-- Y'day., (wed., 27th.), I took the khlong ferry from PRATUMAN LANDING to THE MALL - B. KAPI, en route to this fabled WHITE HOUSE MASSAGE PARLOR: fare: 22.Bh., dur'n.: 45mins..
- Once inside THE MALL go UP one level from the ground floor/street level, (to Am. 2nd. fl.), and walk away from the khlong end right through to KFC., (RHS.), wch. is at the front, (non-khlong end.), and o'looks. Lad phrao rd.. - Take the pedestrian footbridge over Lad phrao rd., turn LEFT and walk-down the steps - you will be facing the oncoming tfc. being driven OUT of BKK.. - Walk 35yds. and cross-over a rd., (RHS.), prominently sign-posted to HAPPYLAND IT; - Proceed a further 60yds. and cross over Soi 117.; - Continue for another 55yds. to Soi 115; - Finally the last 110yds. along Lad phrao to a unmarked/unnumbered soi, (RHS.), that is directly across Lad phrao rd. from an AUTO CARE & TYRES DEPOT. There is a small and grassy triangle at the start of this Soi; behind yr. RT. shoulder you'll see two sign-boards: 1.- KUMON, this is in Thai - but, as in English, has just 5 characters; 2.- Taxi - written in English. - Walk-down this rustic-looking soi, (plenty of greenery to your RHS.), and after approx. 120yds. you'll see the small WHITE HOUSE sign at the foot of a few steps, on your LHS. and at the farther end of a terrace row and before an office-type bldg. - Walk UP the steps, leave yr. outdoors' shoes outside, OPEN the door and you have arrived! -- The Business-card: White House Spa 57, Ladprao 115 Bangkapi, BANGKOK. (02)-734 3183., (086)-045 9529. www-whitehousespa.com -- To be continued in our next installment ... ! Aint'I a Tantalus - ha! -- Bibi.. --
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That's http://www.whitehouse-spa.com . The Japanese part of the Web site has slightly more information, including directional photos and a map.
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... . The Japanese part of the Web site has slightly more information, including directional photos and a map.[/QUOTE] -- Looking at the directional photos. accompanying the map I'd say that they're for the benefit of those coming by rd. from central BKK.; and for whom the KUMON sign, (LHS.), at the entry to the un-named soi, would catch their att'n. - Those disembarking at THE MALL - B. KAPI would be going opposite way, and thus would have to cross over Lad phrao rd. to gain the soi. -- For those who can avail of Google 'Earth.' try going to - 100 38' 22".E. x 13 46' 14".N.. - Not exactly precision bombing, but you should be close enough. -- Bibi.. --
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- ETA.: approx. 15.20.hrs. - I was welcomed by their Capt., who speaks basic but enough English. I suggested a 90mins'. oil-massage, wch. he said would cost 500.Bh., (special promo.); and then produced four different aromas for me - I chose Lavender. He apologised that not all the masseurs were available just then and produced photos. of those that were. I chose the most attractive one to these olde eyes, who turned-out to be masseur AHM; a 24YO. chocolate-boi from Surin, shortish and with a blue tattoo on RT. shoulder. - The massage room, with shower room att'd., is quite std., with a raised table, but no cut-out for one's head. - Yannawa's earlier description would fit mine completely, too - so no point in needless repetition. - I, who prefer usually not to be a B*tt*m, would have surrendered myself gladly to him as he had that touch that is so magical that it invited me to relax completely and to yield myself to him, especially when he lay atop and several times slowly pulled himself up and along my body so that I could feel his stiff **** pushing between my glutes. and along my spine. His assets are small, uncut and firm: good for those who like to smoke, in wch. I indulged with gt. pleasure. He concluded with an hand-job - not stg. that I like, but that time "Pourquoi pas?". - Ahm did not seem to be unhappy with my patting and running my fingers over his sweet and little arse - but futher finger-walking in that area was not encouraged. - Then a shower together and that was all. - A slight niggle was that although the time seemed to speed by all too rapidly in actual fact it was several mins. short of the ninety for wch. I had paid - but at that stage I did not have the energy or the desire to mutter. -- It's 100%. for sure that I'll return; but not for some time lest I become spoiled and a treat such as that becomes a mere commonplace event. - Of all the Thai boy massages that I've experienced masseur Ahm's was by far the best and the most sensuous, 'of that there is no possible doubt, no possible doubt whatever.'. - All the others rec'd. have become mere also-rans a long way astern. - So, potential pilgrims, you have the dirn's and basic data, so it's 'Up to you.' as our BKK. boyz are wont to say - ha! -- Sanookie dee! -- Bibi.. --
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-- I see that another and new to me massage parlor has OPENED in the B. KAPI area:
AROMASS, - address: 105/703, Nawamin rd., soi 57., yeak3., Wangtong house village, Klong Kum, Bang Kum; BKK., 10240.; - contact: (085)-830 0010.; - further info.: http://www.aromass.net. - source: freebie MAX Magazine, VII.: #76.. -- E&OE.. -- Usual disclaimer, as I have not visited. -- Looking at the map on their web-site I see that there's another BIG C in that gen'l. area - possibly worth a visit? -- Bibi.. --
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-- Here's yet another massage parlor -
AGAYA SPA.; - address: 'Boss Mansion.', suite 2,201.; 3,789/1, Rama IV. rd., BKK., 10110.. - BTS.: Ekkamai, (E7).; - loc'n.: nr. i'sect. Rama IV.:S'vit.42.; Google Earth approx.: 100 35' 05"E. x 13 42' 46"N.; - approx. 850yds. from BTS. along Soi 42.; - contact: (02)-392 6140x2201.; - further info.: http://www.agayaspa.com - discounts: mons. & weds. - 50%.. - source: freebie MAX Magazine, VII: #76.. -- E&OE.. Not yet visited. -- Bibi.. --
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This particular style of massage is pretty common in Malaysia, and is called "body-to-body" or "b2b". -- So I believe; although in this instance it was just several s-l-o-w pulls up my body rather that a prolonged B2B. massage as such - but none the less welc*m! -- Bibi.. --
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A good point is that their "trained masseurs" actually ARE trained on an on-going basis by a trainer who visits weekly. Last year, I discoverd my best ever masseur there, a student who managed to come up with a new way of wowing me sexually every week. I have never found another masseur with his sexual expertise. He claimed to have got it through "private research" with a few friends absolutely every afternoon while they were all at high school. ![]() Most incredible to me was a Tantric position whereby he sat astride the massage table, jiggling his hips slightly to maintain his hard and massage my prostate with it. Meanwhile, he was doing one of those feather-light massages up and down my **** with the finger-tips of both hands, and driving me totally insane by continually mopping the pre-cum from the eye of my **** with the tip of his tongue. Like that, he had me gasping continuously, which meant that I was short of oxygen due to the inability to breathe out. I wanted him to make me cum in that state, which I have heard can be pretty amazing, but he wouldn't try it with someone shall we say not in the first blush of youth! I hasten to add that the guy is no longer at AGAYA, but my point is that you can find some interesting masseurs there, better educated than the usual run of Isaan farmers' sons. And, I've just remembered that they used to offer Thai Massage for Erectile Dysfunction, which you had to book a day in advance. Never tried it, though. AGAYA is situated directly above the Daily Mart at the bus stop on Rama IV road, immediately after the Soi 42 traffic lights (when coming from Silom). The very obvious (but possibly unmarked) entrance to the building is from the car park infront of Boss Mansion apartment building. You go up 1 floor in the lift. No need to go into Boss Mansion itself, which is a separate building. Remove shoes when entering the AGAYA apartment, they are stored inside. Don't worry if you see a woman: she's the accountant. You'll be given the usual drink of water or tea and asked to select a masseur from an album. It's all rather informal. With luck, some English speaker will appear to help you choose. The place is surprisingly well-equipped, with massage rooms with lockable doors and walls all the way up, some with showers and even small saunas. The proper massage tables often have head holes, though the holes tend to be blocked up with pillows. The Boss Mansion bus stop makes it convenient (depending on the traffic!) to use one of several buses on Rama IV, (Nos 22, 45, 46, 115 from Silom, &c), so avoidng the walk from BTS Ekkamai on a hot day.
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I have spoken to captain A on the phone and he claims to be the teacher of all the boys, so I guess the whole lot may be worth a try in due course. Thanks to Yannawa too, for clearing up a point of confusion, and of course for originally finding Aum/Ahm, and sharing him.
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- Thanks for your further info.. - Is the web-site that you've shewn correct? I looked-at it and it resolved itself into the same one that I quoted - taken from their advert. - that got me nowhere. -- Bibi.. --
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WEF. 01 sep. in BKK. many 'bus. fares will be INCREASED:
1.- Ord. 'buses. MIN. fare will go UP from 08.50. to 10.oo.Bh.; 2.- Air-con'd. 'buses. will have progressive INCREASES of 01.Bh. for each stage. - sources: today's BKK. English language 'papers.. -- Bibi.. --
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