Was in BKK last week. Tried Chang Massage for the first time. Was rather surprised that they have quite a number of boy masseurs inside. Unfortunately, not given a choice of boys. Infact the rooms were full and was told to wait for 30mins. So, I went off and told the lady I'll be back.
When I got back 25mins later, a masseur was already waiting for me. Massage room with shower attached. Massage was above average. The only thing that irritated me was the boy kept asking if I am ok every 10mins. Then he started doing his massage on my ass and in between. When I turn over, he started fondling my dick and asked if I wanted extra service. I smiled and asked how much. He whspered bht1000. Hah...I told him I will jerk him for free if he wants and we can call it square. He laughed and said..no, no. Not same. Infact he allowed me to groped him and I could feel he was hard but dick is rather smnall. I asked why small? He said he's only 18 and now small.... haha. Got a full 1hr massage with no extras but he was happy with my bht200 tip.
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-- Soi Naras Thiwat 1., [aka. Soi Anuman.], site of former TUARUS MASSAGE. -- Query: How trustworthy would one expect the IDs. of the masseurs in such a place to be? I darewrite: "AYOR.".
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Thanks Sextile! Your postings over the years have been great and very informative. Now I've got to find the places where the guys have normal haircuts instead of the gel and Hairspry cadets that are too numerous these days. Gosh, how I HATE them - takes a perfectly good looking guy and turns him into something I would not want having him stab me with those locks!! Nothing like running your fingers (or feet) through a nice head of hair! Sorry, that's my weakness
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Is the purpose of checking IDs to make sure they're 18? I don't understand--because if someone under 18 is doing massages in a private room, and you happen to have "sex", are the police going to rush in and arrest you? I've never done other than a regular massage in a regular massage place. If you want "more", will the masseur get into kissing and REALLY get into sex--or do they just give you a hand-job?
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-- Recently an Aussie. acquaintance visited PRIME ON SIX. massage parlor.
- He reported favorably on the o'all. cleanliness. - He was not allowed to select his prefered masseur but was allocated one. - The actual massage was worse than amateur; after some 1O. mins. of fumblings the masseur suggested that he would be wiliing to f*ck my acquaintance for just 1,OOO.Bh.. That offer was refused, whereupon the masseur suggested an hand-job, wch. was rejected out-of-hand! - My acquaintance dressed himself, gave the boi the MINIMUM TIP. and left with a bad impression of that particular place. ![]()
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-- My usual & moday masseur and his replacement called-off, citing other duties.
- I would have visited PRIME ON SIX, but was detered by my Aussie. acquaintances experiences therein, (Vide supra.), so I played safe with what I knew and went to INDRA MASSAGE - opp. to TAWAN CLUB on Soi Than Tawan - instead. - ETA.: 19.45hrs.; - Massage: 90 mins. & oil; - cost: 800.Bh.. - Being somewhat of a Regular there I can voice my preferences over masseurs - usually masseurs are allocated to ensure that all staff get to perform massages and to receive their necessary TIPs. in return. - I was offered Khun TEAY, (pronounced Toei.), 25YO. from CHIANG MAI, short & stocky build, pale skin, pleasant & round face with a ready smile & laugh and crowned by a thatch of black hair; dentition really needs orthodontal att'n.. Speaks ltd. English. - Once upstairs and in the room I requested him to take-off his shirt and masseur's trousers - done with no comment. - Before starting the actual oil-massage he ran his hands up & down my calves, thighs and higher - possibly to judge my reactions? - A good & firm massage with his hands spending a little MORE time than usual on those places upon wch. the sun ... . - To massage my shoulders he stood in front of me - hint! Hint!! I accepted, of course and started smoking him: unc'cised., just a little MORE than avg. length and of a fair girth - just right for me and for my small mouth - ha! ![]() - Afterwards he enquired if I wanted any svce? to wch. I replied that I didn't.. - After a full 90mins. we showered together - 1st. time that that's happened with me there - and I allowed my fingers to do some further exploring: possibly he's not as Kingly as he might want to make-out? -- Once downstairs I chatted with 3 Malaysians who were there - all from JOHORE BARU - and here in BKK. for a few days R&R..
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For those of you bargain hunting:
there seem currently to be a large number of discount offers etc. Check webistes of venues before if youre after it. Also a new site has been launched (but was out of service just an hour ago): thaimassageboys.com- they also have a lot of printable discount (lot suan raka) coupons on that site. A new venue named Xboys massage or the like has been opened on 1/12- off soi 5/Lard Prao=between Chatuchak and Ratchada/near the Carrefour there, I guess.
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-- Khun Pong, - Thanks for the info.. -- According to my copy of the BKK.City Atlas., (5th. edn.), Lat Phrao soi 5. is approx. 600yds. on one's LHS., when walking with the traffic-flow, from MRT. Lat Phrao ent'ce./exit5., by a CALTEX GAS./PETROL. STN.. -- E&OE.. --
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-- I've just looked-at > à¡Âì Gay Massage Male Massage for Men Massage Gay Spa for Men Spa Gay Sauna ÃéÒ¹¹Ç´à¡Âì Ê»Òà¡Âì «ÒǹèÒà¡Âì : Thai Massage Boy < in the past few mins.; I see that one is req'd. to log-in with Password & ID..
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yes, dear sexy-I noted that later too, it was probably jut a gliss. If you subscribe you get a daily flow of hot new boys and promotions in your mailbox. But this site seems to be expanding and to include ever more places-so not too bad to have a look at.
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