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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Tawan Bar - Reviews?

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Old 6th January 2013, 12:31 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Originally Posted by muscfair View Post
How much is a 2 hour room rent in le meridien and the rest of these hotels you recommend ?
Le Meridien ( a Starwood Hotel) won't do short time, so it;s about 4,000 for one night.

Short time hotels now asking 500bt minimum. Best to ask the guy you off, he will recommend.
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Old 6th January 2013, 02:09 AM
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The more I think of the muscle guys in Tawan the more certain I will be spending a few days in Bkk. I work out in a gym also but haven't the dedication that body builders possess. I would like to discuss their training and what drugs they take.
2000 baht for a body builder overnight sounds very reasonable, especially if he's a good top. You never know I might take one to Pats.
Get him to wear speedos on the beach. Hey Im fantasing !.
For Bangkok I think I will make a reservation at Tantarawan on the assumption it's close to Tawan.
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Old 6th January 2013, 02:22 AM
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2,000 is for short time, not overnight.
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Old 6th January 2013, 02:56 AM
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Originally Posted by muscfair View Post
What a sad story. Tips only 200 baht for the whole night ? Didn't the boy bash the guy ?

I think a lot of forummers here think that all forummers here are European/Americans. You must understand that European/Americans have very strong currency so 2000 baht to 5000 baht is chicken feed to them as it is around 100 USD or so. Morever, their median monthly salary is high.

However, we asians who have much lower exchange rate feel the pinch of paying 2000 baht just for half an hour.

Even the median daily salary rate in Thailand is only 40-50 baht (Correct me if I am wrong). So 2000 baht is about 50 times the daily rate.

The rich farang do spoil the market. (and maybe japs)
With respect to ICON's comment I'll adjust my last line above as follows:

'The rich farang who overtip, sometimes ridiculously high tips, and the Japanese do spoil the market'. (Regarding the Japanese, ask around about the very high tips handed out in Soi Thaniya from Japanese customers.)
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Old 6th January 2013, 06:30 AM
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Originally Posted by icon513 View Post
The daily minimum wage is now 300 baht. Not sure why that's important, though, as sex work is not minimum wage work anywhere in the world.
I am talking about the MEDIAN (not minimum) daily wages that the average Thai guy gets. I think it should be around 500 baht per day.
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Old 6th January 2013, 06:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Travellerdave View Post
The more I think of the
2000 baht for a body builder overnight sounds very reasonable, especially if he's a good top. You never
They can't wait to go off after you have cum (maybe in 30 minutes) , so it is not overnight.

The popular Tawan bodybuilder guys are like 'dead fish' in bed so don't expect much spontaneity from them or you will be very disappointed.

They are good for touching and eye candy only.
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Old 6th January 2013, 07:02 AM
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Originally Posted by muscfair View Post
I am talking about the MEDIAN (not minimum) daily wages that the average Thai guy gets. I think it should be around 500 baht per day.
Which, again, has no bearing on the price of sexual services. Especially when you are talking about a specialist fetish item (muscle men) which are a limited-availability commodity.
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Old 7th January 2013, 07:46 AM
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Originally Posted by muscfair View Post
I am talking about the MEDIAN (not minimum) daily wages that the average Thai guy gets. I think it should be around 500 baht per day.
Nope, in countries like Thailand, the salary of most people is actually pretty close to the minimum salary. At least outside of Bangkok and some holiday resorts.

Not that it has anything to do with the rate sex workers charge, especially those targeting tourists, of course.
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Old 7th January 2013, 08:43 PM
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Originally Posted by BKK-European View Post
Nope, in countries like Thailand, the salary of most people is actually pretty close to the minimum salary. At least outside of Bangkok and some holiday resorts.

Not that it has anything to do with the rate sex workers charge, especially those targeting tourists, of course.

You mean the median daily rate is even lower than 500 baht ?

On the contrary, it has some relationship with the sex rate. It is called opportunity cost, they cannot earn higher if they demand exorbitant rate much higher than most of what their fellow countrymen gets.

The median daily rate determines food cost, transport cost etc. of a country.

So it is the rich Europeans/American/Japanese who are driving sex prices up in Thailand.

These workers DON'T work in european/american countries, they work in Thailand where the customers can be local Thai or from neighbouring asian countries with comparable living standard.

Let me give you an analogy...

How would you feel if foreigners from a richer country eg. japanese buy up all the properties in a certain European country, driving prices up and left all the locals without a home to live ?

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Old 7th January 2013, 10:09 PM
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Originally Posted by muscfair View Post
You mean the median daily rate is even lower than 500 baht ?
Yes. Thailand's income inequality is significant, just have a look at the Gini coefficient. Most members of the Thai workforce earn a wage that is close to the minimum wage, while few top earners get a huge chunk of the overall wages paid.

Originally Posted by muscfair View Post
On the contrary, it has some relationship with the sex rate.
Sure, there's a relationship: You'd expect sex workers in, let's say, the U.S. to demand more than in Thailand, because the overall price level is higher there. That's obviously the case.

But, in both countries, sex workers ask way more than the minimum (or even median) wage. So, for example, saying that a Tawan guy should be happy with 1,000 baht per night because the daily median rate is below 500 baht doesn't make any sense.
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Old 8th January 2013, 05:20 AM
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Originally Posted by BKK-European View Post

But, in both countries, sex workers ask way more than the minimum (or even median) wage. So, for example, saying that a Tawan guy should be happy with 1,000 baht per night because the daily median rate is below 500 baht doesn't make any sense.

If the median rate is say 400 baht per day. Giving a 1000 baht per hour is already quite reasonable. That would make it 8000 baht per day which is 20 times the median rate.

How much does a sex worker in USA get when compare with their median rate ? Is it 200 USD per hour ? What is their median salary ? 100 USD per day ? That is only 16 times the median rate. assuming 8 hours work per day.

So the prices that Thai people pay for their sex workers is exorbitant. In Tawan, that would be 2000 baht for half an hour or 4000 baht for one hour.

Anyone living in the USA who can confirm the sex rates and median daily wages above ?
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Old 8th January 2013, 05:58 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
Posts: 1,935 amount of formulating is going to help you get sex from Tawan guys any more cheaply. As I've said, they are a limited commodity targeting a small number of dedicated fetishists who are happy to pay whatever it costs. It's a market-based price, not one based on any factor of average income you are going to come up with.

If you want a standard prostitue, there are many who will go short time with you for 500 baht.

If you absolutely must have a muscle man, you'll simply have to pay the price.

Don't know what else to tell you.
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Old 8th January 2013, 12:18 PM
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Think I will change my mind about offing a bodybuilder from Tawan.
There are a few muscle guys available on gayromeo. For example password-boy who is listed as being in Pattaya. Maybe just go to Tawan and back to hotel for Chuck Wow ?.
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Old 9th January 2013, 11:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Xfun View Post
Well sort of depends on whether the 6 course meal was really worth 2,000Baht in the first place.

They currently get away with over inflated tips for limited service, mostly because they are put up on some sort of depestal by many farang (Singaporeans, Japanese, etc., also) who worship muscle and pay big tips for limited service (and let's remeber they are mostly str8 boys (like in every bar) who don't really want to have gay sexual activity if they can avoid it).
Every establishment is allowed to state their fees - if you don't agree with it, then bring your business elsewhere.

Don't complain, and at the same time, still visit - you basically are giving them no incentive to improve.

The point is, if you don't think the meal is worth it, don't patronize the restaurant.

What some shameless people like muscfair does, is patronize the restaurant, then demand they adjust their prices based on what they would like to pay.

Does that sound rationale to you? I think customers like that deserve to get bashed up and thrown out.
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Old 9th January 2013, 12:24 PM
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Originally Posted by icon513 View Post amount of formulating is going to help you get sex from Tawan guys any more cheaply. As I've said, they are a limited commodity targeting a small number of dedicated fetishists who are happy to pay whatever it costs. It's a market-based price, not one based on any factor of average income you are going to come up with.

If you want a standard prostitue, there are many who will go short time with you for 500 baht.

If you absolutely must have a muscle man, you'll simply have to pay the price.

Don't know what else to tell you.
Don't have to be polite - jjust state the facts: cheap tourists who can't afford or do not wish to pay are not welcome. full stop.

You can come up with a million excuses, nothing will change the fact you're a cheap fuck and cheap fucks are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to closing the deal.
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