3,000Baht. I dismissed him instantly with zero Baht. I have much much better luck with Hero club, much better. Right now I would highly recommend Khun Wood.
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Old 20th July 2007, 09:03 PM
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What an interesting post. I had no idea that Tawan bar started upstairs on Suriwong Road. My first visit was in 1994 when it appeared well established in Soi Tawan though smaller.

Reports of unsatisfactory boys from Tawan bar are too numerous to deny but I repeat that over the last 13 years I have very rarely been unhappy, had a demand for a big tip ( I usually give them 1500 baht but 2000 if they take me to Paradise ) I laugh at requests for taxi money. Icon I am not about to state my bed preferences but suffice it to say that cuddles, massages and frottage are paramount and penetration is not.

I am astonished that you feel the audience at Jupiter is not mostly Asians. I always have a quick survey and often find that in a full bar there are less than a dozen westerners. Like you I am a fairly regular customer. I actually find that all the Bangkok 'top' bars have more Asians than Westerners but the reverse applies in Pattaya.

I hope that after the shock of the 15 minute boy you went back to Jupiter and got your off fee back.
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Old 20th July 2007, 10:01 PM
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Thanks for replies.So far one positive response to "off" Jupiter dancers.Since their move I tend to agree with Wow-Pow that it is most popular with Asian customers whatever the season. Also,when on stage the guys flash their eyes quickly, never resting on any customers gaze.Other bars if you look for a second too long a visit usually results.Jupiter boys may not be hungry enough.I like the attitude they project ( 'Im too sexy..") but maybe down to earth is better for offing.

When I put out a feeler to "off" to a captain he said they stay with you for two hours and the fee and tip were standard
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Old 20th July 2007, 11:41 PM
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Yes Tawan was originally on Suriwonge road. Go back to suriwongse from current location, turn left, walk around 50 metres, turn left and walk down a long thin corridor and up the back stairs, very long very thin bar. Same owner as today. At first he had very young much smaller boys, not high body definition, mostly very narluk types, but not many real ladyboy types. They danced full naked with one hand always over their plumbing. Then owner suddenly changed to older boys, I guess 19 to 25 years, 99% very masculine types, perhaps 60% with excellent definition, but no whales like today, plus about 40% just nice slim bodies.

In those days you always had to check your change immediately, because there was a good chance of short change. I can remember dozens of times seeing customers insist the waiter or captain wait whilst customer counted the change, discovered it was short, then back to the cashiers desk to get the rest of the change. Most of the time the owner was working as the cashier.

In the old location a whole different atmosphere to what it is today.

My first visit to Bangkok was more than 26 years ago. In those days Twilight (now Hotmale) was in a different location, other side of Suriwongse, back towards Patpong, you had to walk up a steep ramp to second floor entrance door, same old gatoey owners who recently sold the new Twilight to the Hotmale owner.

No gay bars in the soi now with so many bars (can't remeber the name).

In those days Barbiery was very popular, and barbiery occupied two floors for a while, upper floor was close to a duplication of the main Barbiery floor. Owner was ruthless and controlled the boys very strongly.

But most go go bars were in the soi where telephone and Balcony now located. I can recall perhaps 7 or 8 go go bars in that soi. Biggest of all was a place called, if my memory is correct 'Henry J Morgans'. Very large bar, I think it was located above what is now Balcony. Often 200 or so boys per night, many well under age. Lots of full nudity, continuous different sex shows, often with 14 years old boys fucking 14 year olds (obviously i'm guessing the ages.) Short time rooms on the premises. I think it was 60 Baht off, and a 'normal' tip was 300Baht, 400 for generous tip.
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Old 21st July 2007, 01:14 AM
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So, which bar is best for offing the boys if you want a pleasant, nice guy? I prefer the masculine type.
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Old 21st July 2007, 08:42 AM
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I would off someone from Jupiter maybe once a year, but I've a feeling it's been maybe 18 months or more since I last did it. Thinking about it as I read this thread, I have to confess that this is in all likelihood because I too have a feeling that the Jupiter boys tend to be aloof. Some have given me the vibe that they think too much of themselves. This is probably why Jupiter is now quite low down my priorities if I have to choose a bar to go to.

Having said that, I must admit too that my sample size is very small. Maybe I've just had bad luck for the last 4 - 5 years?

Yet the boys obviously get off'd. Jupiter can't be doing it all wrong if they're surviving in business... so how to explain it?

Their show is a cut above the rest, and consistently so, and that's the main reason why I would go to Jupiter nowadays.
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Old 22nd July 2007, 07:06 AM
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Last night - after supping in 'Dick's Cafe.', (not too busy.), i went-to 'JUPITER.', whither I've not been for several years.
Arr'd. about 21.35hrs. to find approx. 30 patrons there already, mostly at the stage RIGHT end of the seating, (opp. to the shower-stall.),.
I sat in the 3rd. row back from the stage, roughly mid-way between the translucent steps and the shower-stall.
Drinks are 250.Bh..
I wasn't at all taken with the boyz there: true, they're across the spectrum - as it were: a couple of ab originees who'd been around the block several times already I'd guess by looking-at them; a couple with this now fashionable under-chin hair; a plump & chubby one; a few more slightly built boyz and the remainder well-built. They all wore the usual male boxers on wch. their numbers were quite clearly seen, (unlike in some other bars.), over wch. some wore vests and others didn't.. To these tired old eyes the boyz all looked aloof, distant and no signs of any inter-action with any of the spectators: no nods, winks, 'Cum hither.' smiles etc..
The place filled-up gradually, so that by the time the lights dimmed ataround 22.10hrs it was quite full: mostly Asians, a few farangs but a larger number of wimmen that I'd have expected.
A pre-main show series of 4 acts, 2 of wch. featured a chantoosie.
Then, for about 10mins. the R&F. a go-go boyz ret'd..
I thought that the main show was passable, but I can't write that I was aroused by any of it; to my ears the applause was tepid, wch. I thought matched most of the acts.
Having read long, long ago that one of the boyz who featured in thr shower-scene was so well endowed that he had a waiting-list of farangs eager to avail of his svces. so that he could pick and choose I was all eyes - well, almost. But both boyz, although better than avg., were by no means all that well hung.
The final act was a 'Big C*ck.' show. I always say: "If you got it then flaunt it - otherwise don't bother."; all too many of the boyz seemed to be too embarrassed and/or shamefaced to shew-off their assets.
The perf. finished at arounf 23.50hrs..
I'll allow that I felt out of sorts and so didn't really feel like looking-in at 'SUPER A.' - and so returned home alone.
It'll be another long time before I'll return thither.
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Old 22nd July 2007, 09:33 AM
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Originally posted by sextile The place filled-up gradually, so that by the time the lights dimmed ataround 22.10hrs it was quite full: mostly Asians, a few farangs but a larger number of wimmen that I'd have expected.
They must have abandoned the previous policy of charging a higher price for females in order to keep them out. I thought that was one good thing they did. Pity the other bars didn't adopt likewise.
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Old 23rd July 2007, 07:46 AM
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Yes - I'd heard from several sources that following upon the unspeakably unprintable exploits of an Australienne wimmen were subject to a levy - possibly the need for paying customers has over-ridden that?

Looking-back to my recent visit to 'JUPITER.' - what was lacking was any sense of participatory fun from both the performers on stage and the spectators, with little, if anything, flowing between them; it was all so serious, so dull and so lifeless :-(
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Old 23rd July 2007, 09:17 AM
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no fun

I haven't been to Jupiter in over a year, but what Sextile said about the place rings true for so many Bangkok go-go bars nowadays: they just don't have the sense of fun and friendliness that they used to have. Going back to the mid to late 90s, and earlier in this decade, there were several bars that I enjoyed going to on a regular basis, both in the Patpong area and in Saphan Khwai, but I can't think of a single place that I truly enjoy going to anymore. Cute guys are all over Bangkok, but I don't see them working in the bars anymore. Maybe I'm also jaded, but I DO note a definite difference in what I see compared to a decade ago.
These days I find the friendliest places are in Saphan Khwai, but unfortunately none of them (except for BeHigh) offer go-go dancers, and I get bored staring at a row of guys dressed in street clothes whose eyes are glued to a nearby TV set.
As for Jupiter, they priced themselves beyond my threshhold when they went to 250 baht for a drink. I used to go there with a friend that loved the place but even he has stopped going after too many unsatisfactory experiences offing boys from there. As some others have noted, the boys look bored and hardly smile. And frankly they are not nearly as attractive as they looked a few short years ago. It's more than bad hairstyles and too many tattoos. Pot bellies and facial hair? That sounds like a lineup of tuk-tuk drivers. No thank you!
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