Mamasans' trustworthiness?
-- All very well if you know that the M'san./Capt. in question is trustworthy; - However, have I not heard/read that in some of thre LESS reputable/well-run places a cut is levied from each 'Off.'? -- Certainly, as far as some massage parlors are concerned, (and this includes K MALE CLUB.), I've found the M'san's./Capt's. info. to be LESS than reliable: 'Caveat emptor.' once again! -- :) |
A Mamasan's word is going to be no more or less accurate than a posting on some website.
Just because a guy bottomed for Mr. X yesterday does not mean he is going to bottom for you today. There is no substitute for talking to the guy directly -- and even that is not going to be 100% accurate. So don't be so serious -- it's just a fuck. The sky is not going to fall if things don't work out exactly like you are expecting. It's not your last fuck on the Planet Earth. Additionally, at least for me, the element of surprise is what makes an encounter exciting. If I know exactly what is going to happen, at what time, in what order, it's...*yawn*. |
-- Although 'Errare humanum est ... .', might one hope that postings here on CFS. are as accurate as the Originators & respondants can make them? - Agreed: 'Novelty is the best aphrodisiac.': ;) -- :) |
I'm sure they are "as accurate as the originators and respondents can make them".
That said, as always, "your results may vary". |
Plus human being tend to 'flavor' things. I know of one resident farang who tells his friends that he enters every boy he takes home, he demands it, and he takes boys at least twice a week, for many years. Bar boys all tell that the farang in question can't get an erection, not ever, which would tend to fit with the guys numerous permanent medical problems. I agree with ICON, the majority of mamasans with any brain will be a little careful what they say, but not all. Commissions to mamasans and captains, well I never, who would have thought it? Old news, and what else would you expect from this type of 'profession'. As ICON says the most reliable 'method', is to talk to the young man that you fancy. Learn enough Thai to start with some polite phrases, then, perhaps with a bit of a joke mention what your looking for, be polite but be specific, and end with 'can you do that'. If the answer is yes then the old 80/20 rule kicks in, but no guarantee. you win some / you lose some, part of the game. |
How very true of your statements.
The sky is not going to fall and if things don't work out exactly like you are expecting. It's not the last fuck on the Planet Earth! That is so right! Ha! ....and also this statement of : How can they possibly be accurate. Those continuously post about 'at brf with acquaintance of my friend or friend's friend ... elderly or old but never the poster is old enough kinda description... who visits three times per year told of a third hand or 4th hands report etc etc etc.... All these reports could very well been destorted by the messenger no less! Ha! & 'Caveat emptor.' once again??? What level of trust is there? 'Double HA!' |
Some posters above have said that they prefer to not know everything about a guy before offing them. I would be sympathetic to that - I like the process of chatting them up and I do not have a "set menu" of activities that I have to do with guys I off.
However, I acknowledge that some people do, particularly those that may have only a night or a weekend in Bangkok. I think the regular posters here, who are likely to have a different approach in bars because they are resident expats or very frequent visitors, should try to be helpful to those who are maybe in Bangkok for a day or two every few years, and perhaps have specific desires. I know my opinion is that if I knew of a nice guy working in a bar I would be only too delighted to recommend him to a customer I thought he would be compatible with. And as for those who say "well, you cannot trust a recommendation from an Internet board any more than a mamasan/captain." - to be honest, I would be more likely to trust a recomendation from a board like this rather than an Internet site that charges for access or a mamasan that has perhaps a commission in mind. Recommendations from one anonymous person to another is one of the things that the Internet actually does pretty well usually ( for example Tripadvisor reviews). |
I think the most important thing to remember is that if you have a requirement that is so important to you that it will ruin your evening not to get it, you should confirm with the BOY directly. They are not sex slaves and have choices; just because they did something with Customer X does not mean they have to or will do the same thing with Customer Y.
From ICON "They are not sex slaves and have choices; just because they did something with Customer X does not mean they have to or will do the same thing with Customer Y."
Well put. |
I think it is the case though (particularly with Tawan) that some guys will generally almost never be willing to bottom, so I think it is worthwhile for people to try and find out the names and numbers of a few guys who MAY be compatible before they travel, to see who it is worth chatting up in the bar. I just find it strange that some people on this thread think it is so worthless to do some "prior research". I know people on the thread before have said they do not like revealing all the details of encounters of guys (from Tawan) as they want to protect the Tawan guys privacy, but the people who asked the questions were asking for information to be sent to them as a PM. |
It's all relevant:
- Some research in advance, why not, but remembering that ultimately the working boy has the right to make his own decision case by case, as well put by ICON, and just because #x did some thing for one customer should not be taken as an automatic guarantee of the the same action for all customers. Again, some final checking with the young man before leaving the bar is prudent. - Perhaps not your main point, but all working boys are human beings and have their right to privacy, regardless of whether it's Tawan or whatever venue. - Years ago Tawan had a deliberate 50/50 mix of full muscle boys (some I would describe more as whales) and I don't find any attraction to this group (each to his own of course), plus the other 50% were mostly smaller just nicely defined guys, who were more my cup of tea. Sadely, for me, they don't have this type anymore. In longer term history, when Tawan was upstairs on Suriwongse road, their stock in trade was very young very small softer boys (no muscle stuff at all) who all danced full nude but always with one hand over their plumbing. |
Nathakorn Apsuwan (Tong)
Is this gent still a regular at Tawan?
he is, but should be fresh from competition so should be off for a few nights maybe?
SEA Bodybuilding Championships finished today. He was in Myamar for this contest. Mr Thailand 2012 and Thailand national games are from march 5th to march 9th. So he will be probably off for a few days.
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