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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Pattaya update

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Old 14th August 2009, 12:06 AM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 45

Hi guys,

I will come for the first time in Pattaya in october. Usually, I like to go in Tawan bar for their bodybuilders. I rent an appartment in Pattaya because of the bodybuilding contest but it was postponed. I'm affraid I cannot find muscle guys in Pattaya. Is there places with guys with great abs, not skinny type ?
If not, do you know if it is possible to take a well muscled guy from Bangkok for a few days ? How do you usually pay him for 4 days ?

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Old 14th August 2009, 04:27 AM
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Wild West Boys

If the rumor mill is to be believed, Wild West Boys was on the ropes but has been bought by someone who intends to continue to operate it more or less as is.

Unfortunately my source of information is NOT someone familiar with the " whole gamut of Thai society, scholastics, others in business or with reaches into various gov't. dep'ts," but hopefully the information is still reliable.
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Old 14th August 2009, 04:49 AM
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Originally Posted by lmenard View Post
Hi guys,

I will come for the first time in Pattaya in october. Usually, I like to go in Tawan bar for their bodybuilders.
There are some bigger guys like these at places like Body Club and BoyzBoyzBoyz, but not really the body builder type.

Otherwise, you might find the type you're looking for by chance in one of the other bars, but these are the dog days of August, so you may spend a lot of time going from bar to bar without a high probability of success.

If not, do you know if it is possible to take a well muscled guy from Bangkok for a few days ? How do you usually pay him for 4 days ?
You really want to make sure you "know" the boy a little bit before proposing that some guy in a bar take off for four days with you in Pattaya. Great abs may not mean an enjoyable 24 hour-a-day travel companion.

Then it's really up to you to ask some guy.If he has a wife and kids or is preparing for some body builder event, he probably won't like the idea. If he agrees, you pay the bar 4 times the off-fee (or give it to the boy and let him decide if he wants to call in sick and pocket the money).

Obviously you pay for all expenses and you agree with him on some amount for the tip. For a guy from a place like Tawan, for four full days, I think you're looking at a minimum of B10,000 to B15,000.
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Old 18th August 2009, 07:32 AM
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Talking Muscles on hire

Originally Posted by lmenard View Post
Hi guys,

I will come for the first time in Pattaya in october. Usually, I like to go in Tawan bar for their bodybuilders. I rent an appartment in Pattaya because of the bodybuilding contest but it was postponed. I'm affraid I cannot find muscle guys in Pattaya. Is there places with guys with great abs, not skinny type ?
If not, do you know if it is possible to take a well muscled guy from Bangkok for a few days ? How do you usually pay him for 4 days ?

Yo, Imenard. The good news is you can actually off Tawan boys and bring them to Pattaya with you for a few days.

Surely included: You pay for the room, and they eat with you and you foot the bill at the restaurants or local eateries. If they are willing to drive you there in their trucks/cars, expected you top up the gas both ways. Otherwise, you pay for 2 pax transport to Pattaya. Incidentals like buy water or snacks (or condoms/lube) from 7-11, etc. still quite okay. But, anything you are not comfortable with after the first time, just tell them. E.g. you don't smoke, and tell them you won't pay for their cigarettes because you think its bad. Perfecto.

Tips: Its best that you can ask if they want to go with you, and negotiate with them while inside Tawan before you off them. You can based on per night off, and it can work 1500-2500THB per day. 6000THB for some boys could be a good 4 days of work, for some "stars", 8000THB is respectable. 10,000THB for 4 days including relaxation (sleep or play all day) and two or three nice meals is very good. I've heard of some customers who had off a certain boy a few times for short-time before, suddenly decide to bring them there, and the boy drops everything and go with them. At the end of 4 days the tip is a bad surprise. Sometimes, they only pay 1000THB per day which is quite a disgrace.

Everything else: Not needed but really up to both of you: Like shopping, go-kart, banana boat rides or whatever. You must be in control, or you won't enjoy it at the end of 4 days.
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Old 18th August 2009, 11:30 AM
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That is a very good news. I will arrive in Bangkok the week after the national games contest of september 14th. They will still in a very good shape. So, I can meet my favorite for a few days and propose him to go with me when I return in mid october after the big part of my holidays in Indonesia.
He will probably finish his diet. For the tip, i think around 10,000thb is a good average. When you add the off fee and a overnight it is about the same for 4 days. In addition, as there are youngs you can have more than one private moment per day and as I need to loose weight maybe help me with a few routines.
Do you have to pay the off fee or the boy can take a few vacation days ?

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Old 18th August 2009, 05:16 PM
Join Date: Dec 2001
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Naturally you'll pay the off fee. The boy is not taking a vacation. He's simply working on assignment.
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Old 19th August 2009, 09:30 AM
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Exclamation Off fees

Originally Posted by Jaidee View Post
Naturally you'll pay the off fee. The boy is not taking a vacation. He's simply working on assignment.
Jaidee is right. They expect you to pay the off fee too, so that's 400THB per day.

Sorry, I forgot to mention it.

Its not that the boys are so calculative, you must understand that Tawan bar will get it from the boy when he returns. So, if you don't pay for it, it will still minus off from what he gets.
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Old 19th August 2009, 10:20 AM
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And don't rule out that the captain you negotiated the deal will very likely be expecting his 'commission' too.
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Old 19th August 2009, 07:36 PM
Join Date: Jul 2007
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And keep in mind that the captain who 'negotiated' the deal will likely be expecting his commission from the proceeds.
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Old 19th August 2009, 10:20 PM
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Since I believe we're more on the topic of Tawan and bangkok bars with big boys, I've placed my response in the "Bar Reports - BKK" thread. See permalink.
My Shameless Thai blog:
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Old 19th August 2009, 08:17 AM
Join Date: Mar 2008
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Originally Posted by lmenard View Post

So, I can meet my favorite for a few days and propose him to go with me when I return in mid october after the big part of my holidays in Indonesia.
He will probably finish his diet. For the tip, i think around 10,000thb is a good average. can have more than one private moment per day and as I need to loose weight maybe help me with a few routines.
If things start to pick up in October and your "favorite" is one of the prima donnas, you may not find him too enthusiastic to spend 4 days waiting on you hand & foot,and having numerous "private moments," especially for B10,000. Rightly or wrongly the guys at Tawan tend to have a high opinion of themselves and they also tend to be more "seasoned in the trade."

You might think spending 4 days in Pattaya will be a real treat, but many of those guys like to get a quick off early in the evening so they can go home or wherever.

Do report back to us on how it works out. Maybe if it's a clueless newbie fresh from Issan it will work out.
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