-- Today, (24th.], late a'noon., I passed-by the ex-TWINKS' MASSAGE, (before that it was TUARUS MASSAGE, before that it was ... .], on Soi Naras Thiwat 1., (aka. Soi Anuman.],.
- A small drinks' bar had been set-up outside, with a couple or three twinkie boyz in attendance. - A young & twinkie boi asked me if I'd like to come-in and have a massage, to wch. I replied that I'd enjoyed massages there before but not today, thank you. - I noticed that another & mature farang passed by - going in the opp. dir'n. to me - and declined their svces.. |
Thanks for sharing Spoonfed, nice 'adventutes'.
I think The Prime boys would appeal to Spoonfed. I was at their place today and saw a few new lads...slim, young, dark and lustful. Also Angkor had a better line-up of boys last night. They have kitted them out in sleeveless T shirts and saris...which quite enhances their desirability, for me at least. Two of them were clearly up for some gay-enhanced massage as they winked, and waved at me just 1 meter away... definitely worth a go and a good price for Silom (Bht200/hr for Thai massage). As I mentioned before, I always go first for a Thai massage to see what is likely to be on offer for an oil massage...saves a lot of unnecessary showering and several Bahts if he is just hired for window dressing.
Red massage ... .
-- Today, (27th.), forenoon I walked-through Soi Twilight - off Suriwong rd. - and saw that the former RED MASSAGE has been re-named.
- It is called now - MARIO MASSAGE.; - cell.: (085)-369 4517. & (086)-785 9828.. - At that early hr*., (for Soi T'light., that is), there were no barkers, touts or suchlike about to offer me any further info. as to svces., prices etc. etc.. -* Actually 02.46.hrs.GMT.. ;-) |
GMT? Now let's see....., naah don't think i'll bother.
Xfun, you've never come across Gay Mounting Time? The little hand was after two testicles and the big hand was going on nine to the dozen.
Well well, I learn something every day, and really useful.
Former TUARUS, ex-TWINKS and now ...
-- Today, (02nd.), morning I passed-by the ex-TWINKS MASSAGE, (Soi Naras Thiwat 1., [aka. Soi Anuman.],), and noticed that it has been re-named: WHITE BAR..
- Should I pass-by later on then I'll enquire as to what's on offer? |
:):):) |
-- Today, (O4th.], evening I walked-by and stopped to enquire about their prices. - I was quoted: 1hr. oil-massage for 5OO.Bh.; longer times by arrangement. -- To me the boys sitting outside looked to be Twinks and v. much younger looking; being slightly built I wondered if they'd have the stamina to give a firm massage for as long as 45mins.? |
what was the old jingle - "Milky Bar kids only eat what's right - its sweet and white" <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/6wPHNIczdZs&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/6wPHNIczdZs&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> (apologies to Nestle) bkkguy |
I also passed there last evening but didn't see any twinks...just a couple of career queens who invited me in to their bar for a drink only. Very pleasant folks. I guess the twinks were inside somewhere. Now maybe I will try again. It's quite appealing to me to find a bar with just drinks or the option to mingle with the massage boys and then go for a massage or not.
I went tonight and picked the boy outside I had previously fancied. Slightly spiky hair on top and long down the neck. Slim, dark, from Isaan and aged 21. Went upstairs and took off shoes at reception and asked for Thai massage (Bht200) (that way you can check out what's on offer, sexual-wise, without all the effort of showering). Pleasant surroundings...2nd floor foot massage. The boy took me up 1 more floor and into a room with high walls, wooden door and mattress on the floor...all clean and fresh. Boy excused himself to "wash my hands" and apparently all the parts hidden from the sun judging by the freshness experienced in that region later. By this stage, it was pretty obvious, I was going to get some degree of sex. He was quite touchy/feely and matey even before starting the massage. After about 3 minutes of Thai massage, he persuaded me to upgrade to an oil massage (Bht450). So, with my Thai massage clothing, he carried my clothes upstairs to a higher floor and into a pleasant room with high bed. Plenty of clean towels on that floor and lots of rooms. He put a little red bunny on the floor outside the door as a do-not-disturb signal. He folded my underpants and took me to a shower down the passageway. I showered alone and returned to the room and lay naked and excited. The boy had a cellphone call, apologized to me profusely, told the caller he was busy and said sorry again to me. The massage was pretty good with closer and closer touching the sexy bits. Turned over and he still remained professional but was clearly wanting sex. As he was working on my scrotum, I started to explore his slim but well-defined back and stomach. Then to the main prize which was very hard, longish and thickish. He willingly stripped off his pants and shirt and we 69'd, kissed and rimmed and gyrated until we both came together. Very pleasant and has a great body and speaks some English. No mention of money. I told him I had no money for a decent tip and so took him to an atm for his well-deserved and appreciated Bht1,000 tip. Certainly I will return or he'll visit my home on his day off. |
Seems that some, if not all, universities are closing for a break in Isaan. I know of two specific examples...Mahasarakharn and Buriram Rajaphat. I discovered this by contacting some students from there via GayRomeo and now they have arrived in Bangkok to visit friends/family and work in massage spas. One of my contacts started working in Apsara two days back. He is a math student. The other contact is a biochemistry student . Lads that study something useful rather than, "mass comm" or "business" or "computer" or "marketing", always appeal to me.
So today I visited Apsara and engaged the lad in a Thai massage...surprisingly good for a math student with little or no massage experience. All was professional until he laid my hand right near his erect penis while massaging my arm. Oh, what a great dark, slim adoring guy he is. Only trouble is, my new friend at Angkor can easily spot me from across the street, entering Apsara and vice versa. |
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