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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Chalee from My Way

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Old 5th October 2008, 10:01 AM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 210
Chalee from My Way

I droppped by My Way on Friday night to see what they had. I hadn't been there in about 2 months, so was hoping for some new eye candy. My friend and I walked in about 9 pm and promptly woke up a few guys sleeping on the benches. No customers. Only about a half-dozen boys there. One of the crew told me that the manager, Chalee, was no longer there. "He died this week," the boy told me. I asked what happened, but all I could get out of him was something about "problem inside." I don't think this guy was joking around or anything. He added a "jing jing" to show he was serious. Anyway, if that's the case, it's the end of yet another era at My Way. Chalee wasn't the brightest star in the galaxy, and some of his recommendations were total duds (even though I've been going there for many years and he knows what I like/want), but he was always pleasant and never pushy. So ... I'm a bit sad about his passing. I'll miss the schmuck.
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Old 17th October 2008, 09:42 PM
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Dropped into My Way around 7 pm one night. Interior been revamped and now nice atmosphere if you like dark sleezy bars... with cute blue twinkly lights around. .. I just wish they'd replace the hard, uncomfortable benches that have been there for 20 years. ..... and tht they'd get some boys there.! ....only 3 bored scruffy Isaan types lounging around . I had half a beer and left. Charlee died of TB according to one of the boys.
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Old 24th October 2008, 09:38 AM
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Yeah, those hard benches are VERY uncomfortable. I wonder if they have a new manager to replace Chalee? He seemed to always find new boys to replace the others that drifted away. It hasn't been a great bar for many, many years, but I seem to consistently find someone there worth offing more than once. I hope it can stay open. Hard benches aside, there aren't many places in that part of town where I enjoy hanging out.
I've all but given up on Soi Twilight and the obnoxious touts/doormen that pester you as you walk down the soi. I got into a shouting match with one of them last month when I told him, in Thai, to shut up because he was in our face (I was trying to talk with a friend of mine) and shouting the usual inane spiel. So, to hell with Soi Twilight; I'd rather buy cheaper drinks at places like Solid and My Way, and even scummy old Super A, than pay the inflated prices at those big and so called "classy" bars on the main drag.
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Old 24th October 2008, 04:29 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Agree 100% with Soi Twighlight comments. It's for the gullable tourists. The drinks prices are out of control....especially when they push you to buy for the boys at those prices. Based on your comments Buzzard, I'm sure you'd love "Happy Boys" in Soi Yen Sabai Pattaya. Beautiful flourescent "grotto" twinky boys (all legal age) with Apache flap shorts who are more than willing to move to the mezzanine for intimate "chats." Euro boys also now double size and worth a visit.
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Old 28th December 2008, 07:13 AM
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-- Y'day., (27th.), evening around 23.30.hrs. I passed-along Tnn. Rama IV. and noticed that MY WAY''s illuminated sign was not powered-up, wch. I thought might be unusual for the last sat. in the olde year.
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 3rd January 2009, 11:31 PM
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Ten minutes in My Way (Bangkok)

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- Y'day., (27th.), evening around 23.30.hrs. I passed-along Tnn. Rama IV. and noticed that MY WAY''s illuminated sign was not powered-up, wch. I thought might be unusual for the last sat. in the olde year.
-- Bibi.. --
It was about a week earlier. Here's what happened:

10 pm. I stood at the doorway for a while before someone came out from the back room to greet me. On my right was a Thai (or Asian tourist) customer sitting with a half-naked, lanky lad.

The captain (the guy who came out) spoke reasonable English and invited me to sit down. On one of those hard and high wooden benches, carved in traditional style, that have been there since like 20 years ago. He proudly pointed out how the place had just been remodelled. Indeed the floor tiles looked new, but that was about it. I couldn’t see anything modern about the place. Even more disappointing, the stage and grab poles (as I remember them from I don’t know when) have all gone. This means no more gogo “dancing”. This is now a host bar, I suppose.

As the captain took my drink order, two more boys emerged. One took up position behind the bar, the other, as thin and lanky as the one sitting with the customer on my right, hesitated for a while before being invited by the captain to sit with me.

For what? I don’t know. This guy didn’t speak a word of English, and I had to struggle with my little Thai to avoid complete and awkward silence. His T-shirt hung loose over what must be an emaciated frame. There was nothing in the least appealing about him. He didn’t even remove his shirt for a fondle like his mate did for the other guest.

Ten minutes later, I paid up (100 baht for a drink) , tipped the boy and left. The Thai/Asian guy on my right was still there, still fondling his skeletal companion.
My Shameless Thai blog:
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Old 4th January 2009, 02:05 AM
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-- My Mature And American Friend mentioned to me that he'd looked-in briefly at MY WAY sometime during the C'mas./New Year's period - he didn't mention either date or time.
- Reportedly the visible boyz were all asleep on the benches. The Bar Cap't. shook a couple of the boyz to awaken them; they obliged by removing their shirts and hanging-around listlessly; one sat-by him but nothing was attempted by either party.
- After a few mins. my MAAF. left to go elsewhere.
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 6th January 2009, 08:51 AM
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same same

I was at My Way about a month ago and encountered a similar scene when I arrived at around 9:30 one evening; about 3 boys, all sleeping or in a semi-comatose state. I didn't stay for a drink. Seems as if the place has gone even more downhill (if that's possible) since Chalee passed away. At least he had them dancing again at this time last year. It was fun while it lasted. Not sure what's going to happen to the place now. Cheap drinks are nice, but if there is nothing to look at except for the wall, I'll be staying home.
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Old 15th January 2009, 09:53 AM
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I know one guy that is still working there and he tells me that currently there are only 4 boys working in My Way. He called me tonight, wanting to come over; he was the only guy working and no customers. Gee, I wonder why? Looks like this bar better get a quick infusion of new skin or it's days are numbered.
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Old 12th April 2009, 12:00 AM
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-- Y'day., (11th.), evening - after a pleasant enough supper in SPHINX PUB. & RESTAURANT, (Si Lom 4.), - my companion expressed a wish to visit MY WAY., (Rama IV.),; with some misgivings I agreed to accompany him.
- ETA.: early - around 21.hrs.?
- Well - what a surprise: the interior has been refurbished and is no longer some sort of sleeze-joint; MORE comfortable sofas upon wch. to sit; MORE and livelier boyz - possibly half-a-dozen or so, none of whom was asleep! Some wore bright orange shorts and the rest the fashionable just above the b*tt jeans, one boi had a large & pink d*ld* in the hip-pkt.; also maybe another half-a-dozen farangs, three of whom gave the impression of having an interest in the place; one of whom came-across and enquired if we'd like any of their boyz? We replied that we were MORE than happy with our friendly drinks.
- Drinks are 250.Bh..
- Smoking - ciggies. - is not discouraged!
- We didn't stay all that long.
-- Bibi. --
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Old 12th April 2009, 12:11 AM
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Wrong thread! blush
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Old 12th April 2009, 01:17 AM
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Posts: 325
gogo or host bar?

Sextile - was My Way, the evening of your visit, a gogo or host bar? Was there a stage? Were the boys on stage? Standing still or dancing? Or sitting about waiting to be bought a drink?
My Shameless Thai blog:
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Old 12th April 2009, 08:37 PM
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Originally Posted by sloot View Post
... was My Way, the evening of your visit, a gogo or host bar? Was there a stage? Were the boys on stage? Standing still or dancing? Or sitting about waiting to be bought a drink?

-- So many questions!
- At the time of our visit I'd say that it seemed to be MORE of an Host Bar;
- There is what appears to be a v. small & triangular stage in the corner to one's immediateRIGHT on entering - diagonally opp. to the bar, wch. is in the farther and LH. corner;
- At the time of our visit there I did not see any boyz on stage;
- There were several boyz - mostly wearing only bright orange colored shorts - sitting with other and farang customers; a boi would sit by himself from time-to-time; other boyz were either bringing drinks or to be seen in the shadowy backgd. in the gen'l. area of the bar.
-- Bibi. --
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Old 13th April 2009, 09:50 AM
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Drinks at My Way were 250 baht???!!! They used to be 150 baht, and that price stayed the same for years. What promted the hike I wonder? If they had suddenly started offering go-go dancing again (which they stopped a year ago after a short revival) and had more boys to chose from I wouldn't mind paying a bit extra, but not 250 baht. Who are these idiot managers? I haven't been there (or any of the bars in the area) since December and with reports like that it's not likely I'll return from my sabatical any time soon.
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Old 17th April 2009, 11:17 PM
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Last night when I arrived, around 9pm, there was 1 other customer who was sitting a the bar, spanking the bare arse of some young thing. Other than them, maybe 10 boys lounged around, mainly in shorts although a couple were fully clothed. The general air in the place was of a laundrette - humid and a bit smelly, with lots of clutter and clothes lying around.

I was joined by a talkative guy in his late 20s I guess. He called across a cute young thing I had met during my last visit there in December. Then the boy was 23, but last night he was 19. He looked like he had put on a few pounds in these passing months.

There was a lot of suggestions that I should take the boy upstairs, however having experienced that particular dump in the past, I had no intention of venturing anywhere near it. I finished my G&T and left. The drink was 150 baht, not the 250 reported earlier in the thread.
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