Trongpai: If "member" is considered equal to "poster", then I am not a longtime member. But to call me a suspect spammer is ridiculous (spam = unsolicited commercial electronic messages). I joined this forum in 2003; why should I suddenly become a spammer?
I am amazed how quickly the "real" longtime members judge others. I am sorry if I did not show enough respect to the self-appointed gurus here by asking them for their expert view first before expressing my own. And to the style: If you prefer Sextile's reporting style then I cannot assist. So, as many other readers here, I will keep quiet and not disturb again your circle with further posts. And confirm thereby your suspicion, that I am a spammer because my number of postings will remain low.
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--Today, (28th.), I passed-by at approx. 18.30.hrs.. - Sitting outside were three boys and possibly a female, (?), in the shadows and enjoying their evening meal; none called-out to me. - Inside just a few flourescents were powered on; I saw one other boy inside seemingly not doing anything in particular. -- Passing by the GOLDEN COCK it was the same story. -- Only one of the touts for SUPER A called-out to me, inviting me to join the other boyz upstairs.
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Don't take it personal Suky. Anyone who's first post is either very negative or very positive is going to be suspect of having an agenda. It just might be your style to be overly demonstrative in a glowing report as others like to go overboard in the negatives.
Don't stop posting, and cover some other topics and venues and prove us skeptics wrong.
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Please keep posting on whatever topics you want. It is always good to get other points of view. Most posters here just want to know about crusing and are reasonably polite to each other. Don't be put off by one or two negatives. Just ingore and carry on posting. Its great to hear from you whether you have 1 or 100 posts under your belt.
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-- Y'day., (29th.), an Aussie. acquaintance - he manages to stay at the PAN-PACIFIC HTL. during his occasional visits to BKK. - went to ARENA MASSAGE. in SILOM PLAZA.
- Several digressions on the similarities between SILOM & S'VIT. PLAZAS: layout, plenty of S.Korean shops, loc'ns. of ARENA and of B&N., (formerly 'Nice Guys.'), massage parlors and the fact that both of them are under the same mngmnt., (the world is full of coincidences.),. - He arr'd. at ARENA about 14.hrs.. - First impression was that the place is shabby; 'If I'd had flip-flops I'd have worn them.'. - Only seven masseurs avail. at that time. - The 60mins. & oil-massage & after-massage svces. weren't all that memorable. -- E&OE. as reported speech.
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-- Having seen the advert. and then read the two pages' article, with photos., (freebie & monthly mag. Variety - VIII., #79., avail. at several well-known outlets.), I went-out to BANGKAE THAI MASSAGE. -
- addr.: Tnn. Phet Kasem soi 62.1., Khet Bang Khae, BKK.; - tel.: (02)-803 9275., (087)-078 3166 for Khun Cris.; - web: > ร้านกายภาพบำบัด& นวดแผนไทยบางแค < -- NB. one may experience a certain amt. of difficulty in accessing BANGKAE MASSAGE's web site, in wch. case avail of search-engine Google. -- I arr'd. about mid-afternoon. - First impressions weren't all that favorable as the GF. area looked dishevelled & shabby with several boyz & a masseuse lounging about. - Khun Day, the owner, was not available thus, having told the receptionist that I'd like a 90 mins. & oil massage I was taken by the hand by Khun Cris. and led by the hand up two flts. of semi-darkened stairs to what looked like a bedroom: approx. 10ft.sq., with a queen-sized bed, a ceiling fan & air-cond. and a wooden wardrobe. - I repeated my request and was told that it would cost 450.Bh.; I enquired about a suitable masseur and was shewn the usual photo.-album, at wch. I decided not to look but having confirmed that their massages are for men by men stated my preferences. I was then left alone for about five mins. while a suitable masseur was found: Khun Woot, 26YO. from BKK.; of avg. ht., avg. looks and an hint that when older he'd be puting-on wt.; speaks ltd. English. - The shower space is in a thatched lean-to, cold water only. The towel was clean & smelt freshly laundered. I did not see an hawng nahm on that floor. - The massage was good enough and quite firm, with attn. being paid to those places upon wch. the sun doesn't usually shine. After about 45 mins. and time to turn-over, the reason for that att'n. was plainly visible! Endowed with about avg. length, (uncut.), & a bit thicker than most. - I'll allow the hand of discretion to draw the veil of silence over what happened next; suffice it to write that afterwards we both said: "Sabai, sabai.", wch., being interpreted, means 'Tired but happy!' ![]() - We showered together to remove the oil etc. and that was that. - The o'all. time was a good 90mins.. - Downstairs I wasn't offered any apres-massage drink. - There were no Business Cards avail., either. ![]() -- Possibly worth another visit, (3 strikes' rule.), - but an advance 'phone.-call might be MORE helpful?
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That's good news. I like that sort of place...it's a real adventure, but when I have been there..Phetkasem soi 62/1..on previous occasions after reading ads on-line, it had appeared very straight on the outside and only offered foot massage. Very good to know the boys are willing to please. Bus 547 door to door from Silom Road.
Another place I am looking forward to on my next trip for 90-day reporting at immigration is Man Health at Laksi Square...so far no boys' pictures on the web page: Emmanuelle àÍÁÁÒ¹ÙàÍÅ ÍÒº ͺ ¹Ç´
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-- Yes, a mild adventure to be sure, and none the worse for that, either. - I availed of 'bus.#163. for both dir'ns.. -- Thanks for drawing our att'n. to MAN HEALTH - possibly a restorative after trekking-out all the way to the new loc'n. of the Immig'n. Bureau? (My next 90-day rpting. will be in feb. 2553BE.),.
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-- I'll see what I can do; agreed, such places are becoming scarcer by the yr., more's the pity. ![]() - But I don't plan on returning to BANG KHAE for several weeks, somany other places to visit and so little time! ![]()
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-- At b'fast. today, (01st.), morning an elderly American - he returns to the 'States. two or three times per annum for att'n. to the calluses on his knees occasioned from visiting ChinaTown too often
![]() - addr.: 18-18/1, Suriwong rd., Bang rak, BKK. 10500.; - loc'n.: opp. to a branch of BKK. Bank, (by Tanniya rd.,[aka. Little JP.],); - tel.: (02)-233 0101., (089)-154 0129 for Khun Tong ![]() -- My friend spoke warmly of masseur Khun Phaet/Phaek/Phak, (not 100%. certain of the masseur's name?), 29YO., ex- K WHY MASSAGE; gives a thorough & 60 mins'. oil-massage PLUS is v. accomodating to his customers' wishes. - 60 mins'. oil-massage for 400.Bh. PLUS TIP.. -- From its Business Card I note that EVE HSE. offers 'Short time.' rooms: Dbl. +air-cond.: 2hrs. at 500.Bh., (MORE expensive that S'wong. htl. non-redecorated rooms.),. -- E&OE. as reported speech; also my one & only previous visit to EVE HSE. was not one that I'd wish to repeat: that masseur demanded MORE money to take-off his shirt etc. etc.. Usual disclaimer.
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