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Old 13th December 2008, 12:47 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 898

Yes, there are boys are Rock Hard Jomtien from around 4 pm. Also at the massage venues further down the soi., and at Bamboo bar near the Police Box on the beach.
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Old 26th January 2009, 01:20 AM
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-- Another web-site has drawn my att'n. to the flg. web-site wch. has allegations about some aspects of business life in PATTAYA -

Fighting for Justice at Andrew Drummond

-- Usual disclaimer. -- Bibi. --
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Old 26th January 2009, 09:14 AM
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[quote=Nalong;667776]Andrew Drummond is a certified lunatic mud slinger who has attempted to create a career out of one story and it's been going on for donkey years.

I agree. Most all newspaper articles I've read that Drummond has written have all smacked of sensationalist, muck-raking garbage. Journalism at its most perverse.
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Old 3rd March 2009, 12:04 AM
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-- Last fri., (27th.), I went to DONGTAN BEACH - JOMTIEN; arr'd. around mid-a'noon. and went to my usual concession, (in front of AVALON HTL. and by the 1st. hawng nahm), that's run by Khun Om - wearing a short, tightly wound & rainbow colored sarong with one end looped over his shoulder - assisted by Khun Liaow - dressed in a black tank top over a tight pr, of bk. briefs: attentive young men, the latter especially who sat-on my lap and - after a while - offered to shew me where the hawng nahm is!
- Not too many beach-chairs occupied; so the pr. of young men had plenty of time to play around. I noticed that the young man at the next concession - wearing a pr. of short & v. tight red colored trunks wch left little if anything to one's imagination - was also busy shewing-off his body; facially I'd say that he's no longer in the first flush of youth; but still - to these olde & tired eyes - a desireable body.
- All of the usual beach traders offering the customary svces, trinkets and so on and so forth.

-- My man friend and I went there on the sat. a'noon.. Khun Om was LESS his previously exuberant self and Liaow was having the day off.
- Again not all that busy, possibly because the weather was cloudy dull?
-- Bibi. --
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Old 3rd March 2009, 12:14 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- Fri. evening I went to ROCK HARD BAR - JOMTIEN COMPLEX; arr'd. around 21-30.hrs. to what I saw is an Host Bar.
- Not busy, (possibly I was there too early)?
- I went inside at sat towards the rear wall, where - after a while - I was joined by Khun Boi: 21YO. from I-San and who'd been working there only a few weeks.
- We moved across to the other side where Khun Boi positioned the portable drinks' stand and the curtain to make a little alcove and to give us some privacy. Needless to write we were both willing and I smoked him to an happy ending.
- For his soft drink and for my whisky & water I was charged 120.Bh..
-- Bibi. --
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Old 3rd March 2009, 12:46 AM
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-- Sun., (01st.), a'noon. - as my man-friend had to work in his office before going to BKK. early on the flg. monday - I went alone to SANSUK SAUNA, wch. is about 40mins. leisurely walk from BOYZTOWN:
- addr.: Tnn. Thappraya, soi 11., moo 10.,
Nongprue, Banglamung, Chonburi 20260..
- tel.: 038-36 43 55.
- web: Sansuk Sauna & Guesthouse Pattaya, Thailand
- hrs. 15.oo. until ????
- adm'n.: 180.Bh..

-- Layout:
0.1.- Indoors:
0.1.1.- Recept'n.;
0.1.2.- Locker room; one collects the key from the boi on duty there. Lockers are approx. 18.x24.ins.; 2 std. sized towels but no Condom or Lube. provided. Toilet. Mouth wash provided. Small Steam room & shower. Bar & rest't. - the latter seating around 50.persons.
0.2.- Outdoors:
0.2.1.- Swimming pool - approx. 16.x32ft. with a cascade at the deeper end.
0.2.2.- Circular Jacuzzi.
0.2.3.- 12 recliners covered with vinyl covered padding, (much more comfortable that BABYLON SAUNA.). Also chairs,tables and umbrellas.
1..- 1st. floor:
1.1.- Dark rooms, one of wch. has a sling. While all dk. rms. have doors none has a lock, so it's customary for users to slide the bed to block the door.
1.2.- Toilets & showers.
1.3.- On the balcony are 3 fair sized massage rooms, each with a std. sized table, en-suite toilets, showers etc..
2.- 2nd. fl.:
2.1.- Large steam room; also dry-heat sauna.
2.2.- Toilets & showers.
2.3.- Large and seemingly under-used Sitting room that leads-out to a balcony.
3.- TOP fl.:
3.1.- Large space with slatted board flooring: dimly lit; furnished with a padded table and a couple of padded benches .

-- ETA. 15.30.hrs..
- Plenty of elderly farangs in evidence, some with their Thai boyz.
- MORE Thais starting arriving around 17.30.hrs..
- I noticed that many farangs were busy enjoying eachother, often with the doors wide OPEN, around wch. crowded many voyeurs; thus plenty of oportunities for fingers to do some walking - ha!
- As a 'New **** on the block.' I enjoyed a certain amt. of welcum att'n.!
- I supped at around 19.30.hrs.; prices comparable or slightly cheaper than BABYLON: for 1xLasagne, 1 glass red wine, 1 glass soft drink and 1xcoffee I was charged 340.Bh.. Waiter svce. attentive and not pushy.
- Many Thais started to leave around 21.hrs..
- I left around 22.20.hrs.; just as the Receptionist was making a PA. call that the sauna would be CLOSING in 20mins. time.
-- Worth re-visiting.

-- There is also SANSUK GH. as part of the complex.
- Rates are 2,000.Bh. per diem to incl. b'fast. and one free pass into the sauna.
-- Bibi. --
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Old 4th March 2009, 04:19 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 898

[quote=sextile;668679]-- Fri. evening I went to ROCK HARD BAR - JOMTIEN COMPLEX; arr'd. around 21-30.hrs. to what I saw is an Host Bar.
- Not busy, (possibly I was there too early)?
- I went inside at sat towards the rear wall, where - after a while - I was joined by Khun Boi: 21YO. from I-San and who'd been working there only a few weeks.

He he. He tells every one that... Boi has been there at least 6 months... a willing cutie
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Old 4th March 2009, 05:08 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
... .
He he. He tells every one that... Boi has been there at least 6 months... a willing cutie

-- Well,he wasn't backward in cuming forward, that's 100%. for sure!
-- Bibi. --
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Old 15th April 2009, 12:24 AM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 45
Muscular guys


As I can read, there are not a lot of muscular boys in Pattaya. Are there particular bars where it is easier to find muscular boys ? I think bodybuilding types is not possible but maybe great shape with 6 packs abs.

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Old 15th April 2009, 12:34 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 170

Originally Posted by lmenard View Post
As I can read, there are not a lot of muscular boys in Pattaya.
That's why all the chicken hawks live and visit there.
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Old 17th April 2009, 01:21 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 898

Unfortunately Crystal Boys closed 6 months ago. It was the only real muscle bar in Pattaya. Apart from that it's pot luck and you may find the odd "body beautiful" in Boys, Boys, Boys, - Wild West Boys and Copa Bar , all in the 3 Boystown sois. Avoid Sunnee and Jomtien if u want muscle.
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Old 7th May 2009, 01:02 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- Recently I came-across the flg. web-site that might be of some possible interest -
Doug's Thailand -
-- Usual disclaimer. -- Bibi. --
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Old 10th May 2009, 12:40 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
Posts: 1,935

Whoa...that is really sad.

Someone should get over to Boys Bangkok, as a humanitarian gesture, and tell Mr. Ocomo that he's got a real walking ATM opportunity on the line and that he shouldn't let it walk on by.
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Old 10th May 2009, 09:55 PM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 196

I foresee the death of Khun O's favorite buffalo and tragic illness of his mother looming on the horizon
And a lot more besides! Those messages from The Boys are sadly pathetic. I'm sure many of us have fallen for a boy or two over the years, but these correspondents seem to be leading lives of appalling innocence in a variation of cloud cuckoo land. Or are they perhaps just incredibly lonely?
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Old 11th May 2009, 12:48 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by fountainhall View Post
... .
Or are they perhaps just incredibly lonely?

-- I fear lest you may well be correct.
- Seeing some of the pathetic-looking & elderly farangs, (such as 'The Pest.'), patrolling-around SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA, BIG C - R'DAMRI. and suchlike I can see u'stand. their feelings of incredible loneliness.
- But possibly after yrs. of easy living with their two-martini lunches. etc.. they've allowed their bodies - and probably their minds, too - to deteriorate so that few if any self-respecting boyz would want to be seen with them. Sad, really.
-- Bibi. --
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