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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   The Pizza Boy delivers

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Old 29th February 2008, 08:59 AM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 210
The Pizza Boy delivers

Once in a while I'll call up one of the local pizza places and order something. And once in a while the delivery boy is indeed very attractive. One guy in particular has got me infatuated. If he knocks on my door again, I indeed to take affirmative action ... well, at least tip him well and suggest that he drop by after work. Anyway, my question is: has anyone living in Thailand taken advantage of any "extra" pizza boy service?
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Old 29th February 2008, 09:40 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
Posts: 1,935

Yes! Just a couple weeks ago, I had a massage at K-Why. A good one, with a very cute masseur. We got to talking, and it turns out he's a Pizza Company delivery boy by day. Almost unbelievably, he claimed he'd never been hit on on the job, and never delivered anything more exciting than one of those hot-dog-and cheese-filled crust jobs covered with artificial crabmeat and mayonnaise that the Thais seem to love so much.
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Old 29th February 2008, 09:54 AM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 158
Not The Pizza Boy< But....

Maybe three years ago I ordered lots of food and two waiters for four hours from 'Room Service' food delivery (since seems to have disappeared).

The two boys who turned up very very hot, both 18, and they quickly realized I was noticing how hot they were. The party was over quickly, and they cleaned up the mess quite fast.

They were both sweaty, and I asked if they wanted to shower. They did, together, and emerged from the bathroom is just towels, and sat around, no attempt to get dressed, then one suggested I take a shower, which I did, also emerging from bathroom in just a towel.

Then one stood up and made sure i noticed the erection under the towel. His friend ripped off the towel and started to play and grabbed my hands to grope him.

They stayed another two hours and we lot lots of fun.

One guy gave me his phone no., but unfortunately when I tried it two weeks later the number was disconnected.
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Old 29th February 2008, 10:02 AM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 158
Not The Pizza Boy< But....

Maybe three years ago I ordered lots of food and two waiters for four hours from 'Room Service' food delivery (since seems to have disappeared).

The two boys who turned up very very hot, both 18, and they quickly realized I was noticing how hot they were. The party was over quickly, and they cleaned up the mess quite fast.

They were both sweaty, and I asked if they wanted to shower. They did, together, and emerged from the bathroom is just towels, and sat around, no attempt to get dressed, then one suggested I take a shower, which I did, also emerging from bathroom in just a towel.

Then one stood up and made sure i noticed the erection under the towel. His friend ripped off the towel and started to play and grabbed my hands to grope him.

They stayed another two hours and we lot lots of fun.

One guy gave me his phone no., but unfortunately when I tried it two weeks later the number was disconnected.
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