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Old 24th October 2009, 07:32 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
Hi Sexy Tile...and what did you do in the hotel ... ?
Sunee is certainly refreshing. The boys are quite fres. ... .

-- The hotel was for sleeping; one evening I did 'Off.' a boi - Khun Pong, 22YO., from I-San - from CAT'S PLACE, a pleasant enough youth, even if a little passive in bed.
- But I daresay that I'll write a little MORE about CAT'S PLACE in due course.
- Yes - SUNEE PLAZA is indeed refreshing; I find it much MORE preferable to the BKK. scene; but maybe it's a case of too much familiarity breeds ... ?
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Old 25th October 2009, 12:45 AM
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-- VILLA ROUGE, in SUNEE PLAZA, is CLOSED and is for sale!
- The latest rumor - as at 26th. forenoon - is that it should RE-OPEN, possibly this week; although whether under new or the olde mngmnt. was not known to my informant - a Pattaya resident of long standing.
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Old 25th October 2009, 12:56 AM
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-- During the evening of 21 oct. I visited A-BOMB., wch. is on the corner of 2nd rd. & of P'land. soi 2.;
- tel.: (038)-429 043.;
- drinks: 130/140.Bh., (non-alc./alc.),;
- Well, possibly it's a matter of beauty being in the eye of the beholder, so one man's 'Tuk-tuk driver.' might become another man's 'Desireable.'? But to these tired & olde eyes, while they did look to be past their sell-by dates, they weren't too bad looking, really - I've seen worse on the stage.
- #81. looked to the the best, followed by #16.; #33. tried his best to attract my att'n. by jutting fwd. his pte. parts.
- Music not too loud; I saw no other visitors or staff smoking ciggies..
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Old 25th October 2009, 01:34 AM
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-- Back-tracking one evening on 20th. I visited the flg. two a go-go bars -

- addr.: sub-soi OFF Soi DayNight;
- Nicky's Gay Pattaya - Bars, Gogo, Saunas, Massage, Restaurants > Soi DayNight has map;
- If walking along 2nd. rd. turn-off & along Soi 17.; quite some distance along look for illuminated sign: 'OFFICE BOYS.' to your LEFT; turn LEFT and immediately past OFFICE BOYS turn RIGHT; CAT's PLACE is a few yds. to yr. RIGHT; there s an illuminated sign outside.
- Google Earth co-ords.: roughly 100-52-40.E.x12-55-22.N.;
- Drinks at usual 130/140.Bh.;
- Air-cond OUT of action, so reliance upon fans;
- Although there's a not too obvious NO SMOKING sign, that didn't prevent some other farangs from lighting-up;
- Music not too loud;
- Possibly ten or so boyz on parade, apart from one chubby boi rest pretty much the usual and run-of-the-mill type, not eye-candy. #8., (v. well endowed for Thai boi!), & #20. caught my eye, both were busy & occupied with other farangs.
- Apart from better decor, in many ways like say BKK's. SUPER A: Boyz 'Ready, Willing and Able.'!

- addr.: 273/67, soi sunee,
Sunee Plaza;
- web: Krazy Dragon - The No.1 Gay Bar in Pattaya
- Drinks: all at just 99.Bh.;
- Music not too loud; no smoking that I saw or smelt;
- Boyz wore either very loose & white shorts, (numbered.), or briefs;
- Again, but with some discretion, most boyz 'Ready, Willing and Able.'.
- #99. joined me for some 'Getting to know you.' - a fascinating character in some ways ;-) . Also joined by queanie-boi & waiter Nok.
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Old 25th October 2009, 09:00 AM
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-- for the five days WEF. 19th. I went to DONGTAN BEACH, Jomtien, the concession just after the ON-beach hawng nahm & opp. to the AVALON HTL., that is o'seen. by 18YO. Khun Nat, (who is straight.), who is assisted by Khun Oam, (who used to o'see. the concession just before the HN., and who has elevated his modus operandi into some HIGH camp life-style & sashaying-about.), provided, that is, that he's not called upon to do anything more than flutter his eye-lids and wiggle his sweet little arse at anyother [Ifarang [/i] who happens to catch his eye.
- For the five days the mid-a'noon. occupany rates of the 130 or so deck-chairs and/or sun-loungers was, from a rough head-count, 20, 25, 30, 60 & 25; there were hy. rains up until noon on the friday, wch. might account for the lower figure? But any day there were slim pickings for the hawkers, masseurs, beach boyz and so on and so forth.
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Old 26th October 2009, 07:50 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by trentaus View Post
... .
An interesting bar, not in Boyztown, is Carters (or Cartiers?). Very macho, but quite deserted probably because of its location. Offed a well endowed guy there (the one that does the shower show) - he said he was not gay and then proceeded to engage like a trouper. I think he misunderstood, equating "gay" with effeminate which clearly he was not.
... .

-- 23rd. evening I went to CARTIER'S., my curiosity having been aroused by the above extract.

- Herewith walking dir'ns. -
1.- Walk along Pattaya 2nd. rd. in the same dir'n. as the road-traffic;
2.- STOP when you see MIKE'S SHOPPING CENTRE on your LHS., (it is a tall, thin & multi-story dept. store. set-back from the rd. with a 'bus./car pk. in front, and is between sois 11 & 12.),;
3.- On yr. RIGHT you will see DIANA HTL. and soi 13., (aka. Soi Diana.),;
4.- TURN RIGHT and walk-along soi 13.;
5.- Cross straight over Soi Buakhae at the next i'sect., where you'll see FAMILY MART & 7/11. on opp. corners;
6.- You are now in Soi Lengkee 1.;
7.- Walk maybe a couple of hundred yds. and you'll see CARTIER'S illuminated sign on yr. LHS.;
8.- Total leisurely walking-time from VC. HTL. would be about 35 mins..
- If you go to Google Earth then there are a couple of photos.: 'Looking up Soi Lengkee 1.' shewing quite clearly the weirdly & wonderfully named OPEY DE PLACE on the [b]RHS.[/B]; CARTIER'S is a few yds. farther along and on the opp., LHS., side;
- Google Earth co-ords.: roughly 100-53-09.E.x12-55-41.N.;
- further info. from > <
-- NB.: You might have to scroll and to search-around for it, but it's there somewhere!

-- ETA.: 21.45.hrs. approx.;
- Largish seating space, seating is either two or three-seater black sofas wch. have seen better days but are not uncomfortable; the sofas face a std. theatre-type stage that is two floors high, (rather like BKK's. JUPITER or TAWAN BARS.), and has a walkway around at its UPPER level and a couple of ladders and a Fireman's Pole DOWN.
- At that time I was the only customer.
- Four boys, wearing tight fitting & tan briefs slid-down the pole and started dancing - but not too energetically. Three of them are well-endowed by Thai stds. - but only one was displaying a number. After a while other boyz appeared on the stage.
- All drinks are 200.Bh.!
- The M'san. - a mature, plumpish & slightly effem. type - told me that their show would be starting soon. So I asked him to bring-over one of the R&F. a go-go boyz, whose name I cannot remember,(apologies.), tallish, slim, narrow face and short hair-cut.
- 22.25.hrs. house lts. dimmed - by wch. time there were a couple or three MORE customers..
- I sha'n't detail the individual acts -they were all performed by the IN-House boyz - there were some dozen of them; the first nine or so had the boyz clothed to a greater or lesser degree;
- Then two naked boyz with flour. pt. did a limbo dance;
- Ante-penultimately one of the a/m. two, (in fact the boi who sat with me.), did a a shower act;
- Penultimately another boi performed a putting act;
- Finally the 'Putting.' boi was smoked by another; the pr. of them walked amongst us voyeurs. - the 'Putting.' boi is well-endowed in anyone's language! As I can vouch.
- Hse. lts. ON again at around 23.15.hrs..
- All nine boyz back on stage; the 'Putting.' boi is either #53. or #63., (difficult for me to determine wch., but probably #53.),.

-- As a non-Pattaya person I'd say that CARTIER'S is the only Pattaya bar that puts-on a show.
-- A long way to walk, but possibly worth the effort?

-- Interestingly enough I mentioned CARTIER'S to another farang, who's a long term resident of Pattaya, and who replied that he'd never heard of it.

-- E&OE.. -- Usual disclaimer. --
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Old 26th October 2009, 08:08 AM
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-- My curiosity having been aroused and satisfied by CARTIER'S I thought that it would be time to arouse stg. else ;-)

-- So, after the a/m. visit to CARTIER'S I walked-back to CATS PLACE, where I was greeted affectionately by #12 - a dreamy-eyed Khun Pong whom I had 'offed.' after my previous visit.
- A couple of other farangs kept some of the boyz quite fully occupied, as far as I could see!
- After a while both farangs left - so I enjoyed the full & undivided att'n. of the half-a-dozen or so boyz on duty that evening.
- Khun Pong jacked-off energetically until he achieved what he wanted. One of the other boyz, Khun Bang, brought-over a roll of tissue; afterwards Khun Pong placed the empty cartridge over his cock and put them both inside his u'pants. - to the gt. amusement of the others - ha! Khun Pong then inflated a Condom and placed that inside his u'pants., wch. made him happier.
- One of the young M'sans. proposed that he CLOSE the bar and put-on a 'Smoking.' show for me; but I realized that that would entail the purchase of at least one bottle of whisky, ++.. Pleading that I had to get-out of bed early the flg. morning I managed to disuade them; just as I disuaded Khun Pong from accompanying me.
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Old 29th October 2009, 02:09 AM
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-- VILLA ROUGE re-OPENED on 25 oct.;
- By report: smoking of ciggies. is allowed - despite notices to the contrary.

- 15 nov. - SUNEE PLAZA - street party..

- source: Pattaya Gay Report for w/e. 27 oct..
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Old 29th October 2009, 06:16 AM
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I too had never heard of Cartiers, until about 6 months ago a local boy I offed from Boystown suggested it as an appropriate venue to select a 3rd player. It was very much as described by Sextile, but with only about 6 boys who were all well tatooted and at the rough end of the spectrum - definitley not a venue for twink seekers. We had one drink and moved on.

The weather here now delightful, tourists are starting to return to Pattaya / Jomtien but there are still more than enough cute boys to go around! A number of the boys from CATs have moved to Happy Boys after reported cash flow problems at the former !
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Old 2nd November 2009, 12:32 AM
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-- During tea time y'day., (01st.), my SGPean./Ch. acquaintance told me about some of his experiences in PATTAYA - as a 1st. time visitor.
- Although he speaks good English - albeit with an Aussie. accent - the flg. is my u'standing of what he said -

1.- At my suggestion he stayed-in NEW PARADISE INN, wch. he described as adequate and good value for money, PLUS being v. convenient for SUNEE PLAZA and not too far from BOYZTOWN, (although a TH. companion offed thence would expect tpt.!),.

2.- He visited DONGTAN BEACH and went to the same concession as I prefer and o'seen. by Khun NAT, who lamented about the shortage of customers.

3.- In BOYZTOWN he visited the flg. a go-go bars:
3.1.- BOYZ, BOYZ, BOYZ - expensive, with any boi offed. expecting 1,500.Bh. for short time and at least 2K.Bh. for o'night./long time;
3.2.- A BOMB - A v. pushy M'San. who became angry that after 15mins. he had not invited a boi to sit with him. For good measure the M'San. suggested that any boi offed for LT. would expect 3K.Bh.! A better looking boi than most was invited to sit with him - conversation indicated that the boi would be quite happy to accept 1K.Bh. for o'night. - the M'San. did not look pleased.

4.1.- KRAZY DRAGON - Too 'In your face.' with the table-top dancers all to ready to shew-off their endowments and too eager in pretending to add to one's drink ;
4.2. - A couple of other a go-go bars, whose names he'd forgotten or chose not to mention, where the boyz are too young & twinkie and again too blatant for his liking;
4.3.- COME IN BAR - Much MORE to his liking, especially as he picked-up a couple of boyz there for o'night. stays. I gathered that he's recovering from a broken-off relationship and that the visit to this place has helped to put him back & on the rd. to recovery, so much so that he hopes to see one of the boyz during his next visit in dec..
4.4.- CAT'S PLACE - Not visited, too far away to be worth it also he'd heard that it is seedy & going down-hill fast.

-- E&OE. --.

-- PS.: acknowledgements to Khun Biggles., Nalong, ShamelessMack et al whose info. has proved to be so helpful to us occasional visitors to PATTAYA.
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Old 2nd November 2009, 09:50 PM
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maybe dear sextile would happen to know if that NEW Paradise is actually really new? I stayed in Paradise-just around the corner of Sunee last time-which must have been 2000 or so. Was getting pretty worn then-but had plnety of bigsize rooms for just 300 bt. Used to be quite popular among Arabs/Mid-East visitors.
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Old 3rd November 2009, 12:22 AM
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Originally Posted by pong View Post
Maybe dear sextile would happen to know if that NEW Paradise is actually really new? I stayed in Paradise-just around the corner of Sunee last time-which must have been 2000 or so. Was getting pretty worn then-but had plnety of bigsize rooms for just 300 bt. Used to be quite popular among Arabs/Mid-East visitors.

-- I darewrite, as an occasional visitor to PATTAYA, that from the advertisers' & from the mngmnt's. view-point 'New!' may supposed to be some sort of selling-point?
- I u'stand. that it was re-decorated internally a few yrs.ago. While the public's spaces look trad. Thai with hy. furniture and a generally shaded atmosphere yet the bed-rooms are quite acceptable within their limits.
- But I'll ask a long time Pattaya-resident's views, he might know as he enjoys their b'fasts.daily when he's in Pattaya.
-- Being located with a Sikh temple close-by on one side and Little Arabia on the other it's possily not too surprising that it attracts people from those regions.
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Old 3rd November 2009, 08:39 PM
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New Paradise Inn

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
[/i] [/color]

While the public's spaces look trad. Thai with hy. furniture and a generally shaded atmosphere
A generous euphemism "shaded atmosphere".

It looked dreary and dim to me.
My Shameless Thai blog:
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Old 8th November 2009, 07:29 AM
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-- Today, (08th.), evening I was joined - in SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA - by one of my mature 'Talking boyz.' who'd ret'd. that a'noon. from a couple of days in PATTAYA, 'Walking and looking.', as is said.
- In his own words: 'Nitnoi farangs..
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Old 9th November 2009, 12:09 AM
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-- For those who wish to keep up-to-date with SUNEE PLAZA's events the flg. web-site might be helpful -

-- Usual disclaimer, of course.
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