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Old 27th August 2010, 07:40 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015
STYLE Bangkok

-- Y'day., (27th.), with tee rak being off & away on some educ'n. pjt. in Chon Buri, I went to STYLE Bangkok.;
- addr.: Si Lom soi 2/1., (next to GOD., [Guys On Display.], dance/cabaret hall.),
Bang Rak, BKK. 10500.;
- BTS./MRT.: Sala Daeng, (S3.),/Silom;
- tel.: (02)-632 8793..

-- ETA./ETD.: 18.30.-21.oo.hrs.;
- Adm'n.: 150.Bh.;
- Hrs.: 14.oo.-02.oo.hrs., as written-on a chalk-bd. by the ent'ce.;
- The sauna still smells v. much of newly poured concrete and has MINIMUM decor.: functional rather than aesthetic;
- It is built on the ground & four UPPER floors, with the bar, roof-garden and a 'Smoking area.' on the TOP floor;
- One collects one's locker-key, towel, (clean & fairly fluffy.), a Condom, (Honeymoon - Valentine Condom, size 52.), & a tkt. for one free drinkfrom the gd.-fl. counter just inside;
- Add'n. Condoms - non-latex variety - are avail. at Recept'n.: 80.Bh. a pkt.;
- The customer who entered ahead of me, (an E. African looking & American negro from Chicago.), was assigned locker #16. and I was assigned #17.. The Locker Room is on the US.-style 1st.fl.. In my locker was a free adm'n. tkt. for a future visit for before 18 sep.;
- During my time there I'd guestimate that there might have been as many as a dozen and an half other customers: I saw three mature farangs, the a/m. Am. negro, a good few Thais in the 30s/40s. age-gp., several younger Thais & a couple YM. visiting from SGP.;
- That friday evening was a 'Small towel & no u'wear. night.'; although I saw that several customers did tuck their small towel into their briefs' waistbands. However, one patrolling staff-member did request the Am. negro to remove his briefs before going into the Rest Rooms' area!
- Apart from Recept'n. & the Locker Room the general & ambient lighting level is LOW: not too many o'head spots casting pools of light on the floors. Possibly our 37YO. Australian respondent with an athletic physique & not unattractive might like to include this sauna on his list - along with SAUNA MANIA?
- The steam-room, (approx. 12x15ft. and with a curved wall partition along its longer axis.), appeared to be MORE popular than the Rest Rooms. There I achieved my previous wish, from when I was in McDo. at THE MALL - N. Wongwan, (qv.), of enjoying a 'Long black.'! A welcum change after the smaller Thai members.
- The shower-room includes single person and/or several persons' use spaces; none of the showers is HOT water;
- While STYLE is not as openly sticky as some other saunas I'll allow that I did spend MORE time on my own than I would have liked;
- Many of the concrete stairways do not have banister/hand-rails - thus one is advised to dry one's feet before descending carefully!
- With the free tkt. 'vaut le retour.'.
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Old 28th August 2010, 04:06 PM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 326

From sextile's recent post above about Style Sauna, it looks like more people are going there than when I was there 2 months ago!

"The sauna still smells v. much of newly poured concrete"--I love that smell in there.

"The customer who entered ahead of me . . . was assigned locker #16. and I was assigned #17. The Locker Room is on the US.-style 1st.fl." -- I don't understand what U.S.-style is. And thanks for pointing out this locker routine--I don't like when saunas don't "stagger" the key numbers--it's hard to undress, etc. when there's someone right next to you doing the same at the same time.

" . . . a couple YM. visiting from SGP." -- What does YM mean?

"The steam-room . . ." -- By the way, there is also hot-room (wooden) sauna on the same floor as the steam-room--one might not see it. I had to ask if they had one.
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Old 28th August 2010, 09:24 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

Originally Posted by wantasian View Post
... .
" . . . a couple YM. visiting from SGP." -- What does YM mean?
... .

-- YM. = Young Man/Men;
- SGP.= Singapore.
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Old 31st August 2010, 09:45 AM
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 14

anyone know if Baan Thai sauna is closed? Its in a deep soi near the BTS Victory Monument....
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Old 21st September 2010, 08:48 PM
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 108

Any further reports on the new sauna in Silom Soi 2?
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Old 8th November 2010, 12:49 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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'BAAN THAI.' Sauna ...

Originally Posted by raptor7 View Post
anyone know if Baan Thai sauna is closed? Its in a deep soi near the BTS Victory Monument ... .

-- From my Address Bk.:

'BAAN THAI.' Sauna.,
- Addr.: 108, Ratchawithi soi 6.,
Khet Phaya Thai;
- Nrest. L'mk.: Victory Mon't.;
-- NB.: R'withi. 6. lies approx. 400.yds. to the ESE. of Victory Mon't. & is roughly opp. to a small pk.,('Peace.' Pk.?);
- tel.: (02)-245 3946.;
- hrs.: 17.-06.oo..

-- E&OE.; regret no up-to-date info. to hand.
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