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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Possible closing of gay saunas in Thailand

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Old 16th July 2008, 11:08 PM
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 23

As a resident for 14 years, I agree with Icon..
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Old 17th July 2008, 12:54 AM
Join Date: Feb 1999
Posts: 136

Icon's absolutely correct. There's a lot more going on behind the scenes that the farangs, and most Thais, will ever know.

A few 'know-it-all' farangs are not going to make a difference in Thailand. If anything, we'll only aggravate the situation and complicate things.

It's like the letters to the editor in the Bangkok Post. Some of it is drivel, some of it is spot on, some of it is dead wrong. But none of it makes any difference.

Politicians and policemen in Thailand have never said, "You know what? That farang is right. I outta take his advice" and made a change for the better. Mind you, there have been plenty of times when they could have and should have heeded the advice of others, from Thais and farangs.

But in Thailand, they only move on things when it's good for their pocket book, or when something hits them like a tsunami. Literally.
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Old 17th July 2008, 08:11 AM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 196

I have lived 30 years in Asia (a longer time than I expect many correspondents), and in general I entirely agree with the last 3 comments - "when in Rome etc." I also think farangs should be banned from writing to the English newspapers - or the editors sanctioned for including so many puerile and inane letters that appear almost daily.

However, there seems to be an understanding amongst correspondents to this thread that 'action' means doing something in the full glare of publicity. That clearly is madness. There are another ways, and these can include donations to HIV-AIDS charities or organisations that do something to try and get the safe sex message across to young people. As someone who has chosen to live here and been welcomed here, I feel I have a duty to do something - and not just turn my back and walk away. Call me a fool if you like - but like all of us, I have to live with my conscience.
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