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CRUISING for SEX - Pattaya - Your disco needs YOU !

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biggles69 21st May 2009 09:54 AM

Pattaya - Your disco needs YOU !
The weather this week has been perfect, not too hot or humid and a nice sea breeze.. but.. there's NO-ONE here. I've never seen Pattaya so quiet, and bars are closing at an alarming rate.

Starting at Happy Boys at 8.30 one night there was only 1 other customer when I left at 9pm. Walking through Sunnee was like a ghost town. Euro Boys, Jimmy James, Legun, Office Boy all closed. I looked in
krazy Dragon (no shows , all drinks 99 Bt) Villa Rouge and Sundance... no customers and bored boys sitting or laying on the platforms. I left all without buying a drink. The outdoor bars almost empty ... but a new bar "Tom Yam" (1st floor recycled bar opposite the old Top Man at corner of Soi VC) was quite busy with some nice twink boys.

Boys Town a little better patronised, but very quiet even by low-season standards.

The up-side is that there's lots of boys on Jomtien beach during the day, Gayromeo provides more approaches than you can handle, and there are plenty of available , bored and horny boys in the bars... so please , I cant possibly look after all the horny boys on my own.. ... hotels are offering 50% deals, drinks are half the price of BKK and the weather is great (no rain yet.) Pattaya / Jomtien boys need you ! :)

biggles69 24th May 2009 12:37 AM

...meanwhile, back on Jomien beach ... yesterday sat next to 3 cute 20 y.o. I-saan boys . Smiles exchanged and one approached me.. virtually no English but explained that they were uni students here for the 3 month summer break to earn some Bht. Two of them work at Lucky -7 go go bar, but he left after 1 night as not to his taste. So now he works at KFC Royal Garden on the night shift.11 pm to 6 am for 200 Bt a shift !! (So about 5,000 bt a month with rent of 1,500 for a mat on the floor of a room with 5 guys in!) He was a really nice guy so we repaired to View Talay 5 for some strenuous fun, after which I treated him to dinner, Star Trek movie and a Bt1,000 tip at which his eyes positively lit up. I (like Nalong) also have my phone switched off most of the time now as getting so may requestes for help, and I usually get a new card /no. about every 6 months. I haven't visitied any bars for the last few days as I am being picked up every day by a different boy on Jomtien beach!

biggles69 24th May 2009 07:49 AM

I usually head down to Dong Tan about 2 pm for a late lunch. Plenty of boys around and its a fun time. Volley ball games usually provide nice eye candy, and there's often a procession of 'candidates' stolling along the water-line, wiggling their cute ass'. By 5 pm the tourists and couples are heading off, so if you haven't hooked up already, then the 'desperate and dateless' start looking for a 'dance partner.' Sanook ! :)

biggles69 25th May 2009 06:01 AM

No I don't think I've t been to either (although I am occasionally taken to out of the way thai oreinted by boys who suggest them as good places to go to pick a 3rd player)... and I'm hopeless on names. I'll look out for them.

Re the beach.. the action starts around lunch time.. so you left just too early.. try dropping in late one day!

biggles69 26th May 2009 06:17 AM

The beach does polarise the boys. On the one hand you have the brown skinned, lean (not one gm of fat) volley ball / prancing queens who soak up the sun and show as much as decency permits, then you have the long shirt, long jeans, hat and sunnies boys who stay firmly under the umbrellas and hate the sun. They are often the "draculas" who work til 1am , eat til 2, pub/disco til 4 or 5 then sleep til 12 noon or 2 pm beofre venturing out gingerly in day-light awayting dusk when they are re born.... they only go to the beach to pick up and turn a quick trick before reporting fopr their 8.30 pm bar shift.

Anyway I can recommend 2 fun boys I met last week. "BAS" from Rock Hard in Jomtien. 20 y.o. chunky build, always smiling and laughing, always horny, a good sucker , rimmer and bottom who is usually with friends in the blue deckchair section after 2 pm, and "Game" from Dreamboy who does his trawling on Gay Romeo, also 20, not the prettiest of faces but beautiful smooth medium build, VERY well hung, hard as a rock cock, shaved balls , VERY horny, good all round in bed. He's very popular at Dreamboy and usually one of the first to be offed. If you get there at 9 pm he's probably gone. Sanook !

neddy3 26th May 2009 09:31 PM

Mama Leila - WWB
Oh Nalong, such luck for you to encounter mama Leila - not. What a piece of shit.

For absolutely any bullshit about a boy of interest and what he might do or like, count on her to mislead you all the way to her only interest - a sale ( and I cut for her, I suspect). Totally unreliable in any information she gives.

I watched her at work early one night last week. She rotated between 3 different customers, all of whom she got to buy her a drink. She just circled back and forth between customers and her 3 drinks. And I bet she hit them all for a tip.

I won't let her come near me.

In quite a few years I have yet to meet a katoey mamasan to whom it is worth giving the time of day, and Leila is right up there.

neddy3 28th May 2009 09:48 PM

Thank you Nalong.

Your posts are informative and quirkily amusing.

I have walked past 'Cats Place' a number of times, and always felt reservations about going in.
Seems they are justified. I'll be giving this place a big miss.

'Number One Boys' has potential, but with few customers, one can feel conspicuous in this barn-like place. On my one visit, a couple of boys did seem to have potential to me, but need another look.
All the boys not dancing at the time seemed to be smokers, not a bonus with me.
A few dancers and staff here are formerly from places such as 'Lucky777.'

biggles69 29th May 2009 02:15 PM

Could you give directions to Number One place thanks (Dont worry about Cats - mai phen rai khrub! :)

scoops 30th May 2009 09:20 AM

Number one boys
Thanks for the very clear map.

Is thuis a GO-Go bar, or?

Also, can you please advise some details and location of Cat's Bar (not sure if this quite correct name)?

Thanks for sharing.

Mii_Kwaam_suk 31st May 2009 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Yannawa (Post 670905)
Scoops, if you had followed the link I gave you and clicked on Day/Night area you would see the entire map showing both bars in one image. It also says on the map "Go-Go bars shown in RED".

So he look at these maps right here and follow the written directions. What's the diff.


see the entire map showing both bars in one image.
So why you don't put here the entire map to see then?

Here is entire map of area. Now everyone can be so happy! Very easy to please all.


sextile 2nd June 2009 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by biggles69 (Post 670655)
... .
Walking through Sunnee was like a ghost town. Euro Boys, Jimmy James, Legun, Office Boy all closed. I looked in Krazy Dragon (no shows , all drinks 99 Bt)illa Rouge and Sundance... no customers and bored boys sitting or laying on the platforms. I left all without buying a drink.
The outdoor bars almost empty ... but a new bar "Tom Yam" (1st floor recycled bar opposite the old Top Man at corner of Soi VC) was quite busy with some nice twink boys.
... .

-- I was in PATTAYA over this last week-end and walked-around SUNNEE PLAZA on a fewoccasions.

-- EURO BOYS had a notice posted announcing its re-OPENING on 01 jun. with a party;
- TOM YUM, an upstairs a go-go bar, is v. much for twinkie & under-age looking boyz; of maybe a score of so of boyz whom I saw there I'd doubt - judging by their looks alone - that MORE than half-a dozen or so are genuinely over the age of 18YO., (but I'm prepared to be corrected on that.),.
- Drinks are for alc. drinks and for non-alc. drinks.
- At various times - as seem to be determined by a M'san. looking-at the number of spectators* - four of the older looking boyz will strip-off to au natural and play with their ****s on stage - with a M'san. circulating to solicit donations to be given to the performers.
- There seem to be a couple or three boyz - one not so pretty, v. tattooed & maturer looking & the others twinks - who, mostly sitting on the edge of the island-type stage, play with their ****s for most of the time.
- I was told of an upstairs' room: 300bh. to 'off.' the boi, for the room and 'Up to you.' for the boi's TIP. afterwards.

-- * On thu. evening, (28th.), around 21.45.hrs. there were possibly a score or so spectators and a show; on sat. at approx. the same time just an handful of spectators; on sun. evening maybe half-a-dozen or so of us voyeurs, I stayed there for a couple of hrs. and saw a couple of such shows, for wch. there seemed to be little hesitation on the boyz- parts to strip and to shew!

-- I looked-in, also, at DREAMBOYS and enquired after Khun Game.
- After a certain amount of Q&A. and so forth, (my olde pal my olde beauty Percy Verence would have be proud of me!), I was told that he was OUT. By that I was given to u'stand. that he'd quit and gone elsewhere.

-- Further news about a few other a go-go bars visited to follow.

-- E&OE.. -- Bibi. --

sextile 2nd June 2009 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by Nalong (Post 670962)
... and then spent a "couple of hours & saw a couple of such shows" on Sunday, either you were unable to locate the exit or it must have been an extremely entertaining show.
... .

-- The 'Exit.' is the same door as the Entrance, I believe?
- No, I wouldn't describe the show as being 'extremely e'taining.' either; four young men standing on the stage au naturel and playing with their ****s is all v. well as far as it goes - and it didn't go v. far.
- It was just that I was enjoying the company of Boi #1., - an u'age. seeming youth and somewhat effem.-looking, too - and was happy enough seeing the boyz in gen'l. appearing to be enjoying themselves, too.
-- Bibi. --

sextile 2nd June 2009 09:15 AM

-- On thu., (28th.), evening my friend and I visited the flg. a go-go bars in SUNNEE PLAZA -

- Drinks at 140./130.Bh., (alc./non-alc.),;
- About a score of generally youngish-looking boyz there; nos. 3., 36. & 38. - especially the latter, who appeared to be quite well-endowed - all tried v. hard to engage our att'ns..

2.- TOM YUM.;
- See other postings.

- Drinks at 120.Bh.;
- Best described as a 'W*nk.' bar staffed by those who wouldn't be accepted by other bars. Half-a-dozen or so mostly quite heavily tattooed boyz, (my friend observed that 'They looked like tuk-tuk drivers.'), sat on a bench facing the customers and playing with themselves. A customer would pay 200.Bh. for a boi to come and to ejac. at the table or one could go to a small alcove and engage in activities with a bit MORE privacy.
- While we were there two farangs entered, sat-down and ordered their drinks. The younger offered money all around and each boi approached in turn, lowered his briefs and was kissed and fondled on his *rs*!

- Drinks at 99.Bh.;
- Boyz wearing very loose shorts came and danced on the small table at each place - thus it was possible to verify their assets in whatever way one wanted! Many are well enough endowed.

- Drinks at 130./140.Bh.;
- No comments on my piece of paper, so possibly I was too tired to care, there was little to report, or whatever.

-- Bibi. --

sextile 2nd June 2009 08:08 PM

-- On fri. evening, (29th.) - after eating too well and to much in the NEW ORLEANS REST'T. - my friend and I went to CUPIDOL a go-go bar.
- ETA.; approx. 21.30hrs..
- Drinks at usual prices.
- Possibly a dozen boyz on stage; #4. looked to be asleep on his feet.
- Just an handful of customers.
- One lively looking & young Capt'n. tried to interest us in the boyz and then in himself; his offer was refused.

-- Then to DREAMBOYS.;
- Drinks at usual prices.
- MORE boyz & staff than customers.
- I stayed just long enough to enquire about Khun Game, (see other posting.), enjoy my drink and then left to return to a night's sound sleep.

-- Bibi. --

sextile 3rd June 2009 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by Nalong (Post 670987)
Never been much bothered by tattoos. On the right body they can be a turn-on.
... .

-- Agreed, that's 100%. for sure; but apparently quite a few farangs find tattoos to be a turn-OFF for some reason best known to themselves.
- Having seen pix of JP. men with fully tattooed p*n*s, (often snakes!), that might be a fascinating turn-ON for me!
-- Bibi. --

sextile 3rd June 2009 02:06 AM

-- The flg. web-site
The Baht Stop -- Thailand Forum
has drawn my att'n. to the two flg. web-sites for PATTAYA -

Maps of Gay Pattaya

Sunee Plaza, Pattaya

-- Bibi. --

sextile 3rd June 2009 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by Nalong (Post 670991)
... .
One fairly new development that I'm not real pleased with is the shaved pubic region. I don't like excessively hairy guys ... not a problem for most Thais ... but I do like a nice, well-defined patch of pubic hair.
... .

-- YES, I am with you in not liking excessively hairy guys; but am not bothered if some man wishes to shave his pubes & surrounding area. However, for me shaved means freshly shaved, as I'm turned-OFF by stubble and suchlike.
- I believe that many JP. men prefer to shave their pubes; possibly some concepts of good & bodily hygiene?
-- Bibi. --

biggles69 3rd June 2009 05:21 AM


-- I looked-in, also, at DREAMBOYS and enquired after Khun Game.
- After a certain amount of Q&A. and so forth, (my olde pal my olde beauty Percy Verence would have be proud of me!), I was told that he was OUT. By that I was given to u'stand. that he'd quit and gone elsewhere.

I have Khun Game's HP if u care to PM me ! :)

sextile 3rd June 2009 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by Nalong (Post 670996)
... .
So my friend du jour turns out to be 27 and has spent several years in the King’s Guard. ... .
... .

-- Here, in BKK., we have a similar sounding man: ex. RTN. Police; 28YO.; tall & lean, dk. skinned and well-endowed, too; enough basic English with wch. to get-along. Name is Khun Root. He hangs around the hawng nahms of SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA, mostly at week-ends.
- Last sun. he put-on quite an impressive display in the 3fl. HN. wch. enthralled and fascinated all the other voyeurs!
-- Bibi. --

sextile 3rd June 2009 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by sextile (Post 670957)
... .
I have Khun Game's HP. if u care to PM me ! :)

-- Khun Biggles,
- Thanx for yr. kind offer - appreciated!
- We expect to be returning to PATTAYA in several weeks' time, at wch. point I'll take you up on yr. offer.
-- Bibi. --

sextile 4th June 2009 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by Nalong (Post 671039)
... .
Sextile is either prophetic or under surveillance. :D

... .

-- Khun Nalong,
- Certainly not the former - the raid was carried-out several days before my arrival; and I hope not the latter!
-- Bibi. --

biggles69 4th June 2009 07:33 AM

I took a boy from Tom Yam about 2 weeks ago. He had id and checked out as 19, even though I was doubtful at first.

silomGWM 4th June 2009 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by biggles69 (Post 671047)
I took a boy from Tom Yam about 2 weeks ago. He had id and checked out as 19, even though I was doubtful at first.

How did you check out the age of 19? The teeth (like a horse)? The rings in his anus (like a tree)?

biggles69 4th June 2009 05:26 PM

555 ... no, from his ID card! subtract 543 and u have his d.o.b. easy ! :)

silomGWM 4th June 2009 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by biggles69 (Post 671064)
555 ... no, from his ID card! subtract 543 and u have his d.o.b. easy ! :)

I had assumed you meant that the age check and his ID were independent of each other. After all, boys carrying ID cards that are not their own are, so I'm told, not unknown. I never ask to see ID cards, as I stay at Tarntawan Hotel when in Thailand and they always check that sort of thing themselves.

biggles69 4th June 2009 09:40 PM

The ID cards do have their photo, and full name and I haven't come across a fake one yet ...... though I am aware boys do "borrow" cards on occassions. The guards at my condo in Jomtien just smile and salute when I bring a boy back, so I cant rely on them to do the checking for me!

scoops 4th June 2009 11:52 PM

The ID cards do have their photo, and full name and I haven't come across a fake one yet

My closest tells me there are numerous places in Bangkok, well known, where you can in 5 minutes buy a fake ID card, fake ID number and name, with your photo. Don't know about Pattaya but my guess is that it would be easy enough.

silomGWM 5th June 2009 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by Nalong (Post 671073)
Just remember to fill your tank and pack a lunch for the two hour drive north.

I'd imagine it's the boy's "lunch" he's hoping to enjoy.

biggles69 5th June 2009 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by Nalong (Post 671073)
There you go Biggles, problem solved. The next time you pick someone up at Jomtien or take a boy off from Sunnee, check in at the Tarntawan and have security keep his ID. Of course, the security guard at the Tarntawan or the receptionist is probably unable to tell the difference between a real or false ID and could care less, but what the heck.

How do you think I'd go in court. "well guv, I mean yr 'honour, sir. The security guard said he was 18. fair dinkum... so how was i to know ...??" :)

sextile 5th June 2009 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by biggles69 (Post 671075)
How do you think I'd go in court. "well guv, I mean yr 'honour, sir. The security guard said he was 18. fair dinkum... so how was i to know ...??" :)

-- Several yrs. ago I was told the story of a Swedish tourist who, having checked the young girl's ID., ret'd. to his hotel with her.
- After it was all over the girl left.
- However, she ret'd. not long after accompanied by a couple of BKK's. Finest who charged him with picking-up a minor.
- He protested that he'd checked her ID. first of all, and that the ID. at wch. he looked shewed her as being over 18YO..
- The Police asked her to shew them her ID., she complied - it was for an under-age girl.
-- Maybe she worked with the Police and both profited thereby?

-- I have been wondering if some of those under-age looking boyz in SUNEE PLAZA might not be police 'plants.' designed to catch the unwary tourist?
- Catch a farang tourist with an u'age. boi - good PR. etc. etc. for Pattaya's Finest - ha!
-- Bibi. --

silomGWM 5th June 2009 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by sextile (Post 671079)
- The Police asked her to shew them her ID., she complied - it was for an under-age girl.

Security at Tarntawan also write down the ID details in the book they keep of everyone's comings and goings. As we all should know, Thailand is the Land of Scams and I take every precaution I can.

biggles69 5th June 2009 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by sextile (Post 671079)
-- I have been wondering if some of those under-age looking boyz in SUNEE PLAZA might not be police 'plants.' designed to catch the unwary tourist?
- Catch a farang tourist with an u'age. boi - good PR. etc. etc. for Pattaya's Finest - ha!
-- Bibi. --

I have honestly never heard of anything like that happening.The arrests that are publicised are usually for VERY "dec dec" (like 12 to 14) , but I agree with all above posts ...... best to be vigilant. There are so many cute 18 - 20's guys why the hell would any-one risk the trama of under-age (unless thay are paedophile?)

sextile 5th June 2009 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by silomGWM (Post 671086)
Security at Tarntawan also write down the ID details in the book they keep of everyone's comings and goings. ... .

-- I'm sure that writing-down things in a log-book is all v. well - but, really, what does that mean?
- When I used to stay in the SURIWONGSE HOTEL I used to give a suitable ack. to the two Sec. Gds. from time-to-time in the hope that they'd be MORE careful in their checking of my guests' IDs. - at least as far as I was concerned.

-- But howmany of us resemble the photos. in our p'ports.?
- Perhaps that's why the Immig'n. Bureau insist on recent photos. of LESS than 6 mos. old. when one renews one's Retirement Visa?
- Thai IDs. are renewed every so many yrs. - thus plenty of time for facial features, especially of young people, to change and to become LESS like the original photo., especially if the photo. wasn't too good in the first place.

-- Bibi. --

silomGWM 5th June 2009 09:22 PM

Frankly I don't care about any of those sorts of details. Someone Thai has recorded the ID details of my visitor so if there's a subsequent dispute, as mentioned by another poster, there's some record that someone else than me saw the ID. Not that for a moment I believe that would be much help in the Land of Scams, if it came to it. If anything it's a potential deterrent to someone who was hoping to use the fake ID/underage switcheroo, that's all. They may have second thoughts about their potential success. I've certainly encountered boys who have refused to go with me when they've found where I'm staying (sometimes as we're about to walk up the driveway). That's their choice - and maybe my protection, such as it is.

silomGWM 5th June 2009 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Nalong (Post 671076)
I suppose if you showed up with someone in a school uniform sucking his thumb ...

Do you know where such persons are available? Thais can't get an ID card until they are 16, right?

silomGWM 6th June 2009 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by Nalong (Post 671105)
I knew that would stir up the chicken hawks.

It's amazing how people see what they expect to see. My comment was intended to point out the obvious nonsense you typically spout, that a boy such as you describe would not, in fact, be old enough have an ID card.

silomGWM 6th June 2009 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by Nalong (Post 671104)
I'm sure it was because they were packing fake ID.

... and the boys knew the hotel security guard would ... um... he'd ... let's see ... what fate would be so horrific that a boy would forego a generous tip from Diamond Jim?

Possibly he'd tell the boy his ID was no good or that he was too young and brand a big red letter A on his forehead, a social stigma he’d have to bear for the rest of his life.

I bow to your obvious superior and extensive experience in being rejected by boys.

sextile 6th June 2009 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by silomGWM (Post 671101)
... .
Thais can't get an ID card until they are 16, right?

-- Wrong.
- Every Thai has to report-in and be issued with his/her ID. on his/her fifteenth, (15th.), b'day..
- sources:
1.- Farang who teaches in an int'l. school;
2.- Two Thai staff in CHESTER'S GRILL.
-- Bibi. --

silomGWM 6th June 2009 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by sextile
-- Wrong.
- Every Thai has to report-in and be issued with his/her ID. on his/her fifteenth, (15th.), b'day.

And the way the Thais count things that would make him 16, right? I'm not too fussed about whether I'm right or wrong on this point, given that it's some age greater than the usual onset of puberty and less than the age of consent for commercial sex in Thailand. The question was put merely to point out Nalong's typical rush to be a smart-arse and launch some entirely inappropriate (for this Board) personal nastiness, which seems by the way to have resulted in the Moderators removing all his posts from this thread.

sextile 6th June 2009 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by silomGWM (Post 671135)
And the way the Thais count things that would make him 16, right? ... .

-- As this apparent difference of one year between the TH. way and others' way of calculating ages might determine if a Thai boi is of legal age or otherwise, let us say a Thai boi is born in 1993AD., (Western style.), then he'd go and collect his ID. during the yr. 2008AD., when he'd be turning 15YO.?
- Am I correct?
- I shall check with some of my 'Talking boyz.', but yr. advice will be equally welcome..
-- Bibi. --

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