Hope you're still lurking. I've sent you a private message.
My Shameless Thai blog: shamelessmack.wordpress.com
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-- Khun Sloot, -- Yes. I'm loitering still in various hawng nahm for considerable periods of time and am displaying myself to others' viewing and to my own gratification. - When I'm not doing that I can be spotted - even although I'm wearing pre-owned camo. clothing - on hands & knees in LUMPINI and in other parks hoping to waylay single & young Thai men for my pleasure. - Should the weather prove to be inclement then there are also the few remaining suck-cinemas in wch. I may be observed paying my devotions on my knees in front of various objects of worship. - Then in the evenings - should I not go to some sleazy massage parlor - there are places like SUPER A., NATURE BOY and suchlike in wch. to drink a few beers and to ingest some protein supplements. - For mental stimulation there are still exercises in Lat. & Long. to while-away any few idle moments. - So well occupied in fact am I that I don't have much time to write-about my exploits here in the ever so serious CFS..
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