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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Tawan Bar - Reviews?

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Old 22nd November 2008, 08:11 AM
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 115
Lightbulb Super-size me

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- But how many of them owe their size to Vacuum Pumps, to C*ck-rings and to other such artificial aids?
- Quite sometime ago I admired a particularly well-endowed young man from FRESH BEACH BOYS, (Soi Twilight: off Tnn. Suriwong.), - Khun Roj., #4. - B-I-G on stage during the various acts, but once back in my appt. it was only a little but bigger than the avg. Thai boi - what a disappointment.
- Again, and quite a while back, chatting with a farang friend who's professional job, from wch. he made his legit. living, took him IN and OUT of various a go-go bars confirmed that the use of Vac. Pumps was not unknown to the performers etc.
-- Bibi.. --
Now that you mentioned it, it might solve the mystery why in my previous post, boy X had an initial respectable 6-inch erection when we started, but towards the end it ballooned to 8 inches. I can assure you, it was rock hard all the way.

Maybe the use of the vacuum pump does increase the length and girth, but you need to take some time to bring it from the original erection to the super-sized erection...
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Old 22nd November 2008, 09:35 PM
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Originally Posted by LikeThai View Post
Now that you mentioned it, it might solve the mystery why in my previous post, boy X had an initial respectable 6-inch erection when we started, but towards the end it ballooned to 8 inches. I can assure you it was rock hard all the way.

Maybe the use of the vacuum pump does increase the length and girth, but you need to take some time to bring it from the original erection to the super-sized erection... .

-- Interesting.
- I'd have expected things to have happened the other way around: fresh from the Vac. Pump at eight inches but returning - possibly gradually - to its 6 inch and maybe MORE natural length.
- Possibly someone who has MORE experience of Vac. Pumps and of their effects would enlighten us?
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 22nd November 2008, 10:34 PM
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 115
Talking Pumped up

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- Interesting.
- I'd have expected things to have happened the other way around: fresh from the Vac. Pump at eight inches but returning - possibly gradually - to its 6 inch and maybe MORE natural length.
- Possibly someone who has MORE experience of Vac. Pumps and of their effects would enlighten us?
-- Bibi.. --
One more observation. When it was 6 inches, it was already very hard, and respectable girth. I'm guessing it was something like I could just wrap my medium-sized palm and fingers around it. The glans were larger than the girth, so it was a nice perfect knob-shaped.

But as it grew, the hardness remained (unlike those with naturally long dicks, i.e. longer than 7 inches, where it is usually somewhat less turgid except towards the end). However, the girth increased like the length, to the point where I think my fingers couldn't completely wrap around. I remember commenting to myself that perhaps I should try milking him with both hands. (But the other hand was also busy, so ruled that out. )

The only imperfection was that the glans didn't grow as much so in the end, the glans were just smaller than the girth. Can't imagine if it really were like a door knob size! That would have topped the fact that he just laid there and watched me in anticipation, as I slowly explored what turned him on.
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Old 23rd November 2008, 06:05 PM
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Originally Posted by LikeThai View Post
One more observation.
... .
That would have topped the fact that he just laid there and watched me in anticipation, as I slowly explored what turned him on.
-- Possibly you can remember this man's name and/or number, and - if so - you'd be prepared to reveal all?
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 6th December 2008, 09:06 AM
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 115
What's the bar scene like in BKK now?

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- Possibly you can remember this man's name and/or number, and - if so - you'd be prepared to reveal all?
-- Bibi.. --
Hi, everyone. Firstly, I'd just like to say a very big sorry to all those who asked me for the name/# of the boy in my post.

There is a very good reason that I didn't want to reveal it because I felt X had some personal issues that needed to run its course. After we finished, we hugged for quite a long while and during that time, he kept burying his head on my chest and saying I'm a good person. We had a short talk - his english wasn't that good - and I seem to have the idea that he had many unhappy things happen to him then: family, girlfriend, money, training, etc. He asked if he could stay over, but as I was going back early the next day, I just said sorry and gave him some extra taxi money on top of a good tip. I wished I could try to counsel him even more, but at least he did seem to look and feel better when he left.

So, I thought it was dangerous to say his name as I think he is in a vulnerable state of mind, and trying to find concern and care at the wrong place. Much like, in the same way that many people advice me not to look for love at Tawan.

A close friend did warn me that he could be faking it to get my attention, but then I have no good reason to feel so since I didn't give me too much money. I did feel sorry for this young man and hopes that he would be happier when I visit Tawan again.

Out of the serious note, can anyone share what's the scene happening at Tawan now?
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Old 31st August 2014, 01:01 AM
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No Tawan updates?
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Old 25th November 2008, 12:11 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by LikeThai View Post
... . When it was 6 inches, it was already very hard, and respectable girth. ... . The glans was larger than the girth, so it was a nice perfect knob-shaped.
... .
... . Can't imagine if it really were like a door knob size! anticipation, as I slowly explored what turned him on. ... .
-- Many yrs. ago, and when I was serving in KSA., I remember chatting with the ex-pat. matron of one of the MOH's. hospitals; a spunky lady who was ever willing to indulge in some extra-marital and/or extra-mural activities.
- He views were that she prefered unc'cised. men as their glans were naturally lub'd. as the 'skin. rolled back and were better shaped for an easier entry. She said that being f*cked by a c'cised. man was like being forced against and entered a door-knob!

-- As an aside, (and as a keen and long-standing student of such matters.), over the yrs. I've observed that it's often - but not always - the c'cised. men who have larger glans; although, as a smoker, I've been pleasantly surprised by some Thai men who are uncut and who have disproved the above.
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 6th December 2008, 09:56 PM
Join Date: Jul 1999
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- Many yrs. ago, and when I was serving in KSA., I remember chatting with the ex-pat. matron of one of the MOH's. hospitals; a spunky lady who was ever willing to indulge in some extra-marital and/or extra-mural activities.
- He views were that she prefered unc'cised. men as their glans were naturally lub'd. as the 'skin. rolled back and were better shaped for an easier entry. She said that being f*cked by a c'cised. man was like being forced against and entered a door-knob!
Sounds like she was engaging in unsafe sex to me. If the cock had a condom on it, I think you'd be hard pressed to tell whether it was cut or not.
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Old 7th December 2008, 01:11 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by icon513 View Post
Sounds like she was engaging in unsafe sex to me. If the cock had a condom on it, I think you'd be hard pressed to tell whether it was cut or not.

-- That was in the olden days afore HIV./AIDS..
-- Bibi.. --
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