yes. Big Beds Big Showers and work in the Nude
I noted and visited a new massage place (well, new to me... haven't seen it before) on the corner of Surawongse and the little dead-end soi opposite Le Meridien Hotel. It is next to Tokyu or Toyu massage (that used to have a sex boy or 2...alas no more). This new place is called Proud 66 Massage. I am proud to say, I was able to taste some love juice and had mine sampled.
The boys are my type..slim, Isaan guys...similar to those from Prime and Best massage places. The massage is priced competitively with many options and oil 1 hour Bht400, Thai mass 1 hr + oil mass 1 hr =Bht550. 30 min scrub + 1hr oil mass =Bht600. Boys all sit outside and individually selectable and delectable. The guy I had was willing and Kai. |
What were the rooms and showers like???
The rooms are small, but have a high bed with hole cut out for nose or tongue or penis. The bed has a little rack underneath where you could lie down and suck the masseur's dick if you could persuade him to put it through from the top. The shower is separate but near's clean and has hot water.
They have sets of rooms and showers on 2nd and 3rd floors...foot massage on ground floor. I went again today and had a good 30 minute scrub and 1hr oil with the guy I picked from outside. A good boy who only started 3 days ago. It resembles Prime massage in some ways...layout and boys and uniform. But here the boys are warmer and willing and polite. It is not primarily a sex place. But body language and welcoming from the boys on the street, indicates you're going to get it if you want. So far both the masseurs I have had have initiated sex after completing the major part of good massages...and not just offering a basic handjob, but going pretty much as far as the average guy would want. The walls are hard but there are holes in the top corner to allow for a shared AC. The boys urge silence and discretion. No outrageous tips are mentioned before or during the massage and the boys wait outside the front door to say goodbye and collect anything you give them. Maybe they have at last figured it out! That's the way to get the biggest tip...from me at least. I didn't see any boy there whom I would not be happy to pay for massage and sex. About 9 guys around at 7pm. Straight couples were having foot massages downstairs. I like the place. |
By the way, is Proud 66 staffed only with boys? Or mixed male and female service providers? |
Their peers know what is going on for sure...but I agree it is desirable to handover the tip discreetly and away from sight of the owner/boss/boys/customers and others who are likely to try and borrow money from the boy later. What I try and do in such places..Chang give the boy the major tip in the room and Bht100/200 in public as you leave.
In this case, the guy left the room and went downstairs very quickly giving me no chance to reward him privately. But I just shook his hand with a big tip in the palm and gave him Bht200 with the left hand. Only boys available for far as I have seen. |
Handing over the tip
Obviously everybody has their own thoughts about when to hand over the tip. Personally I give all of the tip before leaving room, and I try to ensure, if possible, that the man doesn't leave before the tip is passed over.
But there's another point - In some places the captain/mamasan will (after the customer has disappeared, and away from other customers) either officially (it's part of the known deal) or unoficially ask for a cut of the tip, regardless of the fact that the customer had paid a fee to the house for the massage. In these places the working boys would usually prefer that nobody knows anything about how many Baht they received direct from the customer. If the mamasan asks the boy how much tip the he received (which is quite normal practice) the boys usually say 700 (as an example) when in fact they actually received perhaps 1,500. And, as already mentioned, most boys don't want the other boys to know what tips they receive, because of pressure to loan money, pressure to buy drinks after work, etc. |
1.- I see no reason for any ambiguity over TIPS.. I see what the masseur does after all are finished: if he hangs-around in the room then I give him his TIPS. then & there, but if he goes to prepare my cup of tea, (generally downstairs.), then I give him his TIPS. before leaving the estab.. 2.- Having a dry skin I welcome an oil-massage; besides, the oil acts as a preparation, as it were, for les apres massage plaisirs! - I emphasize the point that I expect a good & 60 mins'. oil massage before anything else and that the masseur's TIPS. will depend upon his massage skills; I've been disappointed but seldom: AGAYA PARLOR, by Boss Mnsn.,(?)., on Rama IV. rd. rings a bell. 3.- Giving a good & thorough massage is hard physical work, as I've found-out from massaging my present tee rak! But I'll allow that I'm an untrained amateur and doubtless a professionally trained masseur would do a better job with LESS effort. -- Candidly I'd prefer to pay a parlor's rates & TIPS. in a comparatively safer environment rather than try picking-up a cheaper option from the streets or from a sauna and going to some short-time hotel - but that's just me, of course. Looking back I'd write that I've enjoyed only one bad experience in a massage parlor - that was in EVE HOUSE on S'wong. rd.. -- But I guess that the bottom line is that it's a matter of whatever floats yr. boat. |
I was at Saladaeng Massage this evening (with a long line of police in riot gear across the street infront of Saladaeng Hotel, sitting on the wall) and enjoyed an oil massage for Bht400 and great extras from a cute lad from Kalasin.
I noted while walking through soi Twilight also this evening, that the boys in yellow shirts do massage at yet another massage place in that soi called Xcite... I think that's now 4 massage places there. Seemed good boys to me. |
-- Maybe three or so weeks ago my enthusiastic & American friend and I were enjoying an early & evening's drink in DICK'S CAFE, wch. is roughly opposite to the Pool Hall in Soi Twilight. - Sitting out in front of the Hall was a gp. of yellow shirted young men, one of whom - attractive in an ugly sort of way - was making it all to obvious what he had in mind for either or for both of us. - I asked for and was given their tariff - from memory prices seemed to be about usual. -- Agreed, Soi Twilight now supports four massage parlors: BKK. MASSAGE, BUNNY MASSAGE, MARIO'S MASSAGE, (was RED MASSAGE.], & XCITE MASSAGE - quite spoilt for choice, aren\'t we? |
Spoilt for choice? I think that your toungue is firmly in cheek, Mr S!
Quantity is no substitute for quality... |
Khun Sloot, in the "How about Bangkok now?" thread you just asked about Yellow massage. I only mentioned yellow in my description of the place because the boys out front were wearing yellow shirts. It is opposite Dick\'s Cafe and the massage is only part of the establishment\'s business. I believe it is go-go also...called Xcite. This is what I originally wrote:
"I noted while walking through soi Twilight also this evening, that the boys in yellow shirts do massage at yet another massage place in that soi called Xcite... I think that\'s now 4 massage places there. Seemed good boys to me.". |
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