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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   House-call massage information, please

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Old 3rd February 2008, 03:47 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239
House-call massage information, please

Does anyone know the website of house-call massage guys here in BKK? I used to have it but.....

Also, do you have any recommendations from the website? in, someone who will actually show up when requested?

And, as long as I'm here, what's the going tip rate for having them come to your home?

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Old 6th March 2008, 02:31 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
Posts: 1,935

I've had very bad feedback on this place -- if it even still exists.

Best thing might be just to call up one of the known entitites -- Arena, His, B&N, Aqua, Hero...whatever...and have them send someone over.

Otherwise, you can find some advertisements for freelancers at, as well as (but you have to register for the latter, and the postings are mostly in Thai).
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Old 6th March 2008, 05:37 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
Posts: 1,935

I think all of these places are happy to send out. They will let you describe what you want over the phone, but of course you will not be able to see what you're getting until you got it.

I would recommend not being so reluctant to have massage on site at a massage place. It's much safer (no stranger in your room who might come back uninvited, or leave with more than he arrived with); much less messy (no oil or other fluid spills where you have to sleep); and, most importantly, you can see what you're getting.
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Old 6th March 2008, 07:50 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

Originally Posted by Kaojai View Post
... .
Since I usually stay at the Tarntawan, I've stopped in at the Tarntawan massage (or whatever it's name is) on Surawong and arranged to have one of the guys there come to my room.
Presumably someone from Indra could come to the Tarntawan since it's just around the corner. Sextile, do you know if they send guys out?
-- Kaojai,
- Thanks for your query about out-calls for 'INDRA MASSAGE.'.
- I confess that I don't know the answer, but I don't see why not - especially now that business is so slack.
- Their 'phone. no. is: (02)-634 0099.
- My recommendations would be Khun Jack. and/or Khun Ney.
- As you would be just around the cnr. the masseur could walk, and so save the taxi's fare!
-- bibi.. --
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Old 6th March 2008, 08:33 AM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 4


You definitely need to explore some of the higher range places. At many of them, the facilities will be better and more comfortable than your room at the Tarntawan!
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Old 7th March 2008, 01:34 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239

I just got back from 3 days in Pattaya and can tell you.....I don't blame you at all for trekking to BKK to romp and stomp.

I've been going to Pattaya for years but see no reason to ever go back. As much as we locals bemoan Soi Twilight, etc., bars here is 10,000 times better than what is currently passing as bars in Pattaya.

I found that there were two types of boys on offer in the massage places and bars in Pattaya: the overly tattoed and the underfed. Many of the things on offer suffered from both of these maladies. Lots of the guys look as if they haven't seen food in months. It was scary, really.

Sunnee Plaza was terrifying. I walked through once and stopped in what used to be called Kaos. After sitting down, I realized that what was on offer would eaily earn any farang 20+ years at The BKK Hilton. Needless to say, I was up and out the door immediately.

Add to that the fact that the police mafia are charging BKK taxi drivers 400 baht for the "privilege" of taking farangs out of Pattaya. I found a taxi driver on Beach Road who was willing to take me to my home in BKK for THB 1,000. I was happy. He was happy. However, before we got round the corner and onto Second Road, a mafia guy got into the car and made the driver go to the police/mafia cabana and pay the guy there THB 400. So, my driver ended up only getting to keep THB 600 of the amount on which we had agreed.

The bars were vacant every night I was there. At 10:00, the largest number of customers I saw was 7. Most bars only have a dozen or so guys on offer. The guys were asleep on the couches of several of the places I visited and they had to wake them up to dance. (All of this was on the sois surrounding Boys Town.) Sad. Sad. Sad.

I tried three different massage places: Blue House, Royal and Narcissus. At Blue House, I told the mamasan that I wanted someone with a big dick. She told me that none of them had big dicks. (I at least appreciated her honesty.) So, I told her that I'd take whoever would be happy fucking a fat farang. She asked the guys (about 10 or so) who would like to go with me and they ALL said "NO!!" So, she turned to me and said "Sorry, no boy for you tonight." I left there and went to Royal. As I approached, the two massage guys sitting outside got up and went inside, leaving me standing on the street alone. I did get assigned to a guy at Narcissus. He was OK, but nothing worth writing home about.

Pattaya.....I'd definitely recommend that you give it a pass!!!
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