-- A mature & English friend of mine was seeking my advice for other choices to the usual Cialis etc. etc..
- I suggested G7.. - At a recent luncheon he told me that one tablet of G7. had no noticeable effect on him, and added that next time he'd be trying two tablets. - I am awaiting a further rpt., (possibly later-on this very week?), wch. I shall post in this thread for gen'l. interest & info..
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My doc advised me against using Cialis because I suffer from occasional bouts of LOW blood pressure but said Viagra should be OK. But big V has no effect for me - wonder if this G7 would be within my parameters or should I stay away altogether.
Only thing works for me at my tender age ![]()
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-- Not being one of our esteemed medical colleagues I'm reluctant to advise you. - However, were you to scroll-BACK* to posting #5., 27oct.07., (Heavens, was it as long ago as that!), you would find G7's. ingredients, wch. I copied-out from the carton. Possibly yr. own Dr. would be able to advise you better based-on them? --* To save you the trouble of scrolling-back I list the ingredients herebelow - - 'Fillet of fenny snake, In the cauldron boil & bake; Eye of newt & toe of frog, Wool of bat & tongue of dog; Adder's fork & blind worm's sting; Lizard's leg & owlet's wing; ... .'. - Possibly not unfamiliar to you? ;-)
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-- Maybe, Gentle Reader, you too might be beginning to feel the effects of advancing years and a possible diminution of your Prowess?
- Fear not, should you be allergic to or choose not to avail of chemical aids, (Cialis etc.), then help is at hand! A tested, non-chemical and natural supplement is even now available from many Trad. & Thai Medicines' pharmacies; - This supplement is called RED KWAO KRUA, (butea superba.); - For further info. may I refer you to themagazine - #192. - wch. is pub'd. fortnightly and as part of the BKK. Post 'paper. -- Search-engine Google has some 38,000. entries for RED KWAO KRUA. should you require MORE & in depth reseaches/results. -- E&OE.. -- I write as a non-medical person, -- ![]()
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