-- Patrons of DICK'S. CAFE., (Soi Twilight - off Suriwong rd.], may remember one of its waiters, Khun BOY, who has been OFF work since march of this year.
-- Reportedly he contracted Viral Haemorrhagic Fever wch. then degenerated into Anaemia and is now Dementia. - He has been in a public hospital and his family wish to transfer him to home care. As he is bed-bound, having to be fed & watered, cleaned and turned, this will require a special & hospital-type of bed costing around 14K.Bh., additionally he can only ingest special & liquid nourishment through a tube wch. will cost a further 5OO. Bh. weekly. -- Donations may be given to Herr MARCUS in the TARNTAWAN HOTEL, (opp. to the TAWAN BKK. HTL. - Suriwong rd.],; - tel.: (O2]-238 262O.; - e-mail: tarntawan@tarntawan.com - web: Tarntawan Place Hotel - Home Page! -- For those in PATTAYA wishing to donate then donations may be left with Mons. LUCAS at DICK'S. CAFE. in JOMTIEN. -- For those OUT of the Kingdom and wishing to donate then please contact the flg.: jimhiley@hotmail.com 14 oct. - DICK'S. CAFE., (Soi Twilight.] - Appeal's Benefit Evening. -- Moderator: Thank you for posting. -- Readers: Thank you donating. -- Usual disclaimer. -- Sextile. --
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Thank you for sharing this... I did not see him working all summer, I assumed that this was just part of the usual turn-over of wait staffpersons. He always went out of his way to make me feel welcome, to take good care of me, and to give me impromptu assistance in building up my Thai vocabulary. I will definitely help him in his time of need.
Does anyone has a picture of him to post just to stir up some memories amongst readers of this site?
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-- Thank you for your interest and concern. - Were you to contact Mr. Hiley, (e-mail adress given earlier.), then I'm sure that he would be pleased to provide a picture for you and for other readers and donors. --
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What horrible news! A lovely guy - gentle, funny, and a very good companion when he was not too busy working. He once told me that the most important thing to him in life was not to lose his job at Dick's. He was one of the Café's great assets, I think.
There are at least 2 good photos of him on the Café site - www,dickscafe.com They appear under 'Events'. One is serious, standing by a painting in an exhibition, ' Artist's Reception, 17 March 2006'. The other ('Sonkran-Thai New Year 13-15 April 2007') shows his gorgeous smile - he's taken in this photo in front of a colleague and a farang in a blue shirt. The latter could be edited just to make a close-up of him. I suppose the photos are the property of the Café, but I can't think that Lucas would refuse to allow them to be reproduced, in the circumstances. Unfortunately I do not have the computer savvy to get them to this thread, but I'm sure it would be a very simple job for someone with the right skills. Poor lad! It looks like a worst-scenario case of dengue fever; which could be the fate of any of us who visit or live in Bangkok.
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Thank you very much for this information, Sextile. I have first met him in 1998 when he was still doing basic military service in Thai Navy.
Although we have never been close friends, he has always been very kind, friendly and supportive. Gave me lots of useful advice as I was very naive and lots of times recklessly stupid new arrival back then. Marked my calendar for October 14.
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-- Y'day., (14th.) evening I went to DICK'S. CAFE. - Soi Twilight, off Suriwong rd. - for Khun Boy's 'Benefit Evening.'.
- ETA.: approx. 22.50.hrs.. - All of the outdoors' tables were occupied; inside there was a three piece combo. with one of the players singing pop. Spanish songs; also some half-a-dozen diners, incl. Khun Boy's brother. - I spoke with Herr Markus who told me that MORE than 20,000.Bh. has been raised sofar, enough to move Khun Boy from a public ward into an air-cond. room and to buy an air mattress; he was hoping for a further sum from that evening. - Possibly there'll be another such evening in about three months' time? - Herr Markus asked me to thank all those of you in BKK. & the Kingdom unable to attend and from 'seas. who have kindly sent-in donations - done!
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-- Today, (17th.), I spoke with Herr Markus, Hon. Treas'r., who told me that MORE than THB.42K., (approx. GBP.679. and/or USD.1,257.), have been raised for Khun Boy's Appeal Fund., for wch. all donors are thanked. This Fund will remain OPEN for as long as judged necessary.
- Khun Boy will stay in hospital in his air-cond. room. - Amongst the items purchased is an air-mattress, wch. will help to reduce the chances of bed-sores and to rest easier, (as he is bed-bound.),.
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