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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Tawan Bar - Reviews?

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Old 9th April 2014, 04:40 AM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 272

went to tawan last weekend. only a few guys are muscled - ten, phaya, nui. i was told there was a competition in pattaya so thats the reason why some of the best are absent.

most of the toned guys are present, and those chubby guys are on their way to getting great bodies. at around 10pm, they removed their underwear, though most still cover up with their hands. i don't really get this, why do this if you are not going to expose themselves. only the chubbiest guy had the right idea and went au natural on stage. then a new guy (non buffed) raised the bar and went on stage with a hard cock. this managed to get a 100bht tip from the guy near the stage.

show started around 10.45pm with the cabaret act, then the usual muscleman show. they seem to go for the shock and awe factor, the stage was full of the guys sucking cock. unfortunately, it was kinda short and was over before anything can heat up. an unusual superheroes act was like a dud. maybe because the guys playing it are not buffed enough, or that there is a lack of erotic factor in it. the only semblance of erotic factor is a hole in the crotch of the superman costume which was worn by the guy with the superman logo tattoo
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Old 12th April 2014, 06:33 AM
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 5

I was in Pattaya last weekend to attend Mr Thailand and can confirm that a number of Tawan men were competing. Some looked spectacular.
During the last couple of weeks I have made early mid week visits to the bar. The Mr Thailand contestants were not there and a few of the older 'boys' have a waistline similar to mine. There was, however, about a dozen new boys available. I was quite taken with them. Not bodybuilders but good athletic bodies with good hair and skin. Not the village poor look. They came from Buriram, Sisaket, Surin, Roi Et from what I remember.
I plan to investigate this further once the hoards of gay boys attending the Gcircuit party vacate the bar.
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Old 12th April 2014, 10:22 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 272

if i remember correctly number 50 seems young and delicious. his apartment was just ransacked when i was there and might need some help. i got this info from the guy i was with and not directly from him, so it *might* be true.
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Old 2nd May 2014, 05:23 AM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 272

second hand trip report from an acquaintance. Lek and the original Nop are back in the province for vacation. i guess these are the ones who were not able to go home for songkran. Arthur is said to have left tawan and now has his own gym.

my acquaintance noticed that the guys who do not do shows are given 100bht for the night, and wonders how these boys can manage living in bangkok. we all know of reports of some guys milking farangs, some even have multiple sponsors. but i believe these are exception rather than the rule. i did notice some of them have nice looking motorbike, and even SUVs. but my acquaintance said he saw one guy working as a motorbike taxi driver and his heart immediately melted for the guy. he is in a whirlwind of emotions feeling love or pity or compassion for him.

aside from this, his trip report is same same. am not sure if the peak season is ending.
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Old 2nd May 2014, 09:49 AM
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No one can live on 100 baht a day in Bangkok.

But these guys are not meant to.

They are meant to get johns and score tricks.

Two tricks a month and they are in minimum wage territory.

Two tricks a day, and they're getting more than what a bank manager gets.

There is no reason whatsoever to pity any of these guys, though I'm sure that's what they are hoping their customers will do.
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Old 3rd May 2014, 04:48 AM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 272

the boys are clearly divided by the have and have nots. the easiest way to determine this is by their cellphones. most of the superstars will have an iphone5 while the others will have a non-data capable cellphone.

an addendum to my acquaintance trip report was he saw a very old guy in the tawan line up. he was told the guy was 48 years old wearing the 28 tag. i was told the guy was one of the pioneers of tawan. still in good shape for his age, but definitely showing the age.
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Old 3rd May 2014, 05:13 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
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Originally Posted by orson View Post
the boys are clearly divided by the have and have nots. the easiest way to determine this is by their cellphones. most of the superstars will have an iphone5 while the others will have a non-data capable cellphone.

an addendum to my acquaintance trip report was he saw a very old guy in the tawan line up. he was told the guy was 48 years old wearing the 28 tag. he was told the guy was one of the pioneer of tawan. still in good shape for his age, but definitely showing the age.
One doesn't have to feel sorry for the have-nots, either. If they can't make it in "show business", they can easily get a "regular" job and have happy lives like the 60 million other Thais in the country.
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Old 1st June 2014, 05:02 AM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 257
Re mobile phones

Not quite that simple.

Most are bought on a small deposit and monthly payments along with hefty interest charges.

Many of these youngsters are not thinking about whether they can really afford the more expensive models (example - could be 25,000Baht, meaning overall 2 to 2.5 years of monthly payments, maybe even more) regardless of whether they get regular offs or not.
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