-- Recently four other olde codgers and I were were enjoying our morning's coffees and puting the world to rights when one of them pointed-out a shrimp of a young man with a blonde streak in his hair: deaf-mute, well-endowed and not unwilling to go with most farangs - he should know!
-- This led to a discussion on a couple of points - 1.- In terms of percentages are there MORE DMs. who are g*y than non-DM. g*ys in the community in general? IE.: are DMs. over-represented in the g*y community? 2.- In general are DMs. better endowed than non-DMs.? - After quite a far ranging conversation opinions were pretty much evenly divided; obviously MORE research will be req'd. - ha! ![]() -- Bibi. --
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1.- I know; but I thought that it might be interesting to obtain some first-hand info.. 2.- Happy researching! ![]() -- Bibi. --
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Some years ago I used the river buses on the Chao Phraya river regularly. Many of the crews were deaf mutes and sign language was often used. They could communicate across considerable distances as the boats approached the piers for example and it seemed a rather efficient system and probably easier than shouting.
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-- I notice that many of the boyz who set-up and take-down the poor but honest & side-walk traders' stalls along Tnn. Si lom are DMs. - some quite fine & working boi bodies, too! -- Bibi. --
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not just there-honey-about anywhere where (st..d) farang buy ''souvenirs'' like real hand paintings from Chinese factories etc-they have set up shop. Around BangLamPhu=Khao Sarn at least 4-5 diferent spots. Remember same-same from Ch_mai. Often with signs stating it- we westerners are not so likely to encounter that so often.
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