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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Pattaya.Best massage and go-go venue?

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Old 16th November 2008, 08:12 PM
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 219
Pattaya.Best massage and go-go venue?

Advice needed.

Will be in Pattaya this week.Which of the above venue types has the more masculine,ordinary,skilled staff generally.Would like to avoid full on youth-culture for this excursion even though I admire their spunk and zest.

Any sauna recommended ?

Quick responses appreciated.
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Old 17th November 2008, 02:43 PM
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You might want to read my comments in the Pattaya Bar and Pattaya Massage threads from earlier this month.
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Old 17th November 2008, 08:28 PM
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Posts: 219

Thanks.All contributions noted.Apologies for not doing thread search,impatient fellow that I am.
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Old 18th November 2008, 07:01 PM
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Go to Boystown and Funnyboys Get there early and you wont be disappointed
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Old 19th November 2008, 04:48 AM
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Wildwest also good selection. Go before the show.
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Old 29th November 2008, 08:21 PM
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Posts: 219

Thanks for replies.Pattaya not as bad as I thought but ranks high on the great urban ugliness scale.

For massage,my travelling companion and I were very happy with the offerings and standard of massage and services at Royal Asia Lodge.Good selection in the handsome,manly range.

Ambience hotel was attractive and comfortable for accommodation.

To the C.F.S posters who recommend from their own experience once again thanks.
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Old 19th December 2008, 07:30 PM
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Apologies for my senior's moment.Royal House Massage is the correct name of the venue.
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Old 13th May 2009, 01:23 AM
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Posts: 49
gay or straight

I read that most boys working in a host bar or gogo bar are straight.

But are there any bars (host and gogo) in Pattaya were also work boys who are (really) gay?
Can you give me some advice about what bars I have to go in Pattaya to find a (really) gay boy?
Are the feminine boys normally gay or isn't that a rule?

Can I ask the mamasan to tell me who is gay/straight? Does he/she know about this?

Thanks you for your advice.

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Old 13th May 2009, 07:37 AM
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Originally Posted by hans030 View Post
... .
Can I ask the mamasan to tell me who is gay/straight? Does he/she know about this?
... .

-- In any well-run estab.,(massage parlor, a go-go bar and suchlike.), it's the M'san's. job to know these things so that the customers will return.
- Any savvy business person will tell you that profits are made not from one-time visitors but from the repeat visitors who cum-back again and ask for MORE!

-- Were you to go to the flg. thread - right here in CFS. Thailand - you might find some further help in yr. quest -
- Pattaya Mamasans.

-- Bibi. --
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Old 15th May 2009, 03:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Nalong View Post
... .
In one bar in Pattaya I asked the mamasan if a certain boy was straight and his response was:"What do you want him to be?" The boy spoke virtually no English, but essentially said the same thing, but by that time I realized he was of the well-muscled-farm-boy-ex-military-former-muay-thai type which, as it turned out, was exactly what I was looking for.
... .
Once relieved of the need to pretend to be what he was not, he reverted to being simply smoking hot or, more accurately, smoke-ably hot which is also exactly what I was looking for.

-- Possibly your can remember and would be prepared to divulge the bar's name and the boi's name and/or number?
- I enquire as a good farang friend and I expect to be visiting PATTAYA towards the end of next week.
- Thanks in advance.
-- Bibi. --
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Old 15th May 2009, 07:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Nalong View Post
The bar is Cartier and the boy's name is somewhere between Tom and Dom.
... .

-- Bestest thanks for yr. very comprehensive reply - greatly appreciated!
- I'll pass-on the good news to my American friend with whom I'll be going.
-- Bibi. --
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Old 15th May 2009, 01:51 PM
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At the risk of getting into too semantic a discussion, the Thai view of what constitutes gay is not as clear cut as ours. Many boys who claim to be "gay" are more than willing and capable of perfoming with girls... and may go on to marry. ..but, generally if a boy is prepared to "btm" for you, you should have a good time regardless of trying to cubby-hole boys who are just plain horny... and up for most things. I agree with an earlier comment that the majority of boys in Pattaya are in fact "gay or gay capable" and the good mamasans will certainly be able to guide you. Also I agree with comments on Crazy Dragon.... all the boys there appear to be of legal age + and are good fun , flirting and teasing the clients. Enjoy!
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Old 15th May 2009, 10:09 PM
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I agree with Sextile, however I believe there are some other points to make:

- Beware of some Mamasans, who appear to be listening to the details of what your looking for, but have already decided which boy to 'recommend', because many mamasans have agreements with some boys - "I get you an off, you give me 100Baht" (or whatever). This can go even further with nasty mamsams, a boy who won't agree to play ball with the mamasan's game gets no offs, because the mamsan tells customes that the boy gives poor service etc.

- The point about return customers etc. This is obviously a good point, however i'm doubtful how many mamasans / Thai managers realize this point. But right now with the economic downturn, many bar operators are look for hard cash right now so that they can pay the rent.
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Old 16th May 2009, 04:41 AM
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[quote=Nalong;670515]Let me add that if you like a friendly atmosphere with guys who will let you see what's on offer (and the place has an upstairs area where you can do more than look) and a really relaxed, intimate ambiance(ambience?), you should give Happy Bar a try.The guys wear these really loose boxers that leave little to the imagination.

Agreed. Happy Boys (I know this sounds corny) has a really "happy" ambience and fun boys. Its like a magic grotto, only instead of elves and fairies, there's cute boys (and fairies!) It also has a mezzanine level where, (if you just want to to feel the goods - try before u buy) u can take yr drinks and boy upstairs where they will happily smoke and be smoked on one of the sofas, while other clients play with their boys in full view. Boys all legal, but definitley twinky. Recommended.
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Old 16th May 2009, 06:59 AM
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Posts: 158

NALONG wrote "...It's also true that 90% of the "straight boys" I've taken off have been able to get a rock hard erection at the prospect being smoked. Obviously that indicates something .

I'm not sure I completely agree. I sometimes wonder if we rush too quickly to the gay or straight configuration that most of us grew up with in many Western countries.

My long term experience (lived here for 24 yrs, and I visited several time a year for about 6 years before that) is that young Thai men are very horny (aren't we all), but there seems to be a higher degree of relaxation of what gender the partner is at this young age, and many will engage without too much hesitation on the basic of 'if the friction feels good then do it'. But please understand that I'm not suggesting all young Thai boys will engage with other boys or men, thats not true.

My Thai friend (Khun S....) who published a Thai gay magazine for years also says:

- There's a sort of unspoken encouragement for young men (especially upcountry) to have 'fun' together, to try to ward off too many unwanted pregnancies.

- There's a sort of idea that it's good for young boys to have sex together to learn about sex, then they are more ready to please a girl.

- Khun S..... would also be very quick to reinforce that not all Thai boys have sex with other boys.

- Khun S...... also says that quite a few young Thai men (again especially upcountry) have their first experience with a gay teacher. Part of this picture (as many members will probably know) is that teachers who are caught having sex with girls or boys are rarely punished. Additionally, many girls and boys are frightened to say NO, because of fear of failing their examinations.
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