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CRUISING for SEX - Massage Venues

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Taoboxer 16th September 2008 11:50 PM

Oops...I forgot to mention that I've never suffered food poisoning on an airplane in the last 15 years that I've been flying to Europe and around Asia regularly. Nor have I ever suffered food poisoning from drinking Thai tap water or eating street food. The one time I did suffer food poisoning was when a friend took me to what he insisted was 'Bangkok's best Chinese restaurant'.

waile 17th September 2008 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by new2bkk (Post 663851)
Maybe should be called Senso-sational!
I was walking around in the rain last night around 8:30 and decided I'd rather be oiled up than drenched so ducked into Senso on Sala Daeng. Really nice space, very modern and dare I say it, elegant. About 15 men on display, the choice was extremely difficult as I would have happily gone with any of them. I've not been to all the joints in BKK by any means, but this IS the first time 100% have been very, very handsome. That said, if your type is small, slim, very boyish, this is probably not the place for you. Most of the guys were quite well muscled, not the Tawan steroid type, but the workin' hard at California Fitness types.
Ended up choosing khun Chai, Issan guy, 21, very serious-butch look, maybe 5'7" and perfectly sculpted body. And speaks very little English, perfect for me, I like 'em beautiful and quiet. Chose the 90 minute relax massage (850 baht/minimum tip 1200)
Chai took me up to the room, again, very nice and modern, with a great mirror that allowed full on viewing of what was going on.
The massage was, really pretty good, a nice mix of the sensuous and the practical. He actually worked some knots out of muscles in my calves that most regular masseurs have not done as well.
Without going into ALL the details here I'll mention that one of the reasons I chose K. Chai was the fact he appeared to be 100% straight. During the massage, he was particularly attentive with his fingers to areas that led me to believe I would be on the receiving end of spicy Issan sausage.
Imagine my pleasant surprise, when at the end of the work part of the massage, this lovely man knelt down and kissed me full on the lips and with tongue. Then he proceeded to smoke the hell out of me. After a few minutes of this he looked me in the eye and asked if it was ok? I allowed that it REALLY was.
Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore and I smoked him to a full happy ending, and then he went back and returned the favor.
Didn't mention before, but prior to the massage, as well as after, Chai was in the shower with me making sure that every square inch of me was squeaky clean.
So on the one hand...the cost is higher than most. However, the look of the place is nicer than most, the massage was better than most, the guys were by far a cut above the rest (that I've seen) and the sex was surprising and excellent. And frankly, I'm going to do everything in my power NOT to go back tonight, don't want to appear like a total slut.

i can attest to that, Chai works magic with his fingers... sensual touch. and senso has a great selection of young fit guys, where arena is the only other massage place that houses similar selection:)

waile 19th September 2008 09:46 AM

heaven, is what i would describe my 3rd visit to senso tonight in a bit more than a week... i think they must feel im a slut already:)

sextile 19th September 2008 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by waile (Post 664043)
Heaven, is what i would describe my 3rd visit to senso tonight in a bit more than a week... I think they must feel I'm a slut already:)

-- Well - never mind what others think, (their thoughts cannot hurt you!), just go-ahead and enjoy 'Sanookie dee!', as is said out here - ha!
-- You might like to spread you wings and venture all the way out to the MALL - BANG KAPI, (full dir'ns. were given earlier.), and experience the ineffable joys of the WHITE HOUSE SPA :D , wch. is only a few mins. walk away.
-- Bibi. --

sextile 20th September 2008 07:05 AM

- loc'n.: Nawamintra 57.,
Bang Kapi;
- tel.: (085)-830 0010.;
- web:
-- 'As part of a promo. campaign, the parlor is offering a 1.30-hr. massage package at only 300.Bh., (before 3:00pm.),. For MORE details call (085)-830 0010.'.
- Above quot'n. is taken from freebie mag Variety., VII. #66..
-- Usual disclaimer. -- I have not visited. -- Bibi. --

icon513 20th September 2008 07:58 AM

Aromass? Who came up with that name?!!?!

waile 20th September 2008 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by sextile (Post 664049)
-- Well - never mind what others think, (their thoughts cannot hurt you!), just go-ahead and enjoy 'Sanookie dee!', as is said out here - ha!
-- You might like to spread you wings and venture all the way out to the MALL - BANG KAPI, (full dir'ns. were given earlier.), and experience the ineffable joys of the WHITE HOUSE SPA :D , wch. is only a few mins. walk away.
-- Bibi. --

thanx sextile... ure right... but i found HEAVEN in senso... hehe. but no harm eh trying another HEAVEN:)

Beethoven 20th September 2008 08:22 AM

More Info on Senso?
I was hoping for a little more detail on Senso, if I may?

1. Did they have Thai massage?

2. How much did you tip the young man (for those of you who have already been)?

3. What is the set up in terms of choosing a masseur? Are they all standing/sitting right there in reception staring at you as you decide to choose? I am a bit shy (really, I'm serious) in these formal settings.

4. For those who have experienced several masseurs, dud they all kiss?

Thanks so much!


waile 20th September 2008 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Beethoven (Post 664062)
I was hoping for a little more detail on Senso, if I may?

1. Did they have Thai massage?

2. How much did you tip the young man (for those of you who have already been)?

3. What is the set up in terms of choosing a masseur? Are they all standing/sitting right there in reception staring at you as you decide to choose? I am a bit shy (really, I'm serious) in these formal settings.

4. For those who have experienced several masseurs, dud they all kiss?

Thanks so much!


1. yes they have thai massage.
2. i gave 1.5 to 2k on average.
3. they all stand up on an elevated stage (where the weights are), just like arena or b&n. and they do try to make eye contact with u. just take ure time. they dont kill:)
4. most of them do. tongues included:)


hiscox 20th September 2008 06:24 PM

White House Spa

Originally Posted by sextile (Post 664049)
-- the ineffable joys of the WHITE HOUSE SPA --

I have now sampled the ineffable joys of WHITE HOUSE SPA's 'star' masseur, chirpy BIRD, aged 23 and a top. (And the top one at )
Stocky but athletic and clearly very inventive, he gives an exciting massage in his own more active version of Aum's sensual style, with lots of body-to-body and sexy stuff, including using his well-oiled glutes in a novel back massage. A current uni student, he chats and jokes easily in English. Cute, light-skinned and a fun guy, he's the busiest masseur there, so be sure to check that he's fresh!

hiscox 20th September 2008 07:56 PM

White House Spa

Originally Posted by sextile (Post 663495)
- A slight niggle was that although the time seemed to speed by all too rapidly in actual fact it was several mins. short of the ninety for wch. I had paid - . --

After several visits to WHITE HOUSE SPA, I can say that the time has always been short. My impression is that the masseurs' routines are based on a 1 hour session with 1.5 hours as the maximum time allowed for your occupation of the room. So in practice roughly an hour is the basic time, and the remaining time is available for however much longer you take to cum, shower and dress!

I think I actually preferred the old system as at the late HIS massage before they added rooms with showers and the 'tuk-tuk drivers' took over. You got your full time in the massage room, and all the extra time spent with your masseur, showering together and dressing in the locker room (or cuddling my beloved boi in the seldom-used little sauna. How I still pine for his lithe body and ever-hard ****!) was FREE.

sextile 20th September 2008 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by hiscox (Post 664082)
... .
... .he's the busiest masseur there, so be sure to check that he's fresh!

-- Thanks for that tip - worth bearing in mind, that's 100%. for sure!
-- Bibi.. --

icon513 21st September 2008 06:21 AM

Here's a new Bangkok hotel that doesn't appear to be too concerned about missing trade from superstitious Chinese:

sextile 22nd September 2008 06:45 AM

-- In today's, (22nd.), issue of the tabloid 'Daily Xpress.' - wch. is part of The Nation newspaper gp. - I was interested to see an advert. placed by SENSO MASSAGE & SPA., (Convent rd. - off Tnn. Si Lom.), wch. quite openly was advertising itself as offering massages for men by men.
-- Bibi.. --

icon513 22nd September 2008 08:06 AM

Nothing strange about that. Body Club has had a daily advertisement running in the Post for a long, long time.

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