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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Tawan Bar - Reviews?

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Old 1st January 2012, 10:20 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 272

is that part of the show or they changed their normal round up "dancing" sequence. hmmm, this seems to be a good change so that those that has not been offed might get the attention of potential partners for the night.
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Old 2nd January 2012, 08:32 AM
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Hi, Orson. It's the usual pre-show and post-show parade of the studs.

However, there was a new "sex-bomb sex-bomb" themed song, dancing sequence during the shows that I felt entertained. ;-)
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Old 3rd January 2012, 04:23 PM
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oh ok. so it is just like a one time thing. i thought after the 10pm show, everytime they went on stage, they'll do a full monty. i guess i'll keep on dreaming =).

yes the sex bomb number with mehkin is one of the few, if not the only one choreographed dance numbers that they have.
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Old 4th January 2012, 09:27 AM
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Oh gosh, Orson. Sorry if I was confusing in my reply...

Approximately after 10PM, when the guys do their turns on stage according to their number tag, they will take off their briefs first before going up. However, most would choose to cover their privates with their hands, and the smart guys do so with their number tags facing forward.

So, Yes! They are in a way full monty on stage. When they finish their time on stage, they would go down and put back their briefs/thongs.

When the show starts (either 10:30PM or 11PM) the usual segments happen. And I can't remember... but after the shows if there are few customers remaining, they would not take off the briefs any more.

Anyway, it was a "brief" thing. Ha!
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Old 4th January 2012, 09:00 PM
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Information banner displayed outside Tawan says 'Drinks THB 280 no cover charge' so guess this is the usual price hike for 2012. They were 260 baht but went up to 300/350 for Xmas & New Year.
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Old 5th January 2012, 06:46 AM
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Posts: 272

wonder if it is worth visiting during their silver anniversary later this year. sometimes they stop all the erotic shows and have "handsome" man contests in its place. which makes the evening quite boring.
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Old 5th January 2012, 09:18 AM
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Update: Am told by a regular Tawan-goer over email that they just paused the "Full Monty" after 10PM. It would resume just before Chinese New Year on the 23rd Jan.

I guess.... just wait for the big cock show instead, uh?
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Old 6th January 2012, 12:05 PM
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Report from the trenches...

Tonight at 10:10 when I arrived, guys were out of their 'slings' and standing on staged with it covering their bits, ass to the wind.

Show started at 10:40

I left at 10:41
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Old 6th January 2012, 06:49 PM
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Originally Posted by orson View Post
wonder if it is worth visiting during their silver anniversary later this year. sometimes they stop all the erotic shows and have "handsome" man contests in its place. which makes the evening quite boring.

-- The freebie & monthly BKK. Desire mag., I:06., carries a TAWAN CLUB advert. for the latter's 'SILVER ANNIVERSARY.' on 27 jan.;
- No written mention is made, in English, of the type of show to be offered, but the pix shews men wearing fancy dress type costumes rather than the MORE expected posing in pouches, face-masks and suchlike.
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Old 14th January 2012, 12:52 AM
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 38

Every since Tawan switched to their current briefs from the previous jock-type, open back shorts, I have been disappointed. The thought of them going to back to showing their bare backside is very appealing to me. I hope it's true and I hope it stays. I guess I will have to check for myself next trip. Luckily, it's soon!
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Old 17th January 2012, 05:38 AM
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plus the boys' habit of putting their cellphone inside their briefs is a big turnoff. just shows how small their package is and it does not show the shape of their cock. if they had to switch to a brief type, they should take the bbb group's undies key design aspect - it should be white and fitting enough to show the shape of their package.
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Old 17th January 2012, 05:41 AM
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oh btw, an avid tawan fan told me that this full monty is only done when there are a lot of customers. so expect it only on fridays and weekends.
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Old 22nd January 2012, 11:26 PM
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TAWAN CLUB - recent visit ...

-- From time-to-time I walk-by the TAWAN CLUB - Soi Than Tawan. and, if available, collect one of the monthly & freebie mags on display;

-- So it was MORE with a sense of obligation than anticipation that I entered on 21 jan. ;
- ETA./ETD.: 22.oo./23.50.hrs.;
- First drink at 300.Bh., thereafter just 280.Bh.. With no Schweppes 'Manao soda.' avail. I had to make-do with a whisky & water;
- On arr'l. possibly another 30 or so others therein; I was shewn to a seat stage front and one row back;
- At that time the men on stage were wearing small & black mini-briefs for the most part - just transparent enough to give an eagle-eyed spectator some idea ... ; just a few were wearing pouches made of thicker mat'l.. Soon after 10.05.hrs. they removed their mini-briefs, bunched them in an hand wch. they held-over their assets;
- To these olde & jaded eyes most of the men on stage are approaching maturity and their sell-by dates; possibly only #12. & #20. are on the younger side - the latter especially so: a shyer young man - certainly not a pretty-boi & eye-candy - who held his other hand over his back-side;
- Hse. lts. dimmed around 22.40.hrs. and some 5 mins. later the first act began - 1st. three acts were of the muscle-men posing & shewing-off their bodies;
- Then followed the more or less expected turn of acts for such a place: fortunately no Chantoosies, katoeys, lip-synchers and such-like. Equally no Big Cock Show or Bold show - the nearest being a rather tired seeming Jack-off act. There was a certain amt. of discreet nudity, and several acts involving youger men 'Smoking.';
- By the end the place was full enough without having to bring-out add'n. seating.
- No smoking of ciggies.; bkgd. music the usual & meaningless noise with emphasis on a base beat - but not too noisy for such a place. From time-to-time announcements made over the usual & LO-Fi PA.system. Several screens shewing hard & homo. porn..
-- I shall be in no hurry to return thither.
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Old 23rd January 2012, 12:14 AM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 272

An avid tawan fan had told me that tawan has moved into a single show format even on weekends, that is why they are now starting at a later time of 2245. For me this is a bad decision as no punters will stick around for the boys' staring blankly in the mirror after the first show.

He also mentioned that the drink prices were up, to 280. I guess they further hiked the price to 300 to match the bbb group. This will definitely Affect the waiters' tip.

He commented that those in shape were offed multiple times. So best be there early, or you might off a man who cannot come. :-(
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Old 29th January 2012, 08:10 AM
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 31
25th anniversary...?? Anyone go?

The long delayed 25th anniversary finally was held this week end.

Did anyone go?

Anything to report or just same-ol', same-ol'?

Umbrellas for everyone?
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