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Old 21st May 2010, 11:25 PM
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 29

Does Sathorn area have electrical power.Hear it was no power Wednesday.Are Malaysia/Ibis/Pinnacle operational ?
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Old 21st May 2010, 11:33 PM
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Originally Posted by koreana View Post
Does Sathorn area have electrical power.Hear it was no power Wednesday.Are Malaysia/Ibis/Pinnacle operational ?

-- When I looked-in at the MALAYSIA HTL. a few days ago it had power, as had BABYLON SAUNA, (see my posting at the time.],.
- Y'day., (21st.], tee rak & I saw men from the Electricity Dept. at work in the BON GAI area, but don't think that that included the PINNACLE - at that time power wiring in the PINNACLE's area looked to be rather the worse for wear from the arson of the adjacent K'KORN. BANK.
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Old 22nd May 2010, 12:03 AM
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-- Today, (22nd.], forenoon tee rak & I walked to the R'PRASONG. I'sect. by way of Sarsin rd., Soi Lang Suan and S'vit. rd..
- Sofar no attempts have been made to start cleaning-up S'vit. rd.. At the isect. Soi Lang Suan & S'vit rd. were the burnt-out remains of 2x1O wheeled & red shirts' lorries..
- The I'CONN. HTL. had its staff busy washing-down the forecourt.

-- BMA. pers. & eqpt. hard at work along R'damri. rd. towards Pratunam, Rama I. rd. towards MBK. & R'damri. rd. back & twds. BTS. R'damri., (S1.],.
- Slight whisps of smoke still arising-out of the hole in the ground between ZEN TWR. & the rest of C'WORLD. - a fire-bde's. sprayer was keeping that area cool, (I was pleased to see a water-pressure of 55PSI.],.
- We walked-along the Rama I rd's. facade and noted that the fire-damage extended to just short of the large & slightly curved skywalk that connects C'WORLD. to the SkyWalk 'neath. the BTS.. We noted that most of the arson attacks - apart from ZEN - were on the other side of Rama I rd.: SIAM CINEMA & its surrounding block of shops, (Blk. 'H.'], were burnt-out completely: (SIAM SQ. between sois4. & 5. and back to soi7.]; the two blocks of shops between the SIAM CINEMA and Henri Dunant rd. suffered damage only to the shops fronting Rama I rd.. A bit farther along Rama I rd. the LIDO CINEMA was completely undamaged.
- SIAM P'GON. had its staff busy washing-down its windows and surrounding area.
- A couple of times we were stopped by the mil'y., (many of whom I noted as being of the older & MORE grizzled variety of soldiers.], and tee-rak was asked to shew his ID., whereas I was not; obviously the soldiers recognised me as being English and from a country where one is not req'd. to carry any type of state ID..

-- We walked as far as MBK. and then turned-in to SIAM SQ., where we saw the fire-damage as noted above.

-- Back on R'damri. rd. we saw that the ent'ce. to the fire-damamged ZEN. area had been barricaded CLOSED to all but those on necessary duties there - much to the loudly expressed annoyance of some media types.
- I noticed some police-officer pick-up what looked like a short & wooden club and replace it. I picked it up, saw that it was a pestle, and noting its suggestive size & shape waved it at tee-rak, much to the amusement of some of the brutal & licentious soldiery sitting near-by: ROTFWL. -
- The BMA. pers. were making good in-roads into the mess left behind by the departed red shirts.

-- We walked through the mil'y. check-point at the R'damri./Sarsin rds'. i'sect. and back to the DUSIT THANI I'sect. with no hindrance. We noted the numbers of self-employed persons who were busy collected plastic bottles, cans and other such useful objects for re-cycling. Along that stretch of the rd. most of the tentage had been taken-down so as to facilitate later clean-up.

-- Along Si Lom rd. MC.CAFE was OPEN, as were APSARA MASSAGE PARLOR, BOOTS, (by BTS. Sala Daeng, [S2.],], and O'REILLY'S IRISH HSE.. SILOM MASSAGE & NOODI had OPENED their street-doors for airing purposes.
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Old 22nd May 2010, 03:02 AM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 325

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
Along Si Lom rd. MC.CAFE was OPEN, as were APSARA MASSAGE PARLOR, BOOTS, (by BTS. Sala Daeng, [S2.],], and O'REILLY'S IRISH HSE.. SILOM MASSAGE & NOODI had OPENED their street-doors for airing purposes.
Since you seem to be the curious and ambulatory type, could you advise to the best of your knowledge whether firsthand or secondhand, the status (open/closed) of massage places a little further afield from the erstwhile contested areas, e.g.
(1) the group Indra and Prime Massage,
(2) the group along Sukhumvit - Hero, Body Club (soi 8) B&N (soi10/12),
(3) the group at Soi Convent - Adonis and Casanova,
(4) others along Silom and Surawong - Mantra, Angkor?

I should think that for these, there is no reason to remain closed, curfew hours permitting.

I believe it had been reported some months ago that Janpa on Sukhumvit Soi 13had breathed its last?
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Old 22nd May 2010, 03:15 AM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 325

I shold explain that before I wrote the earlier post, I tried calling two places, i.e.. Hero and B&N, and no one's picking up the phone. After writing the above post, I have since tried Adonis and Prime Massage, and they confirmed that they are open for business.

I find it strange that the Sukhumvit places may be closed?
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Old 22nd May 2010, 05:02 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

[QUOTE = sloot; 677356].
[i] ... .
I find it strange that the Sukhumvit places may be closed? [/ QUOTE]. [/ I].

-- Possibly it's a matter of their staff's ability to travel thither & and then back to home before either it'll become dark or the 21.hrs'. curfew?
- Equally a shortage of customers might not be all that helpful, either; INDRA. is my nearest and it is not reporting much in the way of customers for massage etc. etc..

-- Next week, with tee rak back at school, (just between us girls he's rather like a mother hen with but one chick.], I should able to travel farther afield.
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Old 22nd May 2010, 05:12 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- Today, (22nd.], a'noon. tee-rak & I walked to HUA LAMPHONG RLY. STN..
- With the news' agents in Cent'l. BKK. being CLOSED I'd hoped that BOOKAZINE in the stn. would be receiving copies of the W/E. Fin. Times., but aparently DistriThai are not delivering this week-end.

-- Walking-back we noted that it was several branches of only the BKK. Bank that had rec'd. the unwelcomed att'ns. of the malcontants. Also several 'phone.-booths had been o'turned., had their phone.-systems ripped-out or had their glazing smashed, this in the gen'l. area of the Luang Suan Church on Rama IV. rd..
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